Legalize being Black in America: My Raw Thoughts on Whats Happening.

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48 responses to “Legalize being Black in America: My Raw Thoughts on Whats Happening.”

  1. Erin, this episode on your channel broke my heart and keeps coming back into my brain and haunting me. I just wanted to give you a big hug when I saw this. I am truly sorry for your pain. So many times I have seen these stories on the news like George Floyd's story and so many others and said to myself and out loud " I seriously can not see this kind of thing happen even one more time,!" Yet it keeps happening. I hope this all means there will finally be some change. I will continue to vote and support the cause and hope we can cause some change.

  2. I know this video is old but I just saw it a few minutes ago. Well actually I didn't finish it yet cause I had to stop crying again. I swear I feel the same way. Even now I'm trying to finish your video without crying and it's hard.

  3. Late to this. Hope you’re self caring & soaking in some of the victories (various places defunding police, removing police from schools….). Personally, I’m making it a duty to share nothing that doesn’t include an action (& nothing with violence that doesn’t also include a buffer warning), changing what my IG & FB timelines look like so that I can remain actively part of the movement, donating regularly to bail funds & charities that support ALL Black lives, uplifting real progressives in primaries, and reading. “Racism as Zoological Witchcraft: A Guide to Getting Out” & “How to Be an Antiracist” (both are Black vegan authors) are what I’m now reading, with “Stamped from the Beginning” & “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” are on deck. – Black joy is a protest in itself. Much love.

  4. Sister earth I feel your pain, we all do. Understand that you don't know who you are due to colonization. They took everything away from us we are lost black people with YouTube to tell us our history that was never thought to us until now. We wasn't asked to be born but we're here now what? It's annoying it's a shame that because I'm black I can't drive late at night I can't walk into a store without being followed, I can't jog in a neighborhood without being killed who are we? Are we some alien from another planet? Are you feces that comes out of the human body? What? They protest yet it's gonna be the same. We will continue to die and be killed for their pleasure. Why their pleasure because I guess it feels good to kill someone who's nothing like you but are we different? I come to you with love and understanding, my beautiful sister. It's about to get worse because behind all this blood and tears there's a rainbow at the end of this struggle that will lead us into a new world of peace and love. Hatred is from lack of education and knowledge but now they know what they did and their trying to fix it. Years ago we was raped lynched and not allowed to eat sleep or even breath. Well today my sister is a new day and you fought already by making this beautiful video. I love you all please come together and show your ancestors (Caucasian) that you will no longer do what they did because we are all one ✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 ♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🏾🙏🏾💪🏾🌹🌱

  5. My feelings during the time of protesting and riots… I was numb and confused. I understand/agree with peaceful protest and I get it people are angry that what stems the riots. But what are we to do when laws are made to hurt us. I’ve said several times that the constitution wasn’t written for people of color, they never expected our people to rise up from degradation…yet you see rioting and looting, then once again we’re labeled as animals, criminals, etc! It’s been so much hatred displayed after the death of George Floyd that I deactivated my Facebook page. I’m not against law enforcement because I work at the Sheriffs office in Houston, Texas, yet the killings have to stop!!! I have a son, nephews, and cousins that could’ve been in the same position…I don’t know what to do or say. Not everyone in blue are bad cops, but when you constantly see black men /women die at the hands of cops and NOTHING is being done to correct the problem…what can you do!? Although the protesting has stopped and no one is talking about the subject, I’m still numb and confused. Nothing has changed 😢

  6. I think for people that aren’t sure what to do, they should connect with other folks in their community to talk about what the problem looks like where they’re at. In a lot of cities people are pushing their elected officials to move more of the city or statewide budgets into services people need to have healthier & safer communities (employment programs for youth & adults, affordable housing, education, libraries, parks & rec, homeless services, mental health services, etc). Police take up a HUGE chunk of most city budgets & it could be spent on things that help to stabilize communities which will make them safer. Check out to see the actual policy demands that people are pushing for. The frustration & confusion & hopelessness is so real, but please know there are Black folks out here pushing for real solutions that can transform our communities & the country as a whole. Much love to you 💗

  7. I’ve spent a lot of time watching your channel the past few years, being a cheerleader for you, sharing your videos with my circle of people. The least you could do, even for a stranger on the street – let alone one of your supporters, is to review the causes of the most important issues facing us today, and the very reason you’re crying. And yet you totally ignored everything I shared. Your only reply was that Young Pharoah cusses too much for you to listen. Seriously? The man is literally risking his life for you, me, all of us – but you can’t be bothered to even hear him and the rest out. I sent you others who don’t “cuss,” like Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum, but you ignored. Why? I think I figured it out. You, and too many others, don’t want to know the truth or see things change. You’re more comfortable blaming a make-believe boogey man for our problems. You’re more comfortable staying enslaved on the plantation they built for us. Shame on you for not having the integrity to at least hear out the messages of our modern-day Dr Kings.

