Medical Marijuana: Cure For Cancer Denied To The Poor; Prescribing Drs. Threatened By DEA

Marijuana has been proven time and again to shrink cancerous tumors dramatically, and one study – in addition to mountains of anecdotal evidence and the …

48 responses to “Medical Marijuana: Cure For Cancer Denied To The Poor; Prescribing Drs. Threatened By DEA”

  1. 'no man can come unto the lord lest he is drawn' real salvation is god given no man can deside to become a christain that free will and the god of the bible says we can not…he gets his own .'all whom the father has given me will come'… a born again christain i use medical weed for r arthritis it works !!!!! what preacher would stake his rep on preaching against opium plant???? NONE…..medicine from god for the right time of pain same for cannabis just tooooo much propaganda….we are sinners as a born again christain i dont get bad trips ANY more on weed like i used to!!!!!!! i have no more fear of satan death hell these things ruin the hell bound sinners mind -well mine anyway…..but i will say this sometimes the sin nature is made more aware when on it ….but to be honest that happens at the turn of a thought straight anyway …remamber run all prohibitionists out of town VOTE VOTE VOTE

  2. Bobby you need to find strains that have high CBD levels, they can provide the same medical benefits with out the psychoactive effect, if your wife feels uncomfortable felling high

    i just prayed for your wife & i hope she will be able to get access to cannabis for her illness  

  3. I am so sorry you have to make that choice. If I thought dog poop would save me or a loved one I would be all over it. I just wouldn't care what the doctor or politician that makes the laws say.

  4. THE "American way" is based on oppression.
    join a labor union and poor people will not be kept down any more.
    call it socialism if you like.  just do it.
    why should one rich yank wipe his ass with poorer ones?
    because the poorer one lets him … that is why.
    spread the good news … labour unionism FREES the blue collars.

  5. That's the point.if we use the syrup for free or cheap .who is going to by the cancer medicines
    And think how many unemployed drug dealers are going to b out of work.its a joke ..the dealers are catch and let free after a big fine or simple caution ..ask y ?

  6. I'm in Washington State were a bit better hear when it comes to getting both pain meds and mmj. Im on both and haven't had any troubles except since Im on SSI I cant afford my meds towares the end of the month so I feel you. Bless and One love

  7. I live in Wisconsin and this is about the most negative state there is when it comes to marijuana 100% illegal.But i started using it about a year ago for chronic pain and depression and i have never found anything that works as awesome as pot and as long as i can find it i will use it legal or not its about a better qaulity of life it just sucks that were im at its hard to find a honest dealer around my area….

  8. I live in Wisconsin and this is about the most negative state there is when it comes to marijuana 100% illegal.But i started using it about a year ago for chronic pain and depression and i have never found anything that works as awesome as pot and as long as i can find it i will use it legal or not its about a better qaulity of life it just sucks that were im at its hard to find a honest dealer around my area….

  9. Bobby, Listen to Tony Pantelleresco tonight (Saturdays) on The Micro Effect Network, an online radio program. It is from 8pm-10pm every week. It is interactive and you can question him per phone call or chat. He is a brilliant herbalist out of Windsor, Ontario. He also has a you-tube channel, but for sure check out his radio program. He will give you great advice. I am sure he will advise: no grains whatsoever (they have become poisons with what they are spraying/hybrids etc) no sugars other than stevia or xyletol or pure raw honey, distilled or reverse osmosis water only, That is just for starters….but he is also thoughtful to people who can't afford to throw money away and will advise affordable options if at all possible. God Bless you and your wife.

  10. I think this was the second plant God put on this earth and i'm not by myself in this way of thinking.He put it hear for health of human kind.All the people mind you.The Jews in Israel think this to.They don't think it should be smoke just for enjoyment though.

  11. Exactly!! Everyone move here to Washington state. Recreational pot is legal here guys!! I have a medical card and grow my own, 15 plants is a good amount for each person

  12. Everyone needs to grow, if we all grow it, how can THEY stop it? It's the best medicine in the world and this is why it is 'illegal'. Learn how to make it, learn how to grow it. Hey bobby, those cancer orgs are corrupt. We have the cure, sending money to those orgs is giving your money to criminals. Cannabis oil is the BEST medicine in the world, for ALL ailments.

  13. bobby is still demonizing the plant either out of ignorance or he has an agenda. It protects the brain cells, does not damage them. If you smoke it alters the way your brain messages, it does not cause damage. Those who smoke too much, are abusing and will not be productive. ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM, it's science, STOP THE IGNORANCE.

  14. So because 1 guy says that jesus told him to cut down the plants…oh the mighty demon plant….give me a break. hey whats with the hand sign at… looks very deliberate, that is mason garbage and so is your little symbol in the bottom right corner…I smell a rat, you don't pass the sniff test, bob.

  15. To hear Tim explain it, it was because he had allowed marijuana to take over his life. God wanted him off the couch. I don't think he meant that abstinence was the answer for everyone or he (Tim) would have said that.

