Marijuana Legalization Wins Big in Elections, Is Federal Decriminalization Next?

The push for reform of marijuana laws sweeps the nation as Gallup poll shows 58% of Americans support legalization See more videos:

19 responses to “Marijuana Legalization Wins Big in Elections, Is Federal Decriminalization Next?”

  1. My name is Shane Knight and I live in a small town in western kentucky. I
    have had anxiety and panic attacks since I was 21, I am 33 now. That is
    12 years that i have suffered from this and I am about at the end of my
    ropes. I have taken so many different kinds of meds, all of which I had
    side affects from, and I have been put in two mental hospitals because
    of such side affects. I have smoked marijuana in the past because i
    heard that it would help and it totally stopped my panic attacks all
    together. I don't use marijuana because it is illegal. So I just sit
    home WITH OUT A JOB! because I cannot go out in public. I can't go to a
    store or just ride down the road without having a panic attack. All of
    this because I am now scared to take anymore meds that may be perscribed
    to me for the fear that I will once again have side affects, more so I
    am scared of ending up in another mental hospital. We must get this to
    go through, until then I will have to suffer and my family also suffers,
    I have two children and my wife. My wife is the only one able to work
    because of this. Please lets get something done, so people like me can
    life a normal life. Thank You

  2. How does a political representative justify within themselves not representing the majority of their constituents? Instead we get rhetoric and heel-dragging from them, when they were elected to represent their constituents. Do they actually believe they are saving us from ourselves? Thats insane, and I don't want that kind of representation. I would rather have representation that actually did what the majority told them was best. The majority wants marijuana legalized. Now what's the hold up for the elected officials, did they forget how to do what we elected them to do, and represent the majority's beliefs and desires?!? 57%+ are in favor of legalization, why aren't they doing as the majority has informed them to do? Instead they act like the typical politician, and reply with rhetoric and delay. This really shows the flaws in our current political system, and the lawmakers should address this directly. They should at least be truthful and say we no longer live in a democracy. That would be more truthful than the way they are handling this issue

  3. I am writing as your constituent in the 5th Congressional district of Tennessee.   I support H.R.2306 – Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011, and am tracking it using, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.

    I know the most recent action for this bill is as follows: "Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security." on Aug 25, 2011

    This bill has been assigned to  the House Energy and Commerce committee.

    This bill has been assigned to  the House Judiciary committee.

    This bill has been assigned to  the House Energy and Commerce – Health committee.

    This bill has been assigned to  the House Judiciary – Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security committee.

    94% of users on, a free, non-partisan resource, support H.R.2306.

    H.R.2306 has been viewed 52,708 times on, a free, non-partisan resource.

    Here's a summary from

    Amends the Controlled Substances Act so that marijuana would no longer be considered a scheduled drug, allowing states to establish their own laws and regulations. All federal penalties for production, distribution and possession of the drug would be repealed. The only federal authority that would remain would be prevention of marijuana traveling over state borders in violation of the individual states' laws. 

    I know that the organization National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws supports H.R.2306

    I know that the organization Families Against Mandatory Minimums supports H.R.2306

    I know that the organization Women's Marijuana Movement supports H.R.2306

    I know that the organization supports H.R.2306

    specifically, this section of the legislation: "To limit the application of Federal laws to the distribution and consumption of marihuana, and for other purposes.",

    specifically, this section of the legislation: "‘(a) Prohibition on Certain Shipping or Transportation- This Act shall not apply to marihuana, except that it shall be unlawful only to ship or transport, in any manner or by any means whatsoever, marihuana, from one State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, into any other State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or from any foreign country into any State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, when such marihuana is intended, by any person interested therein, to be received, possessed, sold, or in any manner used, either in the original package or otherwise, in violation of any law of such State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof.",

    As noted by FreeRoamer, a user on, on June 24, 2011, "Kudos to Barney Frank, Ron Paul, and the other congressmen brave enough to publicly support this bill.

