Marijuana Detox – it’s no fucking joke

I am never going to be one of those people who “recovers” and then wags their finger at people who continue to imbibe – in my experience, we’re all gonna do what we’re gonna do. But, when you…

31 responses to “Marijuana Detox – it’s no fucking joke”

  1. Been prescribed adderall for years, & I’m able to take breaks every weekend / really whenever I feel like it, and don’t experience any side effects besides wanting to sleep and be lazy.

  2. thc is not “reupped.” that is not how it works. try antihistamines. they will help a lot with the anxiety and sleeplessness. valerian root tea also works fantastic for good sleep. also embrace the emotions coming out! weed numbs you- embrace that you can feel your feelings! also it is very much psychological- if you embrace the joy of your new freedom and know you are now free, you will feel a LOT better. let go of doubt.

  3. I’m 5 days in and I have cold sweats at night. Can’t sleep more than 2hr before I wake up feeling like something is wrong. I feel like something else is wrong with me but that might be the anxiety or paranoia… I pray and worship more and I try to put as much nutrients in me but it’s really hard to eat anything without feeling nauseous. Sometimes I will feel pain in my stomach and back, also weirdly enough in my chest area… I do feel my heart rate is elevated but it’s not debilitating. This sucks and is hard but by Gods grace a whole new life is before me… thank you for your video it helped a 14 year marijuana addict.

  4. I’m on week 2 after 35 years of smoking mariguana is no joke the night sweet and the horrible dreams not popping well , pain on the body, anxiety filing horrible I say to my self everything is going to be great God is with me my Salvador 🙏❤️

  5. I did it a few times, is the worse thing ever giving up your addiction, I did it twice on cold turkey, now I’m doing it again, started yesterday, I’m sweating like crazy, no sleep well, but at this time I’m on 15mg anti depressive, cuz my anxiety, good luck and good will be with you

  6. First day tomorrow, I took the last hit this mornning , my tollerance is so high that i smoke 10 grams in 3-4 days , only in bongs! I cant spend so much money and it doesnt feel healthy , im very anxious , i smoke for 15 years , the last 5 ive been a heavy smoker , mornning noon and night , always high, always ): shit i have a feeling hell is on my way ):

  7. im currently entering day 25. finding stopping quite easy in terms of cravings – but getting a LOT of freaky ear ringing, head buzzes and wierd body feelings. either like ive been speeding or ive been drugged a bit as the thc gets released from my fat cells. hoping it decreases soon.

  8. 40 years old. Day 7 sober, been smoking daily since I was 16. Heavy depression, hard to concentrate, night sweats, sleep issues, aching bones, stiff neck, and a feeling like the early stages of the flu. Went 45 days clean about a year ago. Should have never started back. don’t wanna go back to smoking.

  9. I stopped last year for 2 month. Got back in with stoner friends and it got worse than ever. I've bot smoked since yesterday afternoon. It's the nausea that has me at the moment. 36, no career, hardly any friends and I suspect I have underlying depression. Enough!

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