Mindful Metal Jacket #60 – Dr. Judson Brewer

This week Joe welcomes special guest Dr. Judson Brewer. Brewer is an internationally renowned addiction psychiatrist and neuroscientist. He’s written two …

19 responses to “Mindful Metal Jacket #60 – Dr. Judson Brewer”

  1. Has there been a comic that's made a more interesting transition than this (in recent memory)? From "cum in my mouth until I gag" to having a pod where he's having meaningful conversations with intellectuals. A convo with Sam Harris seems almost inevitable, and that's hilarious & amazing at the same time.

  2. Two things, Fatty: 1) you really do have a great voice. and 2) This was a GREAT ep. Very well done. It's so nice to see you and the podcast evolving. I love the comedians that come on the show but the fact that you're getting these amazing people on the pod is incredible. Well done, Sir. I took 2 pages of notes, so this was so awesome.

  3. New fan. Like your work man. You deserve anti reflective glasses. Peace. This conversation is vital. Antidepressants aka SSRI's are proven to be placebo and to cause suicidal ideation and violence. Find Dr. Irving Kirsch. Namaste. People in recovery should NEVER be given an SSRI or benzo, especially when sober or newly sober.

    Talk therapy and steps work. No meds yo.

    Wow Joe. You outed your recovery. Bro….SSRI's are killing a.a. Slowly but surely.

  4. Best one yet, Joe. I really liked your questions, Dr. Brewer was amazing with his elaborate responses and the conversation flowed smoothly. Thanks for doing these.

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