James E. Wagner Cultivation Corporation Aeroponic Cannabis Grow-op

James E Wagner Cultivation Corporation (CVE:JWCA) is the only Canadian LP to grow Cannabis using aeroponic technology. What is aeroponics and how …

38 responses to “James E. Wagner Cultivation Corporation Aeroponic Cannabis Grow-op”

  1. Vacuum trimmer… yeah lets pay 50bucks an 1/8 for bud that had all the good shit sucked off and turned into another product….pssshh for the birds..support local growers

  2. 10k worth of product and they cant sell it lol . that's why they went Bankrupt . the black market and home growing is going to take out more Big Producers because of the high prices and not unuff stores to sell the product in Canada .

  3. Isnt it more expensive to suppress the growth of marijuana or is it just the sanitation issue I'm experiencing with Florida's MMJ programs. But the effects consistency has made it impossible for me to reach that effect from my natural drug of choice

  4. Meine güte machen die Gierigen mal wieder Pardy .
    Ab nach draußen das ist Natureller finde ich und günstiger als in Hallen .
    Super find ich das als Familien Unternehmen .

  5. no bulk todays pricing falling rapidly to 10 cents a gram and falling means these guys will be broke in three months!!!!FIRE SALE like the the other 10 in GTA and southern ONT

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