Is it Okay for a Christian to Smoke Marijuana?

A handful of states allow recreational use of marijuana, but is it okay for a Christian to use it? Get your copy of “Keeping the Last Promise” Hard copy: …

27 responses to “Is it Okay for a Christian to Smoke Marijuana?”

  1. It seems to me that people who talk about marijuana being bad or evil really don't know anything about it. For one, I've never hallucinated while being high, and it is possible to smoke just a little and not be high as a kite. It does have medical use and I believe that's why God put it here for us in the first place. What a lot of pastors and priests or whatever don't know is our body has cannabinoid receptors under our skin and in our brains. Our body knows how to process thc and cbd and uses it to control pain, inflammation and even helps balance out the serotonin for a more balanced mood. Unlike alcohol, which our body does not like and does not know how to process, hence diseases that afflict the liver and kidney. I have bipolar disorder and it helps tremendously. I also use marijuana topically ( not just to get high). And yes I am a Christian and I've prayed about this a lot. I believe my peace about it is my answer.

  2. I don’t smoke to get high i smoke to get high I smoke to survive bro it just relaxes my mind bro I’m alert and sober it don’t get me stupid bro I’m still in control when I’m smoking bud all weed does is Enhances everything that’s it bro nothing else nothing more

  3. people will always justify and bend the word to fit what they like doing, to be honest getting high isnt being sober minded…… end of story…. people will always bend the truth to the their favor… its disgusting.

  4. What if I hit the oil thc pen let’s say 2 or 3 times just to get a mellow buzz to help my body with the physical stress that living in this evil world bring us. I’ve noticed when I’m mellow I look for the Lord and the Truth a lot more. In your guys opinions could it still be considered a sin in The Creator’s point of view ?

  5. Genesis states God made all herbs and seed bearing plants then gave them to man. He declared them good. To curse a plant can be cursing God's creation. Over millions of years we have evolved and been trained in sin, so surely what we cultivate has been evolved by sin. Plants are plants, we are people who were originally made in God and Christ's image

  6. You're talking nonsense. Cannabis is not a hallucinogen. And there is no direct warning against it in the Bible unlike with alcohol. Did you actually bother to read about cannabis or did you just form your view from tv-shows and movies? Because in real life, it doesn't look like that lol It just alters your mood and makes you think more about everything.

  7. And, what is the purpose of drinking wine🍷or beer🍺, or even [caffeinated] coffee☕, and what about sex🤔🤨; Alcoholic beverages are intoxicants, same as Marihuana and caffeine gets people "high" and active in the brain, same as Marihuana, and also, mankind has a sinful tendency towards sexual pleasure, lots of people LOVE sex for pleasue [euphoria, orgasm, gets you high then you crash in the bed or couch]

  8. Nonsense… If I partake in cannabis and proclaim the christ of the gospel, and thru the partaking of cannabis I'm In a medicinal state, separate from my Daily chaos that I choose not to have Daily pharmaceuticals to combat all the world throws at me(the fallen world that is) and in this state of mind I can read YHWH's word and in that know that the creator of everything is talking specifically to me…. Who is any one to disqualify my encounter there and also my relationship with the elohim of all? When it's total in its revalation of YHWH and his word for confirmation…….? Please explain someone…. To me its limiting God.
    And YHWH has taken me and renewed me over time and in bits… And in the future I'm sure il be instructed by the Holy spirit that my time has been and gone with this wondrously brilliant plant of God because its no accident this plant definitely as its only been a blessing to me and I consider it a tool for who ever God calls via and thru the cannabis sub culture… Amen to all..come Lord yeshua….

  9. I smoke and for years I struggled with the notion of am I going against the Lord in this? I love scripture and I have an amazing relationship with Christ Jesus, not cause I smoke but in the fact that I believe the gospel and put my trust in Christ my savior. I keep it to myself and in no way would I promote smoking but on the other hand I don't understand why people think that just cause you smoke you can't serve God or you are not sober. I smoke in moderation and I do it cause I like it and I'm not hurting anyone in doing it. It has never made me see things that aren't there or has it made me do things that went against my better judgement. I have prayed about it and come to the conclusion that if I'm not hurting anyone, not promoting it and it's not going against my faith then why is it so condemned by most christians? I think that most christians that preach on what others are doing in this regard are either not trusting in the finished work of Christ on the cross, or are just looking to have people in a guilt trip cause they don't agree or like it. All the verses they go to are taken out of context or grossly misinterpreted. God made canibis, and yes it is stronger but it's just mixing straines to make a new straines. You don't add anything or take away from it. It's pure and we should not feel that something that has nothing to do with living a life grounded in the gospel and totally dependant on Jesus Christ for salvation. I see a lot of preachers on the internet that condemn people for this or that and never get to the gospel it's all about how good you live or what you don't do that makes you saved. That's work based salvation and will get you in big trouble and is dangerous in the fact that your not totally depending on Christ for salvation. There are plenty of sinner's out there that are going to miss out on life eternal cause of the condemning street preachers that are pushing people away or makeing them think that they have to be perfect for Jesus to accept them. This just is not so, read your Bible and ask God thru the holy Spirit to help you understand what the Gospel is and how it alone is saving you. Let it be known that all that are depending on a works based salvation are playing with death and this will never set you free only the blood of Christ Jesus can make you white as snow. Only Jesus Christ can save you not what you start or stop doing. Trust in the way the truth and the life. God bless

  10. The Bible never mentions smoking weed and many fool themselves that way. The inconvenient truth is we're clearly commanded to abstain from drunkennes, to be sober minded and vigilant that we can may be able to stand against the attacks of the devil (Luke 21:34, Romans 13:13, 1 Peter 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8, 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8, 2:2, 2:6, 2:12 etc). To be under the influence of cannabis is to break that commandment. Also consider how for thousands of years it has been used by occult practitioners all over the world in their rituals and magick. These things open doorways for demons. I speak from experience. Why do you think the word for sorcery/ witchcraft in New Testament Greek is 'pharmakeia', from which we derive the modern term 'pharmacy'. Do not be deceived.

    We're warned in no uncertain terms that if we choose to practice such things then we will not inherit the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5:21). I deceived myself for many years as a weed-smoking Christian and thank God in Christ Jesus for setting me free from that bondage. It's only by His power that I was set free. If anyone is struggling, please know that you need only lay it before The Lord and ask for the will and the way to set aside that sin. It may take some time because He won't force you and is not deceived by healf-hearted prayers. Be honest- if you don't want to quit (and there is always a part of us that doesn't want to) then pray for that to be changed. God is rich in mercy and gives good gifts to those who ask for them.

    Praise be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for giving us the victory over sin and death!

  11. I've been a Christian for all my life and I smoke weed, I don't believe smoking weed is a sin because God created every seed bearing plant on this earth including marijuana, it's not man-made, its God-made and saying marijuana is a drug is basically saying God made a drug… IT'S A MEDICINE. 🌱😇#DONT LISTEN TO SOCIETY#

  12. See the problem here isn't the PLANT…..and it isnt the fact that it gets you HIGH completely, the problem is the the part where you use this plant incorrectly, Smoking weed is harmful to your lungs because your putting smoke and sometimes other chemicals into your body which is a TEMPLE of GOD, if marijuanna is helpimg you with anxiety and other issues use it accordingly… its your intent behind it…..and ask your self are you using it as medicine….. or are you NOT practicing self-control ??

    1 Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

    1 Corinthians 3:16-17

    King James Version

    16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
    17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

    Scripture on Self-Control

    Galatians 5:22-23

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

    Self Control.

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