    Legalize marijuana!"

    As noted by fluffymetal, a user on, on July 01, 2011, ""If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." – Thomas Jefferson "

    As noted by EgadsNo, a user on, on June 27, 2011, "Remember this republicans, the elderly are the largest supporters of medical marijuana.  Not only do almost all of them have something pot can help them with- but they vote.   Young parents are predominantly who is against marijuana reform.  The real youth are irrelevant- they dont vote.

    Every elderly person has a disease that medical marijuana can help them with- and they almost all know of someone good who has been screwed over by laws against it.  They almost all know someone who is using it that swears by it, this masquerade is ending-  there is ample scientific evidence to support this bill, it has even been paid for by the US FED.

    Dont end up looking like a fool by spouting rhetoric that everyone knows is lies.  Help this bill pass and be regarded as heroes."

    As noted by NotSoCrazyNews on June 17, 2012, "Bill Summary & Status – 112th Congress (2011 – 2012) – H.R.2306 – Cosponsors – THOMAS (Library of Congress). Posted on 2012/06/17 by NotSoCrazyNews · Original post on → Comments on → …" (/url?q=

    As noted by City News Service on June 05, 2012, "I'm not sure you're correct regarding Reps. Barney Frank and Ron Paul's HR 2306. Last I read, the bill sits in committee where “Rep. Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said his panel will not take up the …" (/url?q=

    As noted by Melissa Bynes Brooks, MBA, RPSGT, CRT on April 29, 2012, "Open Congress for the 112th United States Congress (2012). H.R.2306- Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011. Retrieved April 29, 2012, from Phillips, A." (/url?q=

    As noted by The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions on October 19, 2012, "…conservation, renewable energy, and greenhouse gas reduction. Sponsor: Rep Michael M. Honda [D-CA] (introduced 4/2/2009). H.R.2306: National Climate Service Act of 2009 This bill would require the Secretary of Commerce to establish a National Climate Se" (

    As noted by Daily Paul on October 12, 2012, "…legislation currently pending. However, federal law and state laws are in conflict and will remain so until such legislation as H.R. 2306 or future legislation just like it is passed. This is a state's rights issue and it's time for the federal governme" (

    As noted by News Tribune on July 06, 2012, "H.R. 2306 — Decriminalizes marijuana. Filed June 23, 2011, by U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.). S. 2272 — Changes the name of Alaska’s Mt. McKinley (for former president William McKinley) to Mt. Denali. Filed March 29, 2012, by U.S. Sen. Lisa …" (

    This is the full information I have compiled. I hope that you will read every word, and understand what is at stake here:

    yankee2 • 2 years ago−

    Of course, "that marijuana causes mental illness" is just ANOTHER in a long list of plausible (but false) arguments for its prohibition. Others are that it causes cancer, automobile accidents and violence. NONE of these claims are supported by evidence. There IS no such evidence!

    One would think that after almost 75 years of prohibition, and after spending as much as $50Bn each year (over $1Tn altogether) in an attempt to enforce it, that the Drug War establishment would have some concrete proof that marijuana is even marginally harmful. The truth is, it has no such evidence.

    Not only is there no scientific evidence that marijuana use causes cancer, there is no evidence that it causes ANY disease more serious than bronchitis, and then only in the heaviest users. Not only that, but more than one responsible, university-based scientific study has found what appears to be a protective effect against at least some cancers. Not only do pot smokers get fewer cancers than non-pot smokers, but tobacco users, who also smoke pot, have lower incidences of cancer than tobacco users who DON'T smoke pot.

    Although it may seem counter intuitive to some, because smoking tobacco causes several serious, lethal diseases, that pot would, too – but marijuana is an entirely different case. For one thing, pot smokers inhale much less smoke than cigarette smokers do, apparently below a threshold, only above which most disease occurs. For another, marijuana contains tars, but a different mix of tars which may not be as tumorgenic as those in tobacco. Thirdly, if some element in marijuana actually INHIBITS some (or possibly MANY) cancers, the tumorgenic effects of tar may be negated or even REVERSED, such that pot smokers get fewer cancers than non-users. It may in fact be true that people who smoke pot are actually HEALTHIER, all things considered, than people who don't.

