Is Nationwide Marijuana Legalization Just Around the Corner?

It’s hard to be pessimistic about marijuana legalization these days. _____ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Like us on Facebook: …

40 responses to “Is Nationwide Marijuana Legalization Just Around the Corner?”

  1. If I’m an employer, I will not piss test for THC but, I will still piss test for prescription painkillers, synthetic powdery drugs like cocaine and heroin, amphetamines, and benzodiazepine. Also I would provide the proper conditions to render a piss test cheat proof by dying the toilet water with fluorescent dye, shutting off the faucet shutoff valves, toilet flush ban, require the emptying of pockets, and a trash can inspection after each individual pisses in that clear plastic cup with screw on lid.

  2. As far as CBD oil goes. Tuesday was the first time EVER in my life where I used CBD oil. Let me just say this, CBD is the most amazing thing I've ever used for short term memory issues. Not to mention I feel mellow (NOT high but mellow) I agree with Trump when he said it's up to the states to legalize it and not up to him. That way the government stays out of this

  3. Intrastate commerce isn't legal but can it be shipped between states? I've heard the fedex center in Memphis often smells like cannabis because it being shipped so much.

  4. Louisiana has medical yet only have a few ways to get it.. basically gotta be almost dead to get it, and even those people can’t get it yet. It’s been 6 months and nothing still. Just fuckin legalize it and let us chose. That or many many people will move out this fuckin state.

  5. I know people that use Heroin because of back pains. Of course it started with pain pills and got that extreme. But he also asks me for bud every now and then because it’s the only way he truly gets rid of pain. He said he’d smoke more or fully smoke if it was available to treat what he needs to feel better. Sucks that ppl all over the world like this are deprived of their Cannabis medicine yet can get heroin and crack in any hood anywhere or even suburbs

  6. Marijuana will be legal after the 2020 election. The Democrat candidates will support it because they don't have much to draw the vote. Trump will also support federal legalization to remove the vote draw to the Democrat. Whoever wins we all win with full legalization.

  7. Society embraces dangerous drugs that destroy millions of lives every year (alcohol, tobacco), easily available at every street corner, whilst shunning the natural ones with countless benefits… Are we living in a satirical society and are we so deep in it that we are oblivious to our suspension of logic and the grossly caricature form we've taken on?

  8. Please god let it come to tennessee been smokin for 20 years i have to smack my self in the face all the time cuz i for get it against the law i go by a liquor store on way home and i laugh every day because its so bullshit that you can buy alcohol but not weed

  9. Only people that shouldn’t smoke weed are doctors airplane pilots anyone who has another person life in their hands is a big no no but if ur working a normal job whether it being factory or desk job fuck go ahead and smoke up cuz u have no worries

  10. I'm Irish, German and native American oef/oif vet. I can legally go to a reservation and consume peyote without repercussion, but once I cross that line and enjoy marijuana in my house the government can take months or years of my existence away from me depending on the quantity of a plant that has no reported deaths; yet my children at eighteen can be forced into war if the government decides it! Something is horribly wrong with our governments law!

  11. Does anyone know that the original reason that pot was prohibited was bc of the paper industry hemp paper is cheaper to make than wood paper witch was a conflict of interest for the timber industry

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