38 responses to “Legalizing Marijuana: Costs vs Benefits”

  1. Recently legalized alcohol? You idiot. Alcohol was legalized before yer momma was born. Look at the millions of lives it's destroyed and the death toll that comes with it. And its still legal?

  2. Looks like the police chief, while articulate, is only interested in justifying his job. He is part of a dying breed, those screaming about the evils of pot……he probably shows the 1930's film "Reefer Madness" to anyone who listens to his nonsense.

  3. Look like law enforcement is grasping at straw to keep status quo , locking people up for personal choice to smoke a joint ….. If parent were educated about cannabis they could avoid the hospital trip realizing they're child isn't in any physical health damage …. After they ate a brownie that made them schiz out for a moment or two …. Worked the er and this is alwYs thar case some kid not realizing edible has stronger effect , they are sent home with NO treatment ….. But a big bill so signing in … And a room full of nurses doctors and other laughing

  4. There are still people going blind from trying the whiskeys they make.I've kept my fibro from stopping my work by using the extracts of cannabis.My doctor has asked me for the last three years if I wanted any pain killers and I laughed and told him I had a pain killer that's not going to hurt me in the long run.Fibro sucks in a big way but you don't have to stop working if you use the right thing to keep it down and I honestly think it's healing me.Before I started taking the medicine my fingers would swell up at night and my arthritic knee would swell twice a week to the point I couldn't walk.All this has disappeared and it's like I have a new lease on life again.I haven't used any prescription drugs in thirty years and i'm not starting now when natural is much better.If you don't believe me ask the doctors in Israel since they have done the research for us for the last 51 years.I'd say that's long enough to know if something is going to help or hurt don't you think.

  5. Wtf? Weed far outstripping alcohol as cause for adolescent emergency room visits..? I dunno, that sounds kind of patently ridiculous, but I'll reserve judgement.
    As for addiction… Come on, son. Addicted to weed? You think that's going to be a massive social cost?

  6. I've never met a grey haired, suit wearing former hippie with a moustache that is not a former weed smoker or who still smokes weed. The asshole bitching about legalizing it probably grows it in his back yard or he is a cop or CIA dick who helps to introduce it in the inner cities so they have a consumer base to make their criminal profits while at the same time hiding behind a badge and acting morally upstanding. When in reality you hear about 20 police chiefs per yr that are drug ring leaders.

  7. I like to teach the world to suck a "Big Fat Bong Hit" I love to teach the world to toke in perfect harmony…I love to see joints, bongs & pipes glowing like the sun… I love to buy the world a toke to keep it company… It's the real thing…smokin' joints every day…big bong hits you say smokin' grass is the wayyyy! It's the real thing. In the summer time a pipe load is so fine…tokin' weed so sublime, makes me wanna sing… It's the real thing… makes me wanna sing, It's the real thing!

  8. Like the high price everything else in society… the price of Grass is just to high. Back in the 60's, 70's & 80's good pot was cheaper than alcohol. As a matter fact Pot was the cheapest drug there was way back then. I mean common folks… Pot's become a "RICH MAN'S DRUG" ! and why! Because in our capatilistic society if theres m$ney that can be made on anything you know who's gonna slap a big fat price tag on it. Oh well… as the old adage goes "capatilism at it's best".

  9. To all the anti-cannabis "Christians" out there–"The Lord hath created medicines out of the Earth and he that is wise shall not reject them"–Ecclesiasticus 38:4 (King James Bible-apocrypha) CANNABIS OIL IS QUITE LIKELY THE CURE FOR CANCER!! Every unbiased research study done has confirmed that not only does cannabis oil treat the symptoms and alleviates pain, it is quite likely THE CURE FOR CANCER!! PEACE!!

  10. I do agree but pot should be legalized for the sole reason that it is our (not sure what country your from so forgive me if you aren't from the U.S) right to make our own choices so long as it doesn't effect others in a negative way.

  11. That statistic about social cost is a very decieving statistic because what the government doesn't tell you is that 97 percent of all people in rehab for cannabis use are there not by choice. When a person is caught in possession of marijuana they usually receive two choices rehab of some sort or something like 30 days in jail. Now what would you choose jail or counseling which is very costly indeed.

  12. Yet another person making an argument that doesn't make any sense at all. He speaks of the health costs of alcohol and tobacco, then uses that as a reason as to why we shouldn't legalize marijuana. Hey dumbass… marijuana isn't tobacco grown with radioactive fertilizer and it's not alcohol that kills 85,000/yr in the U.S. from JUST CONSUMING IT. Also you're a liar. Cannabis has not passed alcohol in ER visits. You should be ashamed of yourself. And embarrassed.

  13. But, No one has ever dies. While back some time ago they did a 20year experiement they choose Thounsands of people to smoke 1 joint a day and 20 years later no proof of any being harmed, And the ones that dig cigs, had lung problems and so on.

  14. One joint is equal to ten cigarettes. Dont believe me? Empty out a cigarette and pack the empty smoke full of weed and smoke it with the filter on. Watch how black the filter goes withing five draws. Cigs are only worse because of HOW MUCH we consumer a day.

  15. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllll shit no one ever has died from marijuana its self…. Its what u choose to do on it…Still no one has died, it does not harm you. Cigs Harm u 10times faster than pot.

  16. Weed will be legalized when all the oil is used up… At least the states who own oil deposits wont legalize before the oil is gone… Because who would buy somthing that destroys the enviroment when you can buy somthing made from a plant that helps the enviroment instead…

  17. Everything is addictive… Cutting your skin with a knife can be addictive, spitting can be addictive, having toilet paper in your pocket can be addictive, picking your nose can be addictive…

  18. Another shining example of someone who has never smoked. Time to enjoy what grows out of the earth and open your life up to a wonderful new experience. And the best part is…. pot is HARMLESS! 🙂 So enjoy!

  19. Who the fuck says were going to "Abuse" weed? What fucking right does somebody have to tell me im not allowed to put something in my body? I dont need a fucking hall monitor, I need a stable government that allows the progression of a substance that helped found this country. We dont need for people to be wasting their time on subjects as trivial as."Should we Make plants legal?" America is a great country but it lacks a sense of legitamate morality. Theres no reason to make the earth illegal.

  20. Love it. That was awesome. I love when the state and federal government try to argue the fact of marijuana being a negative impact on our society young and old, And every time they do they get put right in there place because the truth of the matter is we all know the government has been lying to us all these years in regards to the fact. We now know that Marijuana is safer than any prescription drug, Cigarettes, Alcohol,Our food,drinking water etc. And it cures cancer. GO FIGURE 🙂

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