Marijuana Kills Kids Apparently, and a Tennessee Lawmaker Wants to PERMANENTLY Block Legalization

Marijuana Kills Kids Apparently, and a Tennessee Lawmaker Wants to Permanently Block Legalization Limiting THC might become a trend for policymakers, …

40 responses to “Marijuana Kills Kids Apparently, and a Tennessee Lawmaker Wants to PERMANENTLY Block Legalization”

  1. Check where his money is coming from. The pharmaceutical companies the DEA, and the private prisons are keeping it illegal. The Opioid crisis is a myth, it is a heroin and fentanyl crisis.

  2. Trumpers actually made delta 8 completely legal across the USA. Had they been given time they would have made it completely legal. Also people of color are not pulled over because they’re dark it’s all lies but they are lies you want to believe in which will get you exiled within the next ten years. I think the lawyer needs pulled over and thrown in jail for claiming he is white if he were white he wouldn’t fight white peoples or believe in the lies taught today. He isn’t white and needs treated as such 😂🤣😂 believe me people of color stand out in jail because there just very rarely put in jail. You need to realize this so I wish you get a years sentence to discover who is in jail and who isn’t.

    You know what else is a rarity for me now a days is going into a buisness or store and finding that white people are working there majority is of color and are mostly foreign so it’s the opposite of what you guys preach daily. They’re trying to steal America as they stole other countries from the English. The English own America no one else we no longer own England haven’t since we were invaded over a thousand years ago.

  3. Love show , great info👍
    Im looking for any new on FL. Personal use thc? I have a sister living there , she is getting the run a round ?? ($400) for med. Card ? Sounds funny.
    But I live in Ca. So no problems for me.
    Can you please point me in the right direction? Thanks for doing your show 🤘🤘

  4. The people in Tn want it legal, its the cops and politicians that are still acting like its crack. Remember Nashville saying they are decriminalizing…bullshit, its up to the cops discretion,,my buddy got arrested for a joint recently,,,nothing has changed here in Tn,,,,they still act like weed is crack…i am baffled at the ignorance. Im tired of being disabled or crippled for the rest of my life for serving to fight for a false freedom. Rediculous.

  5. I live in Tennessee and I don’t know a single person against legalization. These politicians are on their own agendas and not representing “we the people”. Such bullshit. They should be removed from office for restricting American Freedoms!

  6. omg with the trump bullshit. lol you guys would rather start new wars fucking done with the stupid liberal bullshit in the cannabis industry. the most intolerant, tolerant people in the world. lol have fun with the tax hike fucking tards. you know it's hard to be an ancap in the cannabis industry with all the liberal hate. lol trumpers forget Americas a thing? that tells me you are uninformed, with extreme cognitive disonace because America is the thing trump was fighting for unlike you liberal fucks who love the open borders. see your dumb thought process you think the guy who actually helped America and Americans don't know about America fuck these stupid fucks. you think Biden knows about America and Americans when he killed 50k jobs within a week and killed America's energy independence? uniformed fuckktards

  7. I smoke cannabis everyday. Just stating this. Hope weed is just called weed and freed. Stop legalizing decriminalizing illegalizing. so people like this dont start propheting too. Just leave it alone let people grow it and smoke and eat it. Whatta Mata yous

  8. Vote him out! Vote him out! Vote him out! -Rep. Brandon Ogles needs and intervention. I think his oxycontin use is finally becoming and issue to public health.

    Unfortunately his children will get hooked on spice and have seizers, gets hooked xans and dope and expire as those type that reject cannabis often do.

    Embrace the weed or face consequences (from kharma) imagine having cancer and they won't let you sip on light cannabis vapor because there's a politician getting his picked stuffed by perdue

  9. Nebraska is a prison State it's an industry fact.nebraska is flooded with all products from Colorado fact.thanks Colorado the medical blue dream is like so relaxing great job.

  10. Soz but I love showing these figures…Excessive alcohol use is responsible for more than 95,000 deaths in the United States each year, or 261 deaths per day

  11. These show there were 5460 deaths related to alcohol specific causes registered between January and September 2020 in England alone—a 16.4% increase compared with the same nine month period in 2019 (4689 deaths)

  12. I would love to say to all them"alcohol is band now"..can you imagine the up roar..cannabis doesn't lead to other drugs as they say the gateway drug,,it leads to fking carpentry,on how I made another chillum/bong and other smoking utensils..I'd rather have my kids at home in a safe place having a moke with his friends playing his xbox rather then on the streets drinking alcohol being a big pain in the arse to the public..

