38 responses to “Joe Rogan – Marijuana is the GREATEST Plant”

  1. Isn’t smoking it still bad for your lungs though? I don’t understand how athletes like Nate Diaz smoke it if it’s bad for your lungs, surely it makes endurance worse

  2. Big Pharma……..The oil industry………the Tobacco industry……..The Alcohol industry ……..are why Hemp and cannabis have been suppressed. Keep teaching Joe Rogan

  3. Marijuana cigarettes alcohol, it's all the same bullshjt. Quitting smoking weed is easy. I did it a thousand times and I still have to quit smoking that shjt. Yes that shit will make you retartd but yes it's way better for you then meth but still don't do drugs. All drugs are bad drugs if you using it to get high.

  4. Yes organic weed should be the only weed legal , so many grow ops use toxic grow solution,s that cause toxic weed , you will get a headache , dizzyness , twitching , edgyness, nausea , itchy skin , mussle cramps ect , so many bad products out there , but hey if walmart can sell 500 + toxic foods all approved then who cares right

  5. They ll stone you when yer tryin to go home……….They ll stone you when you are all alone…….But I would not feel so all alone……Everybody must git stoned!!!!…..and now that da Goverment sees dough!!…..it ll be Nation wide……just like ZZ Top Baby……..as the Man in Black once said through song…….Lay off that Whiskey and let that cocaine be!!!!….ouch….Tootaloo n Light up Everybody…..

  6. maybe thats why the government wanted it illegal cause they know that earth has some crazy ass shit that can heal you in ways you wouldn't imagine, but they ban it and make u take down these pills that make it addicting and they make so much money off the population.

  7. I’m 18 and I haven’t tried pot before but really want to. I’m depressed and I have social anxiety, and I live in Utah with the Mormons. Can anyone give any advice for having my first hit and finding a reputable dealer?

  8. My grandma had cancer and she tried a 5mg THC pill. She had cancer and a bunch of intestinal problems, just overall wasn't doing well. Anyways, she was stoned and all her pain was pretty much gone. She completely forgot she had cancer and felt better than any prescription med made her feel. However, she's pretty old school and didn't want to do it again cuz she didn't want people thinking she was a stoner. She died a couple of months later so idk why she cared what others think. But yea, weed is definitely a useful plant and if alcohol is legal, there is no reason weed shouldn't be.

  9. Research and development cannot be fully committed until marijuana is legal at a federal level. Once you open this bag of worms you cannot close it again.

    People are widely uneducated on the long term effects and abuse of marijuana.

    Unfortunately, people like joe rogan are educating our community on something he has no experience in from a medical standpoint. Only from his individual view. Or views on HIS independently selected individuals. (Read that last statement clearly)

    An individual view that is biased.

    The mass population of individuals using marijuana recreationally are those in which are lower class individuals with heartache, depression, financial issues, daily anxieties and are looking for an escape for them. And whenever you are looking for an escape, that in turn can lead to addiction and unhealthy changes.

    Like I said. Research needs to be developed when it becomes federally legal to make any educated decisions on how or if this should be recreational.

    I have first hand experience myself, and have friends still addicted and contradicting themselves based on this biased and un researched field.

    I ask of you all to wake up. Take control of your life and strengthen yourself. Not by finding an escape, or coping drug, but to hit your financial issues head on. To hit your anxieties head on.

    Don’t just take my word for it. Educate yourself and dig and search for the opposite view of your own. We can all be biased, that’s normal human error. You have the choice to be unbiased.

    *Medically, marijuana has shown to provide a purpose. Recreational and long term research still needs to be conducted.

    If you don’t believe anything I’ve said, or are angered by my comments then challenge me by contacting local detox and recovery agencies about marijuana abuse and individuals seeking help for their dependencies. The threat is real.

    Find your purpose. Be strong. Be kind. Be educated.

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