More than two-thirds of cancer patients who were prescribed medical marijuana to combat pain are reportedly satisfied with the treatment. The study – conducted …
8 responses to “Marijuana to cancer patients”
@DaSnipy Ok, i researched this .. 11 Delta tetra hydro canabinnol is the active ingredient relelased by liver after 15 to 20 mins. This comes from plant called Cannabis India or the weed plant. This chemical is 1) Non addictive 2) Neuro stabilizer [ prevents seizures ] 3) Anti psychotic 4) Claimed anti cancerous 5) Broncho dialator [ relives attack of asthma 6) cures glaucoma or raised eyeball pressure. THIS SHIT IS HOLY ! =D .. now help me find a starter bud plz =/
@Sledge00000 teach me stuff .. how to decide whats good marijuana and whats bad ? should it be green or yellowish .. should it be wet or dry ? should it have seeds or not ? what part of the whole plant is good ? i want to start.
@DaSnipy Ok, i researched this .. 11 Delta tetra hydro canabinnol is the active ingredient relelased by liver after 15 to 20 mins. This comes from plant called Cannabis India or the weed plant. This chemical is 1) Non addictive 2) Neuro stabilizer [ prevents seizures ] 3) Anti psychotic 4) Claimed anti cancerous 5) Broncho dialator [ relives attack of asthma 6) cures glaucoma or raised eyeball pressure. THIS SHIT IS HOLY ! =D .. now help me find a starter bud plz =/
@DaSnipy Just check out videos here on youtube and you'll learn what a good bud looks like in no time 😉
@Sledge00000 teach me stuff .. how to decide whats good marijuana and whats bad ? should it be green or yellowish .. should it be wet or dry ? should it have seeds or not ? what part of the whole plant is good ? i want to start.
me like marijuane …me puff puff
I would like marijuana cannabidiol for my psychosis instead of the nasty drugs they give me here.
If he can stow that bullshit and swallow his pride like any other sensible person would do, then that could be manageable.
Good if it can allow reduced opiate usage.