Light Cycles for Growing Cannabis, Fully Explained

Light cycles for growing cannabis are important when growing cannabis indoors. In this video, we explain what are light cycles, why growers use them, and …

46 responses to “Light Cycles for Growing Cannabis, Fully Explained”

  1. I was really wanting to know about this exact subject thank you. I have autos going into flower. And 3 are being females not in flower so I don't know what to do. What, maybe just leave it alone? šŸ¤”

  2. will also consider co-investors wishing to join Crowdgrow participants. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the medicinal Cannabis industry with small capital and low risk. has operations in the kingdom of Lesotho. with international off-take buyers. Get returns in excess of 25% whilst contributing to education and upliftment of the people in the kingdom of Lesotho.

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  3. Will i fuck my plants up if i change my seedlings lights to led blue lights from regular yellow light. Will they be confused or will they automatically adapt to the blue light since its better

  4. I dont understand why light leak matters what about when they begin to flower outside. I once threw some seeds in some shitty ass dirt and a plant grew and that plant was the best plant that I ever seen. All indigo black with orange hairs and about 3 ft tall

  5. I had to settle for 14 : 10 for my autoflowers because of the noise the tent makes and since they are in my bedroom, 14:10. First time growing and starting out with seeds from Grower's Choice Seeds. So I don't know, these plants I have grow tiny buds so far and never got to any height!

  6. Got 1 seed stuck it in bog peat… now , 10 weeks later of treating it like a baby itā€™s 3ft and bursting with buds.. and I only used 3 Aldi LED lights.. 12-12.. so far so good…

  7. Jesus effing Christ hahah I'm literally living in the Equator at 10000ft above sea level. This helped me a lot you have no idea. Thanks for your time making this videos

  8. I live in the tropics, about 15 degrees north of the Equator. We get pretty much 12/12. My question is: Although we have 12/12, There is ALWAYS some light at night via the moon, and as such the actual light depends on the cycle of the moon; from almost zero to almost semi daylight. So there is no ABSOLUTE, 100% darkness. In the northern part of the country there are hundreds if not thousands of Cannabis plants growing naturally, with pretty good yields. So is it REALLY necessary to have absolute darkness?

  9. Can someone please tell me why everyone is so against seeds in your plant? If youre not a commercial producer, wouldnt seeds mean wouldnt have to buy from a seedbank? If the seeds are rly that bad, why not do one run, grab a shit load of seeds, then get back to a regular schedule? I just honestly dont see the problem with free seeds… šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

  10. should run the AC when lights are on (8pm to 2pm currently as im in veg)?
    Also when im on a 12h light cycle in flower would it be better to run my lights from 8 in the morning till 8 in the evening as my TS3000 doesnt add much heat to the tent. (My reason for this…because if i use my AC in the tent i can bring the temp down as low as 22c when the light is on) so then at night when the light is off its at a stable 25c.

    Or is it better to run my lights at night and have lights off in the day when it is the hottest? (My only worry with this is my temp would be cooler when lights are on and hotter throughout the day when they are off)

  11. at the start of this vid,,,, first thing that came to mind was, and i'm sure everyone has seen the funny animal / wildlife vid,,

    DAY TIME,,, NIGHT TIME,,,,,,,, DAY TIME,,, NIGHT TIME, that black bird,, funny af LOL

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