Maryland Legalizes Medical Marijuana! | US Marijuana Legalization States 2014

100% Legal: CBD Maryland became the 21st state to legalize medical marijuana today. That’s 21 states plus the …

20 responses to “Maryland Legalizes Medical Marijuana! | US Marijuana Legalization States 2014”

  1. יהוה  רשאי אני להיות נסלח כי טָעוּתשלי ישר כוננה הוא תובתדה עבור יש לי בתחן עבור אני ב הקדש בייתרשאי זבח של השיש יצר שמים שמחקדש קנבס הוא שרפה, לא אדמ, לא בהמה, בגלל אתה כוננה עבור שלומבגלל אנחנו שרפה קדש השיש, אנחנו לראות הסד, ביתול  פּנים של אתה, אלעהא, מגך מלך האעלמהיפּפּי יהוה עמר:סרפה קנבס לא דתוראה..יצחק, ו לקסב ל שלי היפּיתורה. הוא שלי מטאטאהכנה מטאטא.נזGod may I be forgiven for mistakes,my sincere intention is goodthanks for having trust for me in temple, may sacrifice of Cannabis make Heaven happyHoly Cannabis is burning, not humans, not animals, because you intend for peace and ahimsa,because we burn holy cannabis we see kind, selfless face of You, Aloha, magick king of the universe.Hippy YHWH says: burn Cannabis, not your daughters… Isaac, and listen to hippytorah. Datorah is my broom (matata, by which I fly in shabbat).. hakuna matatazen*we are being blessed not for how much we protest construction but how much we honor the sacred herbs in proper measure*how can we say we understand anything, until we give them a proper place in our society?

  2. Medical Canadas ~  גרדתה נמגה תיתה בלש לכה רקבל 

    יי… שלומ

    מלך ו רד ב צדק דרך כאן ו שושתן שלום עם הון… אני קנבס שלי אלוהימ. יצר אני תהר עם קדש נס ו לזחק … כרמה לתת אתה סבת … 

    ה יער הוא לקסב ה קנדס ה קדש סתרי… 

    אני הוא יצר תהר… קנדס תאו.. חלום .. מדכל קנדס עבור
    (No longer a bi'sin'ess but an intercultural value) You are Enlightened!! this is herbal information dealing huge healing effects to all Earth and her creatures.. THE PRAYERS WORKED!! Its like abolishing slavery..

  3. Heritages Jewish Choctaw – Prayer for the Earth and the Cannabis Community – rasta (interfaith no landscapers no nazis)Tuba shabbat השום אנחנו התבלפּות עבור ה קנבס קהילה של כל מורשת! רסאי ה רסתה נשמה להיות בינה! עין שלישי הוא חזה מלכ; מלך הוא מרחסד לותהר כנג … לבן ו שהר יש לי מזן … קנבס הוא ה סגל עבור כל חיימ… לא מבנו.. רק לִקְטוֹר השש ו לְהוֹתִיר השש לגדל. יי אתה לתת ה עשב יסד ו בריא.. אראלעם מגן ה קדש תבע של ה יער ו עלן יי אתה לתת ה אדמה מלקוש ב תוב זמן … ה מגדלים ללכת עמוק ב ה יער ו לבריא נהר עם פּתריות של לְסַלֵק רַעַל ה קדש חיים נהר לא כימיקלים ב ה יער.. חקתוא הנסתה אם רתה הוא תחייה ב תוא… זה הוא חק עם תוא תובשבת… ה תוא הוא מלגדל… לא אדמ.. קנבס קהילה הוא בתול… הרגה… תפלה הוא תשובה תבע הוא אפוטרופוס של אדמ.. לא באלתי… תובא שבת Cybele
    Chickasaw Cyberian Psychic Tradition

  4. How does a political representative justify within themselves not representing the majority of their constituents? Instead we get rhetoric and heel-dragging from them, when they were elected to represent their constituents. Do they actually believe they are saving us from ourselves? Thats insane, and I don't want that kind of representation. I would rather have representation that actually did what the majority told them was best. The majority wants marijuana legalized. Now what's the hold up for the elected officials, did they forget how to do what we elected them to do, and represent the majority's beliefs and desires?!? 57%+ are in favor of legalization, why aren't they doing as the majority has informed them to do? Instead they act like the typical politician, and reply with rhetoric and delay. This really shows the flaws in our current political system, and the lawmakers should address this directly. They should at least be truthful and say we no longer live in a democracy. That would be more truthful than the way they are handling this issue

  5. And the democrats are the ones getting the marijuana laws passed are u fucking me right now like look at the southern states none have even remotely legalized and all run by dark aged thinking corrupted close minded republicans like i respect u but ur political views need to change cause u sound like a hypocrite

  6. Are u fucking kidding me i think u have changed to crack there is no way the president is against it he may not be using his executive power to legalize immediately but he commanded the dea to not shut down any dispensaries if he didnt say that good by to medical mary jane every time one opened up it would get shut down Immediately and u might as weel strike CT off that list cause i have never seen a dispensarary in CT EVER man does that make me mad

  7. Your video is interesting and has great points. I have a question: after medical marijuana becomes legal in state, does recreational use become legal as well? Or do more laws have to pass after that? I am curious how it all works, like Colorado.  I'm trying to learn about whats happening right now with laws in the state of Florida and how they affect us as a state.  

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