Is Cannabis Legal in Ireland? | Cannabis Legalisation in Ireland

Is cannabis legal in Ireland? What does the recent UN vote mean for countries in the EU? Nicole Lonergan from Cork Cannabis Activist Network joined to update …

40 responses to “Is Cannabis Legal in Ireland? | Cannabis Legalisation in Ireland”

  1. I think it’s 192,000 per prisoner per year the laws on cannabis in Ireland are terrible I was caught 3 weeks ago with 61 grams they didn’t find a scale or anything and their still prosecuting me for intent to sale and supply I was caught 5 years ago with just 4grans the judge sed that’s its a lot for personal use the laws are ridiculous they really are theirs a lot of smokers in Ireland if it was regulated then our country’s economy would get better in a short period of time but the shades here seem to be going for cannabis a lot more than most other drugs witch is appalling considering how beneficial cannabis can be


  3. Sorry but this lady is extremely niave. The Guards (police) aren't stupid. They arent going to do you for a small amount of weed (it's a adult caution now for a first offence and legal for specific medicinal cases) If you get done it would have to be blatantly right under their nose.

    A dude walking down the road with a briefcase full of money is linked to a criminal gang in Ireland and those guys are vicious. How vicious? Well the ones in Drogheda murdered and cut up a teenager recently and were going to spread his body parts around Dublin as a warning…that vicious. They control weed, coke, heroin, the lot, depending on the gang. Your boy selling you a baggie from homegrown doesn't carry a briefcase full of money.

    And before anyone come at me, Im just stating reality, I think everything should be legal and taken out of the hands of the criminals. Say what you will.

  4. I feel like a criminal" felt like I've had ms ,,most my life" due to childhood illness' 4years my ass ,, .. search your own houses,," think green weed nothing to loose..I need help with pain…

  5. In n.ireland you can be precsribed cannabis by a specialist only. I thought ireland would have gone down that route too. It does annoy me that any medical questionaire it states "are you an occasional drinker? like its a normal thing no shame. There is no mention about are you an occasional cannabis user on a medical form tho.
    Update Luke Ming Flanagan on twitter sooner but surely cannabis decriminalized posted on the 18th Dec.

  6. There was weed here that was sprayed with 3m cannisters of glue to make it heavier,people were actually smoking this for months and knew it was ''off' but continued smoking it.
    This is what criminal enterprise has on the market.

    Silica sand is still being used for weight !

  7. The Greens are too busy to respond,they're digging up Dublin laying cycle tracks at a cost of ''1 million Euro's per day for 1 year,€365 m while our homless/housing crisis continues!!!
    Working men are living in tents along the canal in Dublin,likewise in Cork,LimerickGalway,etc.

  8. On a side issue,Gardai are right now lapping up praise from the general public because of all the ''high profile drug busts'' up and down the country.
    What the general public may not be aware of is that,there hasn't been this almost miraculous amount of drug busts due to Gardai ''upping their game'' as they and the politicians would have you believe.

    What has really been the cause of these busts is down to American agents that gained access (through software) of the mobile phone of a ''Top Mexican Cartel Boss'.
    All data received (they had access to the phone for over a year),was then processed and forwarded to all relevant countries,hence why said Gardai suddenly appear to be doing miraculous work.
    Likewise in Britain,Spain,South America,etc.

  9. It's not that Ireland ''can't'',it's that they won't !

    Irish politicians are rotten,brown envelopes are how business is done.
    Big business is the puppet master.
    Pharma,publicans,legal profession all have monetary loss if cannabis is legalized.
    Solicitors financially benefit from the endless court appearances.They have a cozy system that makes sure every case is dragged through slowly as they ''earn'' more appearance fees.
    Publicans financially benefit from the sheer numbers that frequent them(this would diminish if people could grow legally)
    Pharma would lose all those sales of chemicals that are killing people(not to mention turning their mind to mush) 

    Follow the financial interests and it all makes sense.  

    Btw,they have stated that it costs at least € 125,000 py ,per prisoner,but there is no explanation as to how this figure is calculated!

  10. Meanwhile Ireland STILL has a destructive relationship with alcohol,but you can't grow a plant that would help to turn young people away from our violent drink culture.I think publicans are in cahoots with the politicians.

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