New Marijuana Study Shows Negative Long-Term Effects

A new study out of New Zealand claims that heavy marijuana use isn’t good for the socio-economic status of long-term users. But is it a fair study? Or is it shining …

24 responses to “New Marijuana Study Shows Negative Long-Term Effects”

  1. I have BPD and if it wasn't for marijuana my cuts would be a million times deeper, I would have continued to use alcohol and my grades would be terrible, I would have night terrors and wake up sweating a million times a night, I wouldn't have been able to get my sponsor for university, my mother would have committed suicide already, it actually helps me come out of paranoid states of mind. If it wasn't for using it for insomnia and feelings of paranoia and anxiety I wouldn't be able to study at a top university and become an active member of society.

  2. Ive been smoking cannabis every day for 30 years…. Now Im on my 8 week without (Im done). And seems like I have to spend a long time to recover fully. Sweating like hell each night, but the worst part is the flashes you get when trying to sleep. When you close your eyes, its like having a 100 w bulb in front of your eyes, switching on and off ultrafast. Not cool:( its draining your energy. Hope it get better soon.

  3. Of course it affects people to different extents, and some people can function relatively well when smoking. However, my personal experience after having my first joint when I was fifteen, to smoking pretty much daily until the age of 23 with a few short breaks here and there has been mostly negative. I haven't smoked in 3 months and my memory is still absolutely terrible, I have trouble remembering the most basic things as well as maintaining focus and concentration. I recently got let go from a good job in an advertising agency because I just couldn't focus enough to do the job to the necessary standard. I'd forget to carry out simple processes, I'd lose focus while working which would mean I'd get much less work done than everybody else, I 'd be antisocial and feel all foggy and hazy after smoking the night before. My motivation became non existant and every day just felt like a chore, all i wanted to do was sit at home and get high.

    After stopping, a lot of the negative aspects have gone such as feeling tired all the time and feeling like my head is in a cloud, and I definitely feel more sociable and generally more upbeat, however my memory and focus haven't improved at all and I still have a lot of "blonde moments".

    Weed is great in moderation, just don't overdo it.

  4. As a clinician you have concerns about users before they reach about age 25. Personally I'm more worried about the health concerns from drinking diet soda. Medical marijuana is a cheaper, miracle aid for those suffering depressions, chronic pain and disability.

  5. The study design itself is incapable of concluding a cause and effect relationship between cannabis use and "ending up in a lower social class". The study results could be demonstrating that those in a lower social class are more likely to use cannabis.

  6. WOW, now they're trying to make weed take the blame, for the side effects of shitty prohibition laws. New Zealand study, part funded by US government looked it up, true.

  7. Anyone who thinks that Marijuana is worse than others drugs is stupid. Anyone who thinks there are no long term side effects to Marijuana or any brain altering chemical is equally as stupid.

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