Marijuana and Spirituality (Does Pot/Weed/Cannabis Enhance Spirituality?) – Teal Swan

The number one benefit of cannabis is that it helps people to release resistance. By affecting the brain like it does, it inhibits the brain from focusing on and …

35 responses to “Marijuana and Spirituality (Does Pot/Weed/Cannabis Enhance Spirituality?) – Teal Swan”

  1. Honestly, I think I have to stop smoking weed. I’m addicted to because it helps me sleep at night and makes me numb when I’m in pain or too much stress. I have anxiety and insomnia. But I like being sober too. I like myself when I’m sober, I even look better. Why I’m not strong enough to quit weed? I don’t know. I quit cigarettes like it was nothing! I always saw weed as being my friend, which is insane actually but very true. I think weed taught me many things but also took a lot from me. My ambitions, goals, productivity… I seriously need to stop running from my life because of my fear of failing.

    Thank you for your videos Teal 🙏

  2. Thank you for this, Teal. It's so true. I experimented with many drugs and used pot many times in my late teens and twenties. I concluded 2 decades ago exactly what you are saying here. It just feels so much more fulfilling to find that happy and peaceful state organically. That being said, I also agree that it should not be illegal. Free will is a powerful force and must not be interfered with lightly. God gave us free will because she intended us to have it, not be stripped of it.

  3. I only feel good smoking when I’m alone and it actually makes me productive in some way but makes me neglect other aspects. When I smoke with people I feel their energy so loudly as an empath and psychic it’s really hard for me and I end up feeling bad

  4. Warning: the consequence of the interaction of pot and most prescription drugs are not known, and tend to be an ambulatory cocktail according to emergency room Doctors, who have no known treatment for the interaction themselves. Take care what prescriptions you use with pot.

  5. Everything in balance is at the end of the day what I feel like is the safest way to approach things during your spiritual awakening. One can go completely insane with everyone's idea of what we're SUPPOSED to and NOT SUPPOSED to do or believe in. Be the best person you can be every day and don't subject yourself to negative energy and be happy with knowing that our creator loves you and that we are here to experience this lifetime and be happy doing it.

  6. Thank you so much for this video deal change my life I quit smoking today it doesn't thank you so much for this video feel change my life I quit smoking today that doesn't serve me any longer thank you. Now you understand why I was feeling the way I was feeling, powerless

  7. Cannabis from what I've seen creates not a sense of oneness, nor opening but restricting. I've seen many people getting really bad anxiety issues through cannabis.

  8. the joke is that I'm depressed since childhood, tried to commit suicide 5 times and when I get cannabis (what happens very rarely) all I feel is paranoia, I feel my auric field, energies and its densities, entities and as if I would black out, you're telling me that despite my horrible life I hold a high vibration, even higher than a medicinal plant? WTF how is that even possible?

  9. Idk why people are saying weed is a bad drug. In the worse times in my life weed changed me into a happy spiritual person. Weed runs off of your beliefs. If you see weed as a loving an good plant that helps you that's all you'll experience. If all you get from it is paranoia or bad experiences that means your not in love with yourself. The plant only enhances what your feeling. You can't lie to this plant. If your a negative person your gonna experience way more negativity. That's why people are tryna make this plant out to he bad. Once you form a belief that this plant is bad it'll always be bad an that's a fact. Its YOU that can make this plant good. You can't go off what other people say because everyone has a different type of energy vibration.

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