    I have to unsubscribe because I can’t support someone who not only doesn’t want to know the truth about what’s really going on and why we’re still enslaved, but doesn’t have the common courtesy and decency to show reciprocal support for someone who has supported you for a long time, never asking anything in return. You’d rather cry on your channel about how nothing will ever change instead of hearing out the heroes in our community who are changing things. You missed an amazing chance, not only to discover the truth about this nightmare but to share that truth with others. You illustrate the very reason why it’s taking so long for us to see real change, which leaders like Young Pharoah, Candace Owens, Brandon Tatum, Tony Montaga and others are fighting for despite the apathy and ignorance of people like you. Shameful.

  8. I have been crying too. I broke down during a work meeting. Everyone was just going on as business as usual. I just could not take it anymore. A mom in our city had just lost their son. The police shot the unarmed young man in the face. When I found out that the mom was my nurse who helped me through a scary time, I just lost it. She explained what they did to her baby. I have a black son a black grandson 3 black daughters. My white friends in the meeting reached out to me and was like what can we do. I told them to start being mindful of what they say and do; how they act. Don't assume nothing like this will show up in their backyard. I have white friends with black children and family members. Those children are black and they will know they are black no matter how they walk talk or act. No matter where they go to school no matter who their parents are no matter who their friends are they are black. I cried so more. My boss asked me if I wanted to take the conversation off line. I said no, everyone needs to hear this. My heart was so heavy. I felt so drained after the cry. I felt so vulnerable but so what I was tired of the white privilege that is just thrown around like a beach ball. Look up Dreasjon Reed in Indianapolis. So sad…. I do not know what to do. Peace and love.

  9. You are a BEEEEEEautiful, gorgeous woman. I support you, and appreciate everything you have to say. I can you imagine you are afraid…. I am meditating. I am sending prayers. I love you, you are not alone.

  10. when you talked about position, i think that is very important. not everyone's job is to be on the front lines. I'm glad you are willing to put up your money. when you said we can't go back to africa i felt that.

  11. I am so sorry, so sorry, so sorry. Our country is so full of evil. What happened to Mr. Floyd was evil, it makes me sick, makes me want to throw up all throughout the day, each & every day. I am so sorry for all of the excruciating pain & unthinkable suffering Mr. Floyd went through at the hands of all 4 of those bad cops. I hope they all receive the most severe of punishment possible. There was NO EXCUSE for what happened. NONE!!! I am so sorry for Mr. Floyd’s family. I want to shout on the rooftops, “This is 2020!!! This is 2020!!! …Way back in history, slavery was absolutely evil, so wrong, so very wicked….the civil unrest that came later in the 50’s & 60’s had to unfortunately take place to set the whole record straight. A fair record. Equal freedoms & justice for ALL. Come on people!! FOR ALL!!! I really thought we Americans had come so far after that…had learned so much from grave errors, had learned, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!” Not everyone has difficulty w/ this. I taught my children to have respect for everyone & treat others in a way that they (my children) would want to be treated, too. Set a good & nice example, love one another, be peace makers, and embrace & enjoy & learn from the differences of ALL people. My children grew up having friends from a lot of different ethnic backgrounds & they enjoyed these friendships, learned from their friends, and still have many of these friends today. Life is so much easier & so much more enjoyable when we just enjoy one another. There is so much everybody has to share that we can personally use to better each of our lives if we JUST LISTEN TO ONE ANOTHER, accept one another, enjoy one another. LIFE IS TOO SHORT. Life can be so much better than all this stuff right now. Besides an immediate need to purge our police departments of EVIL cops & cops that put the badge on for the wrong reasons, we must get rid of the hate & prejudice way of thinking. God made people. So what if there are different skin colors. That’s a beautiful thing! God made people in His image. People are people! Due to a lack of parents teaching the above serious principles of life to their children “from DAY ONE,” then the school systems MUST incorporate curriculum for ALL grade levels beginning w/ & including preschoolers to teach LOVE , ACCEPTANCE, and HOW TO GET ALONG OTHERS. I believe school systems should have one day a week, yes every week, that is set aside for ethnic celebration day, to celebrate cultures & how interesting it is to learn from others about all facets of their lives. We must begin now to raise a different culture of students. The pre-school age will grow up w/ the correct & peaceful philosophy of getting along, celebrating each other, and benefiting from the learning of the cultural differences. My prayers will continue to be with the Floyd family, Americans & their children to teach the correct way of living peacefully & for school districts to seriously begin, right now, to write the curriculum to end social & ethnic prejudice for good. We can be the good, do the good, share the good, for peaceful, tranquil, and worthwhile living that God wants us to live.

