Multiple Sclerosis Vlog: Medical Marijuana Recommender

I’ve been a Medical Marijuana Recommender for three months. In this video I share my early experiences using MMJ to help people with Multiple Sclerosis.

36 responses to “Multiple Sclerosis Vlog: Medical Marijuana Recommender”

  1. I live in Australia. I found smoking could make my pain level increase and spasm. I much prefer to eat a raw bud. To get the effect sooner have a hot drink, bud for breakfast with a coffee.

  2. It's legal where I live in Maine, but doctors do not like patients using because they do not know how it interacts with other medications. I have tried it for neuropathic pain and spasiticty when all else failed, it helped tremendously. I've tried smoking it, but I have asthma and allergies so that gave me a nasty sinus infection. Never vaped or used drops. Edibles were great and worked for neuropathic pain and spasticity. However, more information needs to be done on proper dosage. In my opinion edibles are the strongest and worth the wait. A down side to edibles are the smell and dirty looks in public when people smell it on you. Yes, edibles make you smell like weed not as strong as smoking it but you will smell a little Cheech and Chong.

  3. I started using marijuana to help my symptoms about 6 years ago. I personally only medicate at night to help with sleep and occasionally once or twice during the day if I'm experiencing a very hard ms day. I was having debilitating spasms where I couldn't even move without half of my body going into a full and very painful convulsion that lasted for a few minutes at least. My preferred way to use marijuana is smoking it for a few reasons, the first reason being how quickly it works, secondly I find it so much easier to control my dose this way. I had a scary experience with and edible from a dispensary where the first few times I had taken a piece of this brownie was fine, I thought I learned my dose on it, then the last 1/4 of the brownie must have had a concentrated amount of the medicated butter and I was far, far more influenced than I had experienced with the rest of the brownie(I was only taking quarter sized pieces of the brownie)and having been a new patient I was very disoriented and thrown off. Vaping is effective and an acceptable alternative to smoking but the dosing is still harder to pinpoint and also I've noticed smoking has a superior affect on my pain than vaping even when using the same strains. I really hope marijuana is moved off of the schedule 1 list federally. Its medical use is so widely applicable and effective I feel it could help so many patients with so many different ailments.

  4. I want to share my story, but I am not fully diagnosed with MS. I am currently awaiting my approval for an MRI, my Neurologist has tested me for Sjogrens, Lupus, Amyloidosis, MS, RA, etc. I think it was like 8 tests. I had an endoscopy as well which found Eosinophilic Esophagitis. I suffer from Neuropathy pain, and a whole laundry list of symptoms. All very debilitating. I had suspected I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, because I have a very deformed curved back. I call it my hump.. and my c1 and c2 are fused together in my neck. Along with all these symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, fatigue, etc.

    Thanks to this pandemic, my normal county health department job has allowed me to work remotely at home. I’ve done this for the past year. Without it, I would be unemployed probably. My illness has progressed over the past year.. and I started smoking high thc Cannabis about two years ago.

    After I get diagnosed, I will share my full story. But I do suspect that the act of smoking cannabis may have been the early marker that pushed forward my MS to be full blown. We’ll see though. Regardless I have been smoking for the past 18 months, and I did take a three week break which was hell. I’ll share more later. 🤙🏽

  5. I’m looking for alternatives in pain treatment, but I have some serious questions related to safety of marijuana products, especially with respect to vaping.

    One problem with vaping is a lack of regulation of vape ingredients.

    My son, who was big into vaping, quit because it caused FAR MORE coughing than regular smoking.

    What about lung injury from vaping oil? (a Sep 2019 comprehensive scientific review of the effects of e-cigarettes)

  6. Cannabis helps me every day. I am not on any big pharma drugs. I started using it in 2012 for what was dx’d as fibro. I do dabs (vaped concentrate). TY for being a recommender!!

  7. Hi! Let me start by saying Thank You for making your videos. I'm still working on a diagnosis, but it's painfully obvious to everyone, we just need the right images. "Official" or not, my symptoms are still happening and this channel has become my go-to for learning about MS and how to live with it from a doctor's perspective and I LOVE that. It's like a seminar for medical laymen and I am all in.

    Given that, what I need is a layman's version of the lecture you gave about endocannabenoids. I'm not a stupid person, I just use medical marijuana, have a chronic illness and stay at home with my kids, so I just don't have the cognitive energy to be able to listen to what I am sure is a fascinating lecture, unfortunately. Could you do a video like this MMJ Recommender but about your lecture? Or do you have a transcript?