    It also seems logical that INTOXICATION, by ANY substance, would increase the incidence of traffic accidents, but again that is a false conclusion. What if a substance made a person feel high, but also increased attention, concentration and care, without actually affecting judgment or motor skills significantly? That is, in fact the case with marijuana.

    The US DOT, in 1993 did a study of the effect of THC on driving performance (before it was called upon to support the official position on the harmfulness of drugs), which concluded, in very clear terms, that THC intoxication did NOT significantly increase the incidence of traffic accidents. It stated that (and I paraphrase) "Drivers under the influence of alcohol underestimate their impairment, fail to compensate effectively, and cause more accidents. Drivers under the influence of THC, on the other hand, tend to OVERESTIMATE their impairment, compensate effectively (e.g. by driving more slowly and carefully), leading to a REDUCTION in traffic accidents." The study stated flatly that it is safe to study these effects on the open road, in the presence of normal traffic, and even suggested that drivers under the influence of THC might drive MORE SAFELY THAN DRIVERS NOT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY DRUG!

    'As for marijuana causing mental illness, THAT may be convenient simply because is associated with the NORMAL behavior of youth, which includes high exuberance, showing off, discovering their sexualities, trying to SHOCK their parents (into recognizing them as independent entities), and generally acting wildly, relative to the rest of us. Backward, conservative types have ALWAYS criticized these NORMAL behaviors of youth, which they have attributed to a wide range of causes, rarely if ever reflecting the truth of the matter – that they are simply the NORMAL behaviors of youth experiencing independence for the first time, cutting free from their parents, and establishing their own identities. Now, of course, prohibitionists find it very convenient to try to pin NORMAL youthful behavior on the drug they oppose.

    Smoking pot is IN FACT one of the most benign, pleasurable things a person can do. That it has been so besieged by flagrant lies and propaganda, not to mention millions of arrests, felony convictions, hundreds of thousands of imprisonments, and millions of lives virtually destroyed, simply does not make ANY sense.

    The prohibition of marijuana is a clear case of a lucrative "cure" being INFINITELY worse than the so-called "disease."

    the links:



    Pot smoking increased %1000 in the 60's, but schizophrenia levels did not increase. There is your proof. All propaganda against Marijuana is just that – propaganda and lies.

    This link says :"

    Other studies reinforcing Earleywine’s ‘self-medication’ theory include a 2008 study published in the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing which found that schizophrenics typically report using cannabis to reduce anxiety and “improve their mental state.” Marijuana use has also been associated with clinically objective benefits in some schizophrenics. Recently, a 2010 report in the journal Schizophrenia Research found that schizophrenic patients with a history of cannabis use demonstrate higher levels of cognitive performance compared to nonusers. Researchers in that study concluded, “The results of the present analysis suggest that (cannabis use) in patients with SZ (schizophrenia) is associated with better performance on measures of processing speed and verbal skills. These data are consistent with prior reports indicating that SZ patients with a history of (cannabis use) have less severe cognitive deficits than SZ patients without comorbid (cannabis use).”

    A 2011 meta-analysis published online by the journal Schizophrenia Research also affirmed that schizophrenics with a history of cannabis use demonstrate “superior neurocognitive performance” compared to non-users. Investigators at the University of Toronto, Institute of Medical Sciences reviewed eight separate studies assessing the impact of marijuana consumption on cognition, executive function, learning, and working memory in schizophrenic subjects. Researchers determined that the results of each of the performance measurements suggested “superior cognitive functioning in cannabis-using patients as compared to non-using patients.”

