Northern Lights Automatic Window Grow – From Seed to Harvest Beginner Guide

Link to the smoke test: Northern Lights Automatic Window Grow From Seed to Harvest in 106 Days Every step explained to make …

25 responses to “Northern Lights Automatic Window Grow – From Seed to Harvest Beginner Guide”

  1. That's good quality stuf so if u live in Canada that's around 15 dollars a gram, aka 150 dollars worth of canabis in 3 months which is a very good deal if ur like me and only smoke .5 a day. Also can you do another grow like this, but in the ground?

  2. Planted three seeds ten days ago. Germinated in that dehydrated, expandable soil tablet stuff on a small seed mat and covered. Three 🌱 seedlings. Just using the same compost shit I use in the garden for anything. Not even end of Jan. Just going to replant them in the garden once it gets warmer and 12 hrs or more daylight. Then, I’m just gonna leave them to their own devices.

    My very first grow at age 59 of OG NFC (Original Grower No Fuckin’ Clue)

  3. Hello,

    Do you reqlly need nutriments and "pure water"? If yes, what kind of brand do you use for nutriments and pure water? Your accent is making me struggle to understand as I ain't english lol

  4. Thanks for this. Most videos are super complicated and make growing seem a lot harder than it actually is. Im gonna try a run with normal potting mix and tap water and see where it gets me

  5. hallo nice video. I have a question.. how many hours light have ur plants? i want to grow auto seeds with the same method (in front of window) but im not sure for the light hours… I have read that they want 16/8 or 20/4 hours light for good harvest.i am wondering if someone can have good harvest with 13 hours. For more hours can i light with led without tent for the night?

  6. Thanks for posting this. I thought if I could successfully grow and flower award winning orchids on windowsills I could do the same with cannabis. But, after searching online and reading about the grow systems you need, lights, tents, etc I was getting discouraged. Your video put me back on track and I'm going to order some seeds and give it a try! Here's to good growing.

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