  8. Thank you doctor I am going to schedule an appointment with a doctor that can give me a medical card. I like the idea of drops under the tongue. I am retired so no work worries. Thank you very much for the great information

  9. I have been using medical cannabis for several years now so I'll add my antidotal evidence to your data. I smoke cannabis but would switch to vape if I could. It helps the spasticity and pain for sure. With cannabis I no longer need Backlofen. I mostly use sativa and find it a great way to fight chronic fatigue and mood issues. Biggest problem I have is dosing can vary dramatically between strains and even single batches. There is also a issue of tolerance which requires me to fast periodically that gives me some withdrawal irrability. I have also noticed some increased issues with short term memory and some worsening of cognitive fog at heavy doses. I have found it a net positive but feel with further research and better dosing and administration including thc/cbd ratio it could be my go to medication for me but in it's current state needs some more work to make it work long term. Thanks for the Ms content

  10. I live in Canada and have my medical Marijuana card. I take capsules and it does help me a lot. It helps me to sleep at night and helps with my constant headaches pain.

  11. Smoking my marijuana in a blunt wrap for my spasticity is my preferred method. I wish you could also talk about the different strains of marijuana. They definitely make a difference.

  12. My neurologist and pain doctor does random blood tests. I asked their opinion concerning cbd one day and I was told that they would immediately drop me as a patient if I tested positive. I was shocked that they were so hostile for me even asking the question.

  13. I am a recovering alcoholic of 20 years, and was diagnosed with MS in 2015. I have horrible neuropathic pain and spasticity in my legs and feet and my hands are now beginning to show signs of the same. Can the CBD oil help with these issues? I also have heart and lung issues, too.
    Thank you so much for your very informative videos! I’ve subscribed and look forward to watching and learning about MS.

  14. In my state you have to have a card. But you can consume any way. I prefer smoking but will eat lotion tincture and wax as well as vape. I’m old school and it also depends on the amount of thc to know how much. Micro dosing is the best for a lot of symptoms. But I wouldn’t b walking today with out it. I have been a card holder 3 years.

  15. Hi. Again many thanks for taking the time to produce the videos you have helped me a lot. I have been suffering symptoms of Ms for a long time now my main problem is pain and cramps in my legs and feet.
    I have tried lots of prescribed medications. None of which have been effective. After watching your videos covering medical marujana I decided to try, nothing to loose so I obtained some and baked some cookies. First time in years I felt lots better my legs felt better so I. Am. 100 % in support of this treatment the process is easy much better than painkillers. And I slept better too..

  16. This was very informative because I've heard amazing results but to nervous to approach. Case was made it's safer than pain pills you are on,this is a plant. Good insights,thank you!!

  17. Does anyone know about the options in Australia? I haven’t applied for a legal exemption as I don’t know how to, and I don’t want to inhale anything into my lungs. If there’s anything OTC, or available without a prescription (provided its legal lol), I’d love to hear about it 😊

  18. I have "some" experience with cannabis. And I would definitely say smoking is not the fasted way to experience the "high". Vaping takes like 30 sec to come on. You vape and your basically high straight away. Also I would definitely not recommend eating, the experience from eating is more like tripping then the relaxed smoking/vaping high. Tripping can go wrong quick, you can spiral into some weird psychotic mind states. Using edibles should only be considered when you have explored what cannabis does. I have seen eating go seriously wrong in new users. Only recommended when you want to deepen your experience with cannabis. Otherwise the psychotic mind state will deter you from ever using it again. As for the benefits on my M.S. I don't suffer severe spasticity or pain as part of my M.S. experience. Cannabis does help me relax, and my reasoning is: A relaxed mind state will bring a more relaxed immune system. I use it like my vit. D, I don't over do it even though I consider it beneficial. A little of my background: I was born and raised in Amsterdam, I consider myself quite experienced with the whole cannabis thing. It was part of me growing up, and now it's part of my M.S. experience.

  19. I am trying tinctures and capsules again, but I have not found relief yet except with a 1:1 5mg thc/cbd gummies. Unfortunately, I'm keto for seizures and bummed that the industry hasn't caught on to erithrytol for the purpose. I want to say this, having worked in the mmj industry, I find it unlikely that regulatory procedures have caught up with testing for pesticides and anything like scientific dosing: mass spectometry would not be cost effective to run on small batches. Maybe you are aware of something I'm not? If you really want to know what and how much is in your cbd product, I think you need to buy from the UK where Sativex (close to 1:1 nasal spray I believe) has been approved. I'm still curious what other cannabanoids are present in these mixes. Certain relatively low cbd strains like Blue Dream, Banana Kush (landrace not hybrid), and the orig Cotton Candy have provided incredible relief where Sour D and Soma did not. Also, my cognitive function is so wonky these days that I don't want to be high, but the thc combo does seem to provide relief for the discomfort. Wish we could isolate this more!

  20. I use edibles/pills – you can get them as low as 2.5mg per pill which is enough to dull pain but not make you so high you can't work, and then at night if I need an extra kick to get to sleep I can take a bigger 5 or 10mg pill.

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