    40 Examples of definitions to describe the article titled "Marijuana legalization":
    1. Lie: to make an untrue statement with the intent to decieve
    2. Canard: an unsubstantiated story or report
    3. Deceit: a deceptive statement
    4. Deception: A statement or action intended to mislead
    5. Distortion: a deviation from the true meaning, or an overstatement of proportion
    6. Equivocation: a misleading or confusing statement based on the possibility of differing interpretations
    7. Exaggeration: an overstatement or overemphasis
    8. Fable: a fictitious statement or story, in the sense of something made up to explain or justify an unmerited action or state of affairs
    9. Fabrication: a made-up fact or incident
    10. Fairy tale: a misleading story, especially a simplistic one that would not be expected to deceive anyone
    11. Fallacy: a deceptive or erroneous statement; also, a false idea or a flawed argument
    12. Falsehood: something untrue or inaccurate
    13. Falsification: an alteration of facts in order to deceive
    14. Falsity (see falsehood)
    15. Fib: a simple, perhaps transparent lie
    16. Fiction: an invented statement or story
    17. Half-truth: a statement with some basis in truth that nevertheless serves to deceive
    18. Humbug: a false, deceptive, or nonsensical statement
    19. Invention: a statement crafted to deceive
    20. Jive: a deceptive, insincere, or nonsensical statement
    21. Libel: a written or similarly presented lie that defames a person
    23. Mendacity: an act of lying
    23. Misconception: a poor understanding, perhaps deliberate, of a fact
    24. Misinformation: a purported fact presented with the intent to deceive
    25. Misinterpretation: a deviation from the facts or from a reasonable analysis of them
    26. Misreport: an inaccurate account
    27. Misrepresentation: an erroneous or unfair interpretation of facts
    28. Misstatement: an inaccurate or erroneous comment
    29. Myth: a perpetuated notion, belief, or tradition that is suspect or unfounded
    30. Obliquity: a deviation from the truth to obscure or confuse
    31. Perjury: a lie presented under oath
    32. Pose: a false or deceptive position or self-representation
    33. Pretense: an unsupported claim, an insincere purpose or intention, or a superficial effort
    34. Prevarication: a deviation from the truth
    35. Slander: an injuriously false statement about a person
    36. Story: a lie, or a rumor
    37. Tale: a false representation
    38. Taradiddle: nonsense (also, see fib)
    39. Untruth: a deviation from truth or the facts
    40. Whopper: an outsized lie
    Facts don't lie, scheming politicians, lawyers, law enforcement, big pharmaceuticals, big oil, big plastic, privatized prisons, big tobacco, big alcohol, the rehabilitation industry, the Federal Government, and non smokers do!

     Cash Rothschild
    Jem 24 Lyrics

  4. "People United for Medical Marijuana" in Florida are working hard on getting marijuana on the ballot for 2014. If any out-of-state Americans want to help us out down here in South Florida we will greatly appreciate it. Congratulations to all the states who got their medical marijuana legalized!

  5. In Chicago they impound ur car & charge up to $1,500.00 to get it out, or they auction it off. Sometimes for somethin as simple as not dumping the ashtray. You don't have to be in the actual act of smoking, or driving. If they can smell it ur going to jail. & (most of the time) you can cancel getting to work n the morn. Then, once ur boss finds out…….. its kinda like ur in prison, even if ur not.

  6. In Canada the Liberal Party has it in their platform to legalize pot. This is not some back woods party. They are in all likelihood going to form the next Canadian government. These laws are antiquated and simply need to be changed. 

  7. Prohibition created a nightmare of a problem. Prohibition is the wrong solution for a drug problem. Education is the right solution. No more funding of the cartels. Stop the tide of mindless violence. It is easier to get weed in middle schools and high schools than to get alcohol. Why? When was the last time you saw an alcohol dealer on the corner? Stop prohibition, it did more damage than the actual drugs.

  8. It will happen pretty much just like repeal of alcohol prohibition.
    What, we the people will force the hand of the all mighty government industrial complex.

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