Marijuana, Intoxication, DWI, and Breathalyzers

How do breathalyzers work? And will there ever be a breathalyzer for marijuana? As pot has become legal in several states, law enforcement has sought a method to detect marijuana use in drivers….

33 responses to “Marijuana, Intoxication, DWI, and Breathalyzers”

  1. Would love to see an episode on drug tests for jobs. I'm sure there's a lot to say about whether they serve any purpose and their accuracy, and I'd certainly like to know about the efficacy of the myriad things people try to fool these tests.

  2. So let me get this straight you guys are legalizing something to illegalize it?? The breathalyzer makes zero sense at all and should be decriminalize 100% so we can all move forward in life already. I've honestly seen zero affect in zero effect in my driving let alone seen it be that bad on anyone else at that time. You either have to be a bad driver or just plain fucking stupid๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Again thanks for wasting taxpayers money enough here ladies and gentlemen prove me wrong.

  3. Mouthwash is a terrible idea, it contains alcohol. Glad this was covered. Here is an idea for a pot test: Ask them to solve the question of life. If they try to answer that without immediately demanding clarification, they are probably high.

  4. If there were sensors in every car to automatically detect impaired driving, the information could just contact the police to pull you over.

    Oh shit did I just make a really complicated problem retardedly simple. Sorry

  5. ngl, my first thought on the book was "Oh, look, another health care 'expert' touting a particular diet based on sketchy data. Now if someone would write an evidence-based book, like, you know if Aaron …. wait…"

  6. From what I've come across in news paper articles, a number of law enforcement agencies already know that these breathalyzers for THC are going to be. I really hope that some state/local/federal official doesn't get taken in by the "promise" of these measures and demand their usage.

  7. It seem reasonable that we shouldn't care about anything but impairment: whether alcohol, pot, fatigueโ€”or old ageโ€”with a combination of pupillar response and simulation, it should be pretty easy to make something robust. But this will never happen, especially because we live in a de facto gerontocracy. There is no way the elderly will legislate against their own driving rights, regardless of the danger they may pose.

  8. Nice anecdote Aaron…
    I was eating breakfast, thanks for those graphics of disgusting intoxication….

    Can I only (pre-)order your book on Amazon? I have no credit card, don't need one and have no use for a debt generator.
    I would really like to check out the book though and this isn't the first book I couldn't buy because it's solely on Amazon :'(

  9. In Norway its illegal to drive impaired, doesn't matter if its alcohol, weed, meds, sick or just tired, I only mention it because your last comment seems to indicate that people were OK if they were found to be impaired but the police couldn't find drugs in your blood.

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