Let's Talk About Sin – Carter Conlon

To submit a prayer request, visit Sin began in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Are you fighting against it in the power of the …

7 responses to “Let's Talk About Sin – Carter Conlon”

  1. I’m sorry sir I mean no offense by what I’m saying but I think you guys should play the Original Watchmen of our generation Dave Wilkersons old sermons and just sit down and watch them with the rest of us!! As far as I’m concerned him and Derek Prince are the only ones preaching the Lord Jesus Christ and they are both dead!!! I also suggest that you stop playing the heretic songs of hillsong and bethel music and only sing songs from the Bible scripture songs and songs that are for Jesus because most of not all these songs have been written by the spirit of the world and not the Holy Spirit and they are filled with the Khudalini spirit of the earth and Satan so that is what you need to be warning of how evil the earth is and how God Almighty’s design for mankind has been removed from the earth and He has turned the earth upside down Isaiah 24:1!! We need to prepare and make way for the Lord!!! Jesus is coming soon,, you can’t change your children’s genders and think our Creator is ok with that?!! And that’s just what is in open it’s even shameful to speak of what they do in secret and it’s unimaginable!!! Teach your people about their enemy and the wolves that are now running the church!!! This is the great apostasy and the Black Awakening!! Trust me I’ve been witnessing a lot of demonic things going on over the earth the veil is very thin it’s almost opened completely!!! Better get prepared for the Dark entities that are coming out and the persecution and pain like never before PRAY FOR WISDOM!!!!

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