Metastatic Breast Cancer In Remission After Standard Cancer Treatment, Cannabis & Psilocybin

Presented By: Jaime Brambilia Speaker Biography: My wife Nicole and I started our journey in the cannabis arena in 2016 when we opened a small delivery in …

5 responses to “Metastatic Breast Cancer In Remission After Standard Cancer Treatment, Cannabis & Psilocybin”

  1. My husband was diagnosed with lung carcinoma after which he had serious symptoms and complications, he had a very intense cough at the beginning which wouldn't go away, we first thought it was tuberculosis and went to the doctor and after some series of checkup and tests the doctor said there is a lump in one part of his lung like a tumor. The symptoms got worse as time went by and he start coughing out blood after some weeks which made us all got worried about him, we went to the doctor again after an appointment and the doctor said he will have to undergo a pulmonary lobectomy which is a surgical operation of the lung and the risks was so high. We did so much research about this disease and found out on a Cancer forum where people gave their reviews and so many good testimonials about a natural herbal remedy Pemtosin from Dr. Sani HERBAL HOME which cures all stages of lung cancer completely, we checked on Google and researched about this doctor DR SANI HERBAL HOME and found out he was legit and he really cures all types of Cancers after being so skeptical. We ordered his remedy and it has completely neutralized my husband's Cancer and saved his life from this horrific disease. I would highly recommend this remedy to everyone suffering from lung cancer, it works perfectly without any side effect judging from my husband’s experience. You can reach him by Email;

    WhatsApp on: +2348118184266

  2. Olen erittäin kiitollinen tohtori Rick Simpsonille siitä, että hän antoi minulle kannabisöljyä ja Rhino Hornsia täällä Amerikan yhdysvalloissa. Minulla diagnosoitiin ihosyöpä 2 vuotta ja 3 viikkoa sitten, ja siitä lähtien olen tehnyt paljon kemoa ja säteilyä, jotka eivät ole auttaneet minua, mutta vain vahingoittaneet immuunijärjestelmääni ja tekevät minusta heikon ja avuttoman. Törmäsin Phoenix Tearsiin ja olen lukenut hamppuöljystä paljon ja näin postin, jonka mukaan tohtori Rick Simpson voisi tarjota minulle kannabisöljyä, tässä osavaltiossa, otin yhteyttä häneen: tämä lääkitys, yllätyksekseni lääkitys hankittiin ja toimitettiin 48 tunnin sisällä, ja olen ollut hoidossa viimeiset 3 kuukautta. Olen nyt täällä todistamassa, että en ole enää syöpäpotilas. Minulla on kokemusta täydellisestä muutoksesta elämässäni Dr.Rick Simpson Cannabis -öljypalvelun kanssa. Alla on erityyppisiä sairauksia, jotka hän paransi

    (1) Adeniod kystinen karsinooma (2) peräaukon syöpä (okasolusyöpä) (3) aplastinen anemia (4) tyvisolukarsinooma (5) virtsarakkosyöpä (6) luusyöpä (7) aivosyöpä (8) rintasyöpä (9) Kohdunkaulan syöpä (10) paksusuolisyöpä (11) epithelioidinen hemangioendoteliooma (EHE) (12) kohdun limakalvosyöpä (13) munuaissyöpä (14) leukemia (15) liposarkooma (16) maksasyöpä (17) keuhkosyöpä (18) lymfooma (19) Lymfooma (20) Melanooma (21) Neuroblastooma (22) Munasarjasyöpä (23) Haimasyöpä (24) Parotid Sylkirauhassyöpä (25) Aivolisäkkeen kasvain (26) Eturauhassyöpä (27) Selkäydintumori (28) Squamous Cell CArcimona (29) ) Thyriod Cancer (30) Kohdun syöpä Kaikkien Amerikan alueella, Aasiassa, Euroopassa ja muualla maailmassa asuvien syöpäpotilaiden kannattaa hankkia kannabisöljyä ottamalla yhteyttä: tai verkkosivuston kautta: http: //drkrumacrumensolutionhome.tripod .com / drricksimpson / tai numero: + 1-919-364-3878

  3. I cant keep quite, i got cure by doctor ODUDU, i ordered my herbs and received it is due time, i used it as direct, its all in the video.Dr ODUDU, a herbal medicine, has been curing hundreds of HIV/AIDS ,HERPES 1-2, HPV, HEPATITIS B, CANCER,histoplasmosis, Isosporiasis ROSACEA, ALZHEIMER, ALS/MND, MS, FSHD, EDEMA, ERECTILE DYFFUSSION, CROHN'S DISEASE, DEPRESSION, , PARKINSON, LEUKEMIA ETC. patients using natural herbs. He has on countless occasion after curing patients presented lab results both positive and negative, together with the cured person.. 
    HIS WHATSAPP:+2348161126554

  4. Hello, viewers please help me thank @Dr_irabor3 who saved me from cancer virus with his Natural Herb. I will forever remain Grateful for what God use him to do in my life if you are having other similar diseases like HSV, STD, Fibroid, spiritual wife/husband, Cancer, Kidney problem, hepatitis b, Bareness, Lottery Number, and any other disease such as.
    8 HIV AIDS
    10 COURT CASE SPELL Contact him on WHATSAPP +2548158847469or Email via for similar diseases and help please share to save lives…

  5. I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America.this is the Email[] I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact him on; for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Rick Simpson at:

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