11 responses to “Legalize Marijuana in Wisconsin”

  1. There is no significant evidence that Crime rates go up along with the legalization of recreational cannabis. This shouldn't be a partisan issue in the US. Montana, a red state under the control of republican legislators voted to legalize cannabis. There is no reason wisconsin shouldn't do the same to help boost our economy and allow people access to medicine they need.

  2. They won't legalize it here, not for at least another 5-10 years or possibly more , state legislatures have their heads up their ass and they overpower the will of the people and the say of the governor, they'll just call Mr.Evers "Stoney Tony" and continue to mock the guy for attempting to make progress

  3. Wisconsin growns some of the Best Ginseng in the world, so you know our soil is the Best for Cannabis, But our Gerrymandered legislators refuse to vote on Laws for seniors or anybody else, please send help 2021๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿพ

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