38 responses to “Joe Rogan – Effects of High Potency Marijuana, CBD | JRE Pot Debate”

  1. I have suffered with depression since I was a teen and like most Americans have experimented with different things to treat it . But if I smoke marijuana by itself I get way to deep in my mind about people I love dying and all these things I'm not doing like spending more time with them it's the only thing that does that to me . Then I saw the Bob Marley quote. Weed reveals to you who you are . But ! If I have a few drinks and I'm in the woods or something having fun then smoke a little ? I feel good and have fun. On a side note . Because where I live and the time around 1994 I got to do shrooms and a didn't hallucinate but felt amazing ! And I was positive had a ton of energy and the effects lasted roughly a month. And so when I see that now they are starting to use mushrooms to treat depression and other issues I wasn't surprised . I always wondered why it wasn't being used

  2. I just had a high dose of TCH and had a bad experience recently. It was an edible. It fucking sucked! To the point of never doing THC again, it's not worth it. I've never really liked weed anything, it's not worth it.

  3. Joe Rogan: Human beings vary so much biologically to make an overall blanket statement what’s good for you is good for me is irresponsible

    Bill Gates: One vaccine for 7+BILLION people

  4. i have anxiety and weed always helped me i smoked weed b4 i realized i had anxiety but still weed always calms me down and puts my mind in a way better place when i feel anxious, nervous, or if i feel anxiety or panicky! weed always helped me and i’ll always be grateful for it! but everyone’s different 😎

  5. I used to smoked weed daily and took lcd continuously for a couple of years in my twenties, but after one horrible trip I tried again and it only went downhill. Thank God I stopped. I still have interest in discussions about hallucinogenics vs alcohol, but wil never take something like that that alters my mind. Nobody have the same experience with any drug including alcohol

  6. marijuana is extremely far from completely safe. Research Depersonalization disorder, I've had it for months. all from three fucking edibles and its basically psychosis. It has ruined my life

  7. “You don’t have to take more to get ur results”
    Lmao so when niggas take oxy’s for pain, get addicted and now they moving up to 30’s, then they moving up to roxies then they moving up to fent or they start shooting up, it’s medicine?Just cause u have to take more to get ur results doesn’t mean it’s not a medicine, and if this guy is saying it does, then opiates and literally every other drug u build a tolerance to isn’t a medicine.

  8. weed can be very beneficial, but there is no doubt different stands can affect you in diffent ways due to many factors.
    I can see how someone could freak out, this guy probally took way too much becuase he thought it did not have any effect after a while than it all hit him.
    I take low THC edibles and high CBD , but if I smoke I stay indica , stativa makes my heart pound and makes me anxious.

  9. So have been smoking weed daily since I've been 15 and almost 16. Everything was fine. I smoked alot everyday. Until I did shrooms in oct. 2020. had a good trip till the end. Them had a had trip. Then Christmas of 2020 I smoked alot of weed, usual amount in day for me. I started to to tweak everytime I smoked weed. Since I haven't smoked alot. Just twice a day. Shit scares me sometimes.

  10. I must say it seems uncontrollable unless you smoke weed enough to know how your body is going to react. I can smoke a bowl or 6 bowls in a row depending on how I’m feeling, or eat 30mgs and be rocked or eat 1000mgs and be on another level hahahaha

  11. I wonder if Joe has heard about cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Recently discovered in the past 5 years and has led to several deaths and lots of hospital visits for regular users of marijuana.

  12. “When people smoke too much weed and say, ‘Oh no, I’m too high, I’m paranoid,’ what they’re really saying is, ‘The weed is showing me parts of myself I really don’t feel like dealing with right now.’”

  13. It’s so important to understand different People’s tolerance, as i’m a weed smoker, had a break for 12 years or so (i’m 51), started first when i was 19, but has always smoked only, between 1 & 1 1/2 daily, and mostly for sleep. Btw, i developer a bi- polar disorder in 2012, and the cannabis seems to dose down on my meds. Besides that i have a normal life, but have my terms with my mental health. Weed i maybe not the answer for everything, or for everybody, but for me as a supplement to medicin and alhohol, i’m pleased with not drinking any thing at all, besides milk, soda & water. Cheers from Denmark

  14. I've met nurses, lawyers, property developers, small business owners, plumbers, electricians, factory workers and unemployment beneficiaries who smoke weed. No problems 😊

  15. I actually switched from smoking weed everyday all day like a stoner to delta 8 cartridges about two months ago and go through one about every two weeks, and in a state where the normal stuff is illegal it’s been a god send to my wallet, happiness, and overall mental health bc I’m not so detached from everything and revolving my life around being a pot head

  16. i never got suicidal thoughts with potent edibles, neither have my friends. He may have have those thoughts lingering long before the edible entered his blood stream. That being said, I do believe cannabis is NOT for everyone, just as pharmacuiticals (Ritalin, prozac, zyprexa, etc., etc.) is NOT for everyone. Cannabis edibles SHOULD be regulated and very carefully and accurately prescribed.

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