  16. You don't necessarily need the oil (though I think it's best for your situation), instead you can eat the leaves in salad and make tea from the leaves. If its legal in your area you could easily get leaf for free or a reasonable price (I'm guessing).

    Approach the cancer from multiple angles, there is no magic bullet that will solve the problem.

    It isn't just what you put in that stops it, but what you STOP putting in, as in unhealthy food and unhealthy external products (shampoo, soap, etc.)

  17. I don't think you really mean that you are a socialist. Socialism is a cancer to American, once people start to get free hand out, the rest of use lose our freedom. This is want Romney was trying to say about 47%. Are you for Obamacare?

  18. Hi Bobby, is it possible that you can get a medical marijuana card and grow it for her as her caretaker? The caretaker card costs $100.00 and I believe is good for a year, I think. If not, there are many caretakers that still have room for patients, that I'm sure would make this oil for you.
    Just trying to help. 🙂

  19. Privilages and Immun clause = the States war for your business by outdoing each other in liberties! It also says people in Colorado can bring weed to any state!

    The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

  20. Jesus does not judge you on what you choose to eat, drink or put into your body! The biblical diet etc has been abrogated by Christ! Naturally, that must not be abused. Is God's creation not better than sth manufactured by pharma for a profit and deliberately keeps people sick so they keep coming back for more synthetic drugs? Remember what Jesus did at the Temple! He hated those making profit at the expense of the people. I hope this helps!

  21. Hemp oil, Turmeric, curry, baking soda all natural cancer healing herbs they don't want us to know about, our GOD CREATER GAVE US THESE HERBS, I'VE BEEN USING EM ALL, FEEL BETTER BUT STILL SICK, BETTER THEN PHARMACY CRAP, GOD BLESS

  22. And the Buddha was said to fast for 6 years on hemp seeds only. Grow your plant and recreate the Buddha's fast legally according to God(ama's) LAW not the imposter demon kings law!

  23. All the ingredients for the Old Testament "Holy Anointing Oil" including the marijuana, are found only in North India. The Buddhist monastic code prescribes weed bath (sauna of sana or canna) and Herodotus says the Scythians threw bricks under a tent a gathered to-get-her (MarryJane). Hemp seeds are very high in biologically available protein


  24. Do I have to live in a state with legal medical or recreational marijuana to order from you, I am on disability for the next 3 years to get 4 knee surgeries. I am missing 1Acl, and 2Mcls, and a multitude of other knee destructions, I'm told I'm too young for complete artificial knee replacement and have been taking opiates and other pain medicines for knee pain for the past decade, and would love to switch to marijuana

  25. I don't think that was his point. This is what God wanted HIM to do, because he was just sitting around on his couch all day wasting his life.

    God put marijuana on this planet for a purpose and I'm pretty sure that He's not going to punish you for using it. But like many things, MJ use, alcohol, gambling, sex, risk-taking for the adrenaline rush, etc., people who have an addictive personality can let it run their lives. When something becomes more important than the Lord, we run into problems.

  26. I saw that $300 a week figure this morning in an article about a 5-year-old boy with a seizure disorder. That's insane, equivalent to our ENTIRE disability income. So that is our choice: Medicine OR rent, food, utilities, and every other dang thing that doesn't fall free from the sky,

    While I might lean Conservative on most issues, I'm a total Socialist when it comes to healthcare. I think it should be free, with the same level of care available to everyone from bums to Congressmen.

  27. There are a lot of caregivers who will not charge their patients anything. Groups of growers combine their excess to supply meds to those who can not afford to buy it.

  28. Cannabis was banned cause it was free cheap and cured just about anything. It was in direct compitition with big pharma and Rockefeller funded medical associations. Check out medicinal cannabis from the 1800s, search "Medical Cannabis Antiques Unwrapped".

  29. P.S Anyway, the monkeys were inhaling 30 joints per day with no oxygen whatsoever, i mean anyone could die with marijuana or anything else, like a flowers perfume, if doesnt recieves oxygen

  30. Under ground Bobby! My old friend Russell Means passed last year with cancer and had it beat, ever thing that worked was un conventional, yah he passed to a better place but he proved that it can be cured and they don't want us to know it! His death IMHO is for all of us to learn the old ways. Russell used to say; Hello My Relatives! To you I say; Peace My Relative, look at what our creator has given us and not what man has made. Howling at the Moon. (Made by our Creator)

  31. Marijuana actually does not kill brain cells. Originally scientists made this test nearly in the 60's, on mokeys. They were giving the monkeys the amount of 30 joints p/day, in masks. They covered its mouths and noses with the mask, so they weren't giving any oxygen to the mokeys. The lack of oxygen kills brain cells, so when they did the autopsy to the animals , who by the way died in a week or so, all they found was dead brain cells. NOT because of marijuana but because of the lack of oxygen

  32. I don't know what to do. I'm a Christian, but weed is the only thing that helps to keep me calm and the only thing that puts me in a good mood. I have even been diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder. They put me on lithium but it does no good. And I still go off in rages if I don't get any weed. I think it's unfair if God punishes me for smoking weed.

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