  12. It’s a mix of emotions, anger, sadness, yes, confusion…………numbness. One of the best things we can do is vent….pray about it, let it out, talk about, let it be known how we feel…..will all of this change things, I don’t know. We need to keep using our platforms, whatever they may be, to let it be known that we’re tired, sick and tired……things need to change! Much love to you my sister, somehow, someway, we will get thru this!

  13. I'm so tired. I haven't sleep well since I saw the video of Ahmaud. My heart races when I think of all the crap we have to go through. And all the stuff we've been through. Enslaved, raped, beaten, hung, mutilated, burned… We continue with our lives, holding on to the memory of these pains – only for them to wash over us again when another brown skin life is taken. Where is the Justice?! It's the same crap our older generations had to go through just rebranded. Enslaved? Check! Raped? Check! Beated? Check! Lets add being shot and suffocated to the list. I'm angry and in grief! And I totally agree with you – where can we go? We (those descendant of slaves) only know this country… and its promise and its lies.
    Continue to take care of yourself Erin- We shall overcome ❤

  14. Pray about it because God always wins and your prayers move faster than anything you can do physically. This is a distraction from all The fake Corona news, but everything can be turned around. God didn't give us the Spirit of fear but Power, Love, and a sound mind. The bible says The government is corrupt and we should depend on The Creator who works everything out for our good.
    The word says this.

    2 Chronicles 7:14
    King James Version
    14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    If we all came together in prayer there is nothing that we wouldn't be able to achieve through Christ. God made us Kings and Queens and WE have authority. THEY MAY SEEM LIKE GOLIATH BUT WE ARE DAVID!!!!! We all make up the body of Christ so everyone do what you can. We all have purpose.

  15. I don't know how to get through to the racist people in my town and family. They make no sense and no amount of logic or reasoning sinks in at all. They are committed to remaining ignorant and hateful. I don't know how to make it better, you deserve better.

  16. Love your channel (I’m a vegan/AR activist for 20 yrs) but you’re clueless about what’s really going on. I urge you to wake up. Did you know Dems were the pro-slavery party during Civil War, founded KKK and were the party that did the lynchings? Look.

    For the love of God, everyone has to wake up to fix this. These 4 ppl on Twitter will educate you as they did me and millions of others. To fix this we need to all be on the same page. They want us in a race war. They do this shit on purpose. @montaga @candaceowens @tweetsniper @theofficertatum

  17. I feel you… The 1st and only thing I know is to pray whole heartedly, emotionally and honestly to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; then allow Him to guide us all to where we need to be, to contribute in building His Great Kingdom… There's no death if you believe, God got this!!! We have forever life, this craziness will be turned around for the greater good… 😇God Bless

  18. I'm a white guy and I agree with everything you've said. I'm sorry your hurting. I don't know why everyone else doesn't see it.

    If I were in your shoes, I would want help so that's what I'm trying to do. Sending virtual hugs, tears and support.

  19. You got me crying. I feel you!! I so FEEL YOU!!! They don't want us here but where would we go!!!!? That part really touched me! Months ago I did my DNA it says I'm 49% Nigerian. I don't know a darn thing about Nigeria.
    This treatment of us has been going on since they brought us over here. I don't think anyone has a solution. That's the scary part. Another thing is the NOT KNOWING what's to come after all this. We have to stay prayed up!

    ONE of the things we can do is VOTE and not just for President. Anytime the polls open we ALL need to be there, State Supreme Court Justices, Congress, Senate, State Attorney General, State Circuit/County Judges….ALL OF IT.

  20. I am learning too. I am realizing that we must do something or nothing is ever gonna change. We were born here— our ancestors built this country. We have to keep doing the things that help us to take care of ourselves.

  21. I'm feel the same way, cry all the time that I'm so depressed that I had to get on meds so I feel you cause I don't know what to do but get on my knees and pray to God🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😒

  22. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 very challenging times we are all living in! Praying for all of us! Now another black man, David “BBQ Man” McAtee was killed In a Louisville, KY on Monday! So interesting that this story is not hit mainstream media yet! They are suppressing this story! All hell is really about to break loose! Also, Ghana 🇬🇭 is a good place for African Americans wanting to repatriate back to Africa!