  13. Talk about "think of the children" bullshit, aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc… are "potentially accessible" to children and they will easily die by taking/eating too many.

  14. The term "Drug" has an negative connotation attached and social stigma driven perception. They are molecules that have psychotropic/psychoactive effects, there's nothing inherently "evil" about molecules nor is it inherently "immoral" to consume such molecules.

  15. Of course kids smoking pot when pharmaceutical companies want to put them put on adderall and ritalin,, Get them hooked on pharmaceuticals so they grow up with stimulant abuse troubles not something they can grow themselves,, Tobacco killed more people than covid last year, and its still readily available.. You are more likely to die from monster energy drinks than cannabis. The media is can be as damaging than toxic waste,, "

  16. I love cannabis, but I think what this means is cannabis has the history experience of depersonalizing certain individuals or it has been shown to demotivated kids to stay in school, maybe it was metaphor for let our kids grow up first. But still doesnt make sense because if sold to 21 yr old then how would the kids get it. Exactly back to yalls point. Like, really…"kill"? I dont think so

  17. The just Razon for a just Description …erase all Ignorance …weed non toxic ,you willsafe stay Extremely Denigration Respect and respet to Medican Cientifical and Response to Concientizated Poblation …is very inmoral description respect and respond to responsly manage to medicine administration and Special Manipulation ….is ABSOLUTE ABSURD AND INCOERENT AND IRRESPONSLY ACTITUDE OFF GREATH IGNORANCE!!

  18. The people who block any votes on legislation of weed in Kentucky are in the CBD business and afraid it will hurt their businesses. So as long as this guy is in office it will never come to the floor for a vote.

  19. 59:15 Cmon Miggy, if you really understood Cannabis, you would know that Hemp and Marijuana (Weed) come from the same exact Cannabis plant. Smells are different due to years of genetic improvements and curing process. “Weed” back then used to smell like how Hemp does today.

  20. Hey guys just a tip so you don’t alienate a useful part of your viewing audience. Not all republicans are the enemy. I myself am a pro cannabis legalization, pro gay rights, pro 2A republican. Every time I hear you refer to “Trumpers” or republicans in a negative way it kind of sounds like you don’t want our support. I’m not a “Trumper” but I am a republican and I don’t feel like it should automatically condemn me to being one of those people. Love the content and keep up the good fight.

  21. Countries that do not Arrest doctors for treating sick people with plants use cannabis oils as treatments —– For Kids . known as Full extract cannabis oil ( FECO/ RSO) . infants babies with inoperable brain cancers and spinal column issues . look up – phyyocannabinoid therapies in Israel . how cannabis plant heals is based on how it metabolizes

  22. My friends, I am a Christian and from Tennessee. I am also a disabled military veteran that works with disabled veterans (PTSD mostly). Most of my friends and associates are firmly for legalization. Gentlemen, I would suggest it would be better for you to make alliances with pro-legalization Christians instead of grouping all into a lump of non-thinking flesh.
    If I allowed them to, the VA would have me on multiple psychotropic drugs all clearly black box labeled "May cause suicidal or homicidal idealization and hallucinations" (for pain?). They hand them out like candy and then pretend to wonder why 22 veterans per day kill themselves. I know from personal experience that cannabis works much better.
    My purpose is to provide you with a weapon to combat ignorance thinly disguised as Christianity. Ready?
    If God created the universe and everything in it and says in Genesis that every herb bearing seed is to us as meat (sustenance) to call cannabis evil is to say God made a mistake. That in Christian parlance is called blasphemy. It is the reason that before the advent of big pharma/big government, in the apex of Christian influence a person could walk into an apothecary and purchase cannabis or it's extracts even, opiates for pain. 19th century Christians knew that making vice illegal created a much worse evil; black markets. My how things changed in the 20th century.
    Gentlemen, I leave it to you to incorporate the fact there are many pro-legalization Christians. Keep up the good work dudes.

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