36 responses to “Lawmaker Compares Legal Weed to Opioid Epidemic…”

  1. What is this guy talking about most 90% of dealers will not serve kid's I knew plenty of weed men as a kid they wouldn't sell to me until I was 16 and I only got away with it because I was really tall I was 6 foot four all other kid's never got any I had to lie about age because dealers didn't want the kids perents bring heat on them so of course they didn't want to sell basically if u look or act like a kid they won't mess with u

  2. Pill heads do not care about weed they throw the weed away for pills and lose all love for gods green I'd never hire him to controll anything to do with weed

  3. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE SCIENCE?!?!?!?!?!? no cb1 really eptors present in dopamine producing neurons. Not like other drugs at all. Not addicting, habit forming. Thus guy is a joke! He fits in with all the other jokers that hint at POSSIBLE risks, not likelyhoods or precidents. Why can the powers that be state all kinds of rediculous risks that aren't founded in fact but we the industry can't speak about benefits that are founded in facts and science. Here's one: cannabis is non toxic. No cb1 receptors present is basal ganglia or ventromedial stiatum. These are the life support centers of the brain. Other drugs affect these areas and that's why they kill people. Jokes bro. How about all the proven cases of seizure reduction in children with serious conditions. Just sayin.

  4. A lot of times drug dealers recruit underage kids to deal for them knowing they won’t go to jail for it. Legalization would make kids safer. Period!

  5. Cannabis is the exit drug I lost 10 friends from heroin in the last 10 years a friend a year if Cincinnati would’ve had weed there heroin and car fentanyl wouldn’t have been so deadly I went back to visit and they were passing out passing out Narcan like it was nothing and you never hear about any big bust for heroin or car fentanyl The cops back there never target those kind of people it’s always the guys got the dime bag in his pocket search that guy it’s just weed Cincinnati you are a government experiment

  6. If any percentage of "prone to be addicted" like he is are as self destructive as he is with a bold desire to take down the country with them, let them all go.

    That's like saying banning vaccines because a small percentage would be killed by them because of pre-existing conditions, or banning nuts because they can kill people predisposed to nut allergies. "We wanna save the small percentage who aren't smart or robust enough so FUCK EVERYBODY!" Fuck him.

  7. He lost me when he said "most people don't smoke it" fuck outta here he doesn't know shit about this industry or even the basic principles and culture of it lmfao.

  8. Fox news is nothing but a comedy show. They are reflecting on America from their own positions because they are to powerless to control their own lives. How sad.

  9. If lawmakers were so righteous about the “crisis” then why allow non-medical substances such as alcohol and cigarettes legal? Also, this is more of an economic convenience than social justice for them. Ask medical doctors about The Who’s who of lawmakers that oppose to this bills, but they are using cannabis themselves for medical reasons. I think this lawmaker pretends to be stupid, but he knows more about the benefits of legalizing cannabis for health purposes.

  10. Yes keep drinking too much alcohol keep destroying your life and slowly ending it when there’s another option out there that just doesn’t do that 😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡

  11. Dear Rum Runner…Yes we know the truth about the Kennedy family and how they made there money from bootlegging all those years ago and that is where Mr. Kennedy Patrick is coming from. So of course he will tell you " Oh there's going to be more addictions and kids are going to get over whelmed with cannabis users. and there is a big addiction problem is for you legalized. Mr. Kennedy I disagree We understand who your lobbyist are and that is Big Alcohol and it all way's has been. So before you strap on the big P for proabission and try to tell people who are now very well educated in what cannabis is truly. How 1 and 10 may have mild addictive like symptoms but noting that leads you to sell your body on the street for the pant or rob murder and kill some one. So lets be honest here Cannabis is less addictive then Smoking or dipping Tobacco, It is safer then Drinking Alcohol, even safer then water and sugar both can kill you if you abuse it. Regulation will never stop the black markets when you sell cannabis at $16 a gram You want cannabis and the racist laws that not only target Black and brown community's it also effects the poorest White, Mexican. and Asian, and Black community it can be found about and sold on every street corner in America but they also have access to some one that will give them opiates and crack and cocaine and hereon and meth LSD and Mushrooms and other street drugs that have a "Proven Record" of Death Addiction and worse.

