4 responses to “Marijuana Health Report”

  1. Would men's health serve a marijuana using sports athletic community? Would they have a Men's Health Cannabis Contributor to put new details/ reports/ real life experience out on camera for the smoker who trains/works out? Maybe they should send me a message to talk. I'm just saying though.

  2. This is stupid as fuck.
    I've seen countless videos of cannabis instantly stopping Parkinson's, and my grandma herself nearly eliminated her breast cancer by strictly using only the plant.
    As for me, weed in low doses helps me concentrate tremendously, helps me sleep 10x better, reduces my anxiety and depression, and helps me eat well.
    I'm sick of the 'studies' which try to down play how beneficial cannabis can be. I'm sure the pharmaceutical industry is just simply terrified of the legalization of it, and try to release this false information.

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