Investigating Drug Abuse: Brain Imaging

The National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) Dr. Thomas Ross describes the use of brain imaging at the Neuroimaging Research Branch. This video can also …

13 responses to “Investigating Drug Abuse: Brain Imaging”

  1. These are always interesting
    But I did alot of drugs as a teenager like coke, molly, x, alcohol for 10+ years and am definitely noticing the long term affects
    Like I feel like stupider everyday. when I make decisions, everyday simple tasks, listening, speaking, and not to sure to what do about it other then live with my decisions. anything to help?

  2. Can the mri or radiologist determine the difference between therapeutic drug use as prescribed and drug “abuse?” Is there a threshold between therapeutic use changes and abuse changes?

  3. i am curious if the brain changes from heroin and opiate abuse long term. you always see imaging on amphetamines and cocaine / uppers abuse, but i haven’t seen any on heroin abuse. i’ve heard long term it can mimic alzheimer’s but that was done on deceased individuals i believe? any clue?

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