    I respectfully disagree with you sir," Not one death in 75 years we do not want it sold to kids that's why we want it to be regulated but not over regulated " legalize it and you have already seen how it hurt there black market but the prices are still way to high the taxes and regulation is fine we encourage it but the higher the price the more problems you going to have with black markets Allow Home Grows

    of adults 6-12 plants per household no more then 6 mature pants 5 clones and 1 mother plant legally. To Decriminalize is not Legalization it is Criminalization and allowing police, to harass fine and abuse None Violent Offenders and Profiling of people who are over 21 years of age who follow the laws and try our best in these new times to fight for cinchable regulations that do not give Police or Probation Officers or Addiction specialist a leg up to try to treat something that is not a Addiction it is Poor Regulations ! Fines and jail time for possession is not the way to help some one whom is not a addict just because they use cannabis or cannabis products that are more safer then anything on the market and it has a proven track record. They will ague that it brings mental health issue again putting the cart before the horse and some people that do not smoke the plant whom want to use it to make money off the users just because they are peaceful and none violent. So how can I say well how do you know there none violent? Just because some one uses cannabis and commits' a crime that does not justify the pant as a Danger Addictive or reason to say it was the cause with out scientific proof and you will never see that because it can't be proven Just because they had it in there system at the time. I disagree with you that it is addictive and a gateway to other drugs witch we clearly stated in this letter and shown how things can be miss used. In closing I wish you and your family the very best sir and hope you will one day educate your self on this plant before passing such harsh judgments. But we know the truth and the lobbyist from BIG ALCHOOL where your family first began is why you choose your stance We understand but disagree with your Nation wide proabisinist stance on cannabis but we see more medical and social use for the plant not because it is addictive and more people choose it over anything else because of its safe nature….Because it is our rights as adults to make The choice to use it or not to and we respect those who don't use the plant but if you jump up on a podium like #Tucker #Foxnews and come out and try to spread lies we will be here with your respectful rebuddle.

    #Cannabis #Warondrugs #news #USHouseOfRepresentives #USCongress #DEA #Marijuwanna #PoliceChife #AdicctionLies #Themoreyouknow #MPP #Norml #AdictiveTheorpy #PatrickKennedy #Kennedy



    Come gather around people where ever you rom admit that the waters around you have grown and soon you will soaked to the bone because the battel outside is raging. You better swim or soon you will sink like a stone because times they are a changing – BOB Dylan

    #Abcnews #NBCNEWS #Warshingtonpost #NewyorkTimes #Newspapers

  12. by not making it legal kids are going to be exposed to real drug because some dealer will push coke or hair to make more money lets say if you buy an 1/8 flower you'll be back in a week or so but coke or hair you'll be back in hours. The law is the gate way drug

  13. I think that Kennedy is speaking from the addict's perspective respecting drugs…one is too many and a thousand isn't enough.
    The real issue regarding prohibition is the ultimate damage we create, either from possible increased drug usage(questionable at best) vs. destroying people's lives via the court system.
    I'm a recovering addict(sober for 20 years) who is also a survivor of severe physical trauma(hit a deer on my motorcycle).
    I'm sure that I would be in the running as a poster child for narcotic pain management and almost died as a result of that 'conventional' treatment.
    I've been using cannabis AS my pain meds for 5 years now.
    My real hope is that one day I'll have the LEGAL choice to use either if I choose to.

  14. Marijuana is not addictive for the vast majority of the people. People use marijuana because they like to not because they have to. People eat cake because they like it not because they have to have it. Kennedy hasn’t got any experience with marijuana, only alcohol and some other very addictive drugs., he knows not of what he speaks .

  15. Who is paying this guy to say these things about cannabis. Ive got so much more to say,but i am so furious right now that i cant even gather my thoughts! Disgusting totally ridiculous non-scientific mumbo jumbo coming out of sen kennedy's mouth right now has got me so furious!

  16. Here we go again! Cannabis at worst may be habit forming certainly not addictive and certainly not any way shape or form anything like opiates! This guy should have been voted out a long time ago! how in the hell can you even begin to compare opiates and cannabis. Cannabis flower is going tohelp people get off these terrible pharmaceuticals including opiates, benzos! You do not get addicted to marijuana! And if you knew they were flooding the market with opites why didnt you do something.I live in Florida this whole state was a massive junkie state. Kids were taking this medication like smarties.There were young men and women not even age 25 that were going to doctors and being prescribed hundreds of 30mg oxycodones! People dont rob their parents and stores and such so they can smoke Marijuana! They the government knew what this drug was and they let these doctors poison these people and they got away with it!

  17. I don't know what that doofus is talking about because marijuana is good for withdrawal symptoms of addictions helps you get over the withdrawals to heroin many pills other drugs it's a lifesaver God sent us to it to use for medicine to live longer lives and healthier ones don't you want to be healthy get energy to work in your lawn or get a job or have a hobby go to the gymyou can do all that through cannabis but you can't do that without all or any other drugs or pills it's going to be over all recovery houses people go to to help them get off heroin and pills

  18. OF COURSE fukboy Carlson would have some propagandist on his show spewing nonsense. Cannabis legalization has lowered the rates of opioid overdoses and addiction in places with dispensaries. Quitting opiates is far easier with weed.

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