Medical Marijuana Drops for Nausea and Pain

I got a medical marijuana product. It’s tinctures or drops that you put under your tongue. I use marijuana for my chronic pain and nausea caused by my …

17 responses to “Medical Marijuana Drops for Nausea and Pain”

  1. Marijuana has never fully taken away my pain. What it seems to do for me is cause a disconnect in my brain so I don’t seem to feel the pain so much. This makes it so I can function or sleep with less pain.

  2. And my state medicinal marijuana which I can get only comes in a smoked form like to Joy that's no good for me cuz I got asthma. I heard you mentioning about you get yours and drops of oil is there a recipe for making it in tea so I can absorb it that way and or in making it into drops where it doesn't compromise the destructive pain-killing benefits are you aware of any recipes that you could pass along to me thanks

  3. I just started the MMJ program here in NJ, just within the first week of it now. Haven't found the tincture dose that works for me yet lol. Fingers crossed it helps with pain and I can lower my dose of pain meds (4 herniated discs, arthritis, they suspect HSD). Super glad it helps for you, even if it's not a huge difference. Anything helps right? 😊

  4. We are med mar legal here in NJ too, and I'm eligible but I've had horrible reactions to the smoking kind. I've never tried any edibles or tinctures since my mast cell gives me such insane reactions to everything under the sun. Including the sun lol.

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