  23. I have mixed emotions! I have a son and husband who are great people,but because they are black some people hate them. I pray for them and all my people. We really are not African Americans. We are Americans. We are born here and this is our home. What can be done? I say arrested law enforcement who think that they are god and can do anything they want. It's a hate crime even if you are wearing a badge. We also need to educate our black children to love black children and stop killing each other. We need to support black owned businesses. Invest in our own people, encourage each other and stop putting our black people down. We need to come together first and foremost. I don't believe in riots, they don't solve anything, but I understand why it is happening. We need laws and education for all who are racists. I raised my son to learn someone's character and not the color of their skin. We have a lot of work to do. Many blessings!!!

  24. You’re right. Things will go back to “normal” after all of this. There need to be protest until they realize, we’re not just angry, but we’re tired and we refused to be tolerant of racism towards us. We need to be vigilant and depend on us to make that movement.

  25. Girl I am TO UP over this. it’s so damn traumatic. the black and brown bodies piling up with no justice in sight. it’s so heavy. And to think after all this , another person in a couple weeks or months. we can’t escape our skin , it’s stamped from birth. Over 400 years of systematic abuse murder exploitation , a system built funded and acted out by white supremacy . There are peaceful protesters being abused and agitated by law enforcement. I know you’ve seen the videos. as well as violence and crime happening by people with another agenda who are abusing the situation. Everywhere I look and turn it’s just complete hopelessness. I’m hurting. A mixed race girl , mama white daddy black , just so angry ! I’m sorry Erin I wish I could offer you comfort. It was nice to see I’m not the only one crying. I love you.

  26. Marvin Gaye what's going on ❤🖤💚✊🏾 lift each other up educate ourselves. Let's stop tearing each other down helping this white supremacy system. Show love to our youth they're the future. Stop competing against each other. Keep black families together don't continue to allow this system to separate the black man from the homes (welfare). Support black businesses employ our own. Give back to our communities, clean it up. Stop spending your money in places that don't support black people. Ask your local Chinese stores what are you doing for the black community? This is how I feel! So Don't comment if u got something negative to say. Stay Safe

  27. You are one of my all time favorite people on YouTube and I am SO sorry that this exists still to cause you so much pain. I’m ashamed that humankind still hasn’t properly tackled & resolved this by now. As a white person I feel something impactful that is within my power is to make racist white people feel uncomfortable about their comfortableness with speaking/behaving like they do. What I’ve observed is these people think they have either a pass or support from other white people just because we are the same color.. but we need to show them that we won’t allow it and that even though we have a skin color in common we are not the same & will not tolerate that shit.

  28. Sweetheart this is where you're from, this is where you belong. You don't hear anyone saying go back to England, go back to Italy. Your people built this country, you are at home. Your bail money….is you doing your part. You supporting black businesses is you doing your part. We will get through this.

  29. Girl, I totally feel you! Unfortunately the only things (in my opinion) that we can do, is do our part, by voting, push to change some of these laws, make sure we are treating and loving people the way we would want to be loved and treated, and teach our children to be better. Pretty much be the change that we want to see.

  30. When you said "I don't know where I'm from" ooooh I felt that.😭😭 I feel your pain Erin. Wish I could give you a hug & make you feel better. 😔
    Sigh…I don't have any answers or solutions. The only thing I can think of is the hiring of more black cops & retraining police officers. My boyfriend thinks every police force should have a black advocate (a community leader from the neighborhood) who will educate the officers. Similar to what they have for sexually harrassment & child abuse cases.
    But to be honest girl, even though it seems like rn it's black vs white ppl, it's really good vs evil. Can I, you, police officers, other individuals see the GOOD in someone from another race or does evil reside in our heart for someome from a different race? Can we see the soul of the person and not the color of their skin? That's my humble opinion.

    I hope you're doing better today. Don't lose your hope girl! It may seem hopeless but God is still in control. I'm praying for you! 🙏💖🤗🤗

  31. It's so maddening because its not one isolated incident….it happens damn near every week. I have sons so I'm always in a state of panic and fear because it could one day be them and I already know the outcome. These days I've been walking around with the mean mug but also on the verge of crying at all times

  32. I feel your pain sis. Stabilize that energy. Meditation is a good start. There will be no quick solution but we all have a place in this war. Some will be on the front lines, some will help to bail others out of jail, others will feed the hungry and tend to the injured. Decide what your role will be.

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