40 responses to “Medical Marijuana Harvest Drying Buds Grape Punch Indica”

  1. so i have to put the seed in the drit and water it but a light on top of it and wait 12 weeks cut the buds hang it for 3 to 5 days then smoke it wooow i hope i am right and if i am not tell me i am wrong cuz i want to grow but it seems easiy

  2. cool stuff man :p i see you're using same dehumidifier as I am :p from Conrad right? even taped the LED and all same as me 🙂 ehehe it was a good Deal.

  3. Why are there so many haters on YouTube? This is a nice grow, not everyone can grow as much as the pros! Most people are hiding it in closets and stuff, not an indoor warehouse. I'd love to see your harvest,… Haters! O you don't have any huh?… Then stfu.

  4. Those two longer stems on the right look like they yielded quite good. Looks like some tasty bud. Are those purple buds i'm seeing? Hard not to be jealous when i'm lookin as some fine ass ganja! lol

  5. those are just some clones…you gotta plant em and theyll actually make alot….its only a few months old so it hasnt even hit a growth spurt yet…plant em and give em time..then youll have hella to harvest

  6. you people dissin this guys effots are complete arseholes…who gives a fuck how much he has, it's his crop and he's obviously proud of whatever his yield is!

  7. i have some outdoor plants, and i can't hang it out like that to dry because of my living conditions, yes i'm in high school and still live with my moms, lol. what can i do to dry it?

  8. Dude, whats that song called? Its dope man! Argh! I wanna grow soo bad, but Im so noob at this shit, I wanna learn, all I know how to do is smoke it and waste money!

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