49 responses to “Joe Rogan – Is Marijuana Medicine? | JRE Pot Debate”

  1. I recently got into eating edibles and seriously convinced myself I had testicular cancer lol this went on for about a month and then I stopped with the edibles… still a little paranoid now

  2. Honestly an overdose of alcohol is much more lethal than thc. I'm 19 and know so many peers who ended up in the hospital due to alcohol overdose, one guy's heart stopped for a few minutes and he barely survived. It's sad how alcohol is more dangerous than weed consumption yet alcohol is legal and weed isn't.

  3. Its both recreational and medical, My joints dont hurt and I enjoy my day more

    Edit: I've used edibles and pens, edibles left me couchlocked and unable to really do much but it was an enjoyable experience. High lasted about 6 maybe 8 hours, Im 6'3 320lb male. From pens I do a trial of a cart whenever I use one so i can see how the strain will effect me. 3×3 second hits holding for 5 seconds each. Just an easy way of testing it. I mark the time I take the last hit as its usually been 1-2 minutes between the first and the last then i take note of when I notice the rise and fall, for instance i can feel it 3 minutes after the last hit and about 1 hour and 15 minutes after i start feeling it I feel a noticable comedown and by 2 hours and 25 minutes after I start feeling it I feel sober again

  4. I can tell right off the bat that this guy had his opinion and view on cannabis formed by stories. It gets such a bad wrap it's unreal. People such a doctors would rather use morphine than CBD to alleviate pain, they have ZERO FUCKING KNOWLEDGE on it. Knowledge without experience is useless, just words. I heard one doctor say that CBD is worse than cocaine, heroin and crack, I asked her why and she told me she knows she is. ZERO FUCKING IDEA!

    I had some anxiety issues and then I started using pot every 2-3 weeks and it has helped me very much.

    If this guy started using pot once or twice a week, he'll see the benefits. Better mood, cognitive function, digestion, energy levels.

  5. Smoking cannabis plant is the least medical way to consume it … the smolder and soot coats the plants' medical compounds and the heat of the cinder disfigures the compounds too into unrecognizable molecules ( Waste) … Eating the plant Raw from a living specimen is the best method of ingestion leading into medical effects long term

  6. how cannabis is a medicine = lipids and terpenes are created in the glandular resin on the trichomes ( meroterpinoid phytocannabinoids) . these are protective metabolites the cannabis plant creates as secondary metabolites … they are for protection only , not inherent in the inner working of the plant at all save for the Olivetolic acid and Geranyl-pyrophosphate used to make the phytocannabinoid . the plant absorbs mica ( metallic oxides) from the soils to make the phytocannabinoids and terpenes .
    as man or any upright being ingests the plant the protective compounds made on the surface of the plant are transferred over to that being … this is where the medical aspects take on a new meaning ( metabolism ) … it is medcia via how it metabolizes .. known as cannabinoid science

  7. "Marijuana is not a medicine." Lmaoo, okay buddy, just take one of the benefits marijuana has for a lot of people which is sleep. Now compare the sleep meds doctors prescribe and marijuana, compare the side effects and tell me which ones safer. Thats just one benefit i talked about. How about eating disorders? So much people are prescribed anti depressants for eating disprders when again, marijuana induces hunger and can help with that. There are so many benefits to marijuana that its ridiculous to even say it cant be labeled as a medicine. What an idiot.

  8. I was at the doctor to get medical marijuana for my anxiety and autism disorders. And he said he had a patient with glaucoma. And the patients levels were at like 50 eye pressure which the normal is around 18. They put him on medicine to make it 40 something and said “you’ll be blind in a few years but not right away”. Long story short he was prescribed medicinal marijuana and his eye level pressure was a 6. His eye pressure was never that low his whole life…

  9. i'm not buying his book. this guy is way to bias to be taken seriously. he first says "i don't believe marijuana is medicine but huh it has a few medical uses" wtf!?! this guy is arguing against himself!

  10. I feel like most of these teens being mad an violent is mostly just teens that thin it’s bs that it’s illegal and that they shouldn’t be able to use it. Not saying these teens should be using cuz they are too young and they shouldn’t be violent over it. But I know when I was a teen me and my mom would argue cuz the bottom line is it’s illegal but morally I just don’t think it’s wrong so it was frustrating to not be able to do it cuz it’s illegal while you know it’s not actually wrong.

  11. Correlation isn't causation. Very religious in his views about cannabis. Shit weed has always calmed me down. Makes me go, "oh shit I was fuckin up!" . Not for everyone, sure like everything. But I go back to a dickhead without weed so lets say these people are worse off than I am and ran out. Still gonna be in their system, so blaming the "devils lettuce" for violence is a fallacy.

  12. I live in the uk and in january my mams bf was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was given an appointment for treatment for 6 weeks after his diagnosis. As soon as he got his diagnosis i started giving him cannabis oil and CBD oil and a week before his treatment he was given a blood test and his bloods were normal so they did a scan and couldnt find any cancer.

  13. I never used MJ until I was in my late 30's and I saw both sides of this debate. I had times when I felt relaxed and euphoric and there were a few times when I had what could only be described as substantially decreased desire to socialize and also had a few rage outbursts as well. This was somthing that I had never experienced in my entire life. The problem lies in not knowing how much to use and when and exactly what type to use. Overall I still think if properly prescribed that CBD and THC is likely to have an overall positive effect in peoples lives though as with any drug…all things in moderation is a good attitude to have when using it.

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