I Healed Crippling Anxiety & Depression With CBD Oil

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26 responses to “I Healed Crippling Anxiety & Depression With CBD Oil”

  1. Thank you for sharing. I can see it's not easy for you. But it is important for you. Anxiety and depression is not pleasant at all. Also effects me badly. Started CBD OIL today. Stay well and thank you.

  2. I call bullshit. I took a full spectrum high quality CBD oil for a month 3 times a day, 150mg a day and it didn’t do jack shit. It’s another snake oil scam. It’s not this miracle that everyone makes it out to be

  3. Please reach out to me I would love to have a conversation I need help so bad I’m even scared to take cbd but I did it I smoked hemp flower like a few puffs I’m scared it will alter me and feel out of it ?

  4. Why did you say a few years of anxiety/depression struggle. When u only had really bad anxiety for a year. I dislike people who are dishonest about there life experience and didn't even catch there own lie. I've been struggling with anxiety since age 13 now 22. Somethings missing in story. I won't be purchasing this product.

  5. I'm living with constant anxiety, ocd, and depression… I'm taking a daily klonopin 0.5 (long story) and 300 mg of gabapentin.

    Would CBS oil help me even with these meds in me or do I need to taper off to get the full effect?

    The KP has been in my system for 18 months.

  6. Anyone can confirm this is advertisement video and their goal is to sell that shit, I use to smoke marijuana and I stop smoking for a while now and I am clean but after I stop smoking this shit makes me lots of trouble and I can say I am bad at speech and talking and I lost some of my memory.
    can't focus good but try to heal my self back to nature and life with natural ways which I will explain below. to help you guys.
    Regarding using marijuana stuff my family doctor told me, weed and oils make Anxiety & Depression more and will give u a gift in the name of schizophrenia and it's super dangerous after 3-4 years to more it will show all the effects it's not for everyone, so stay away from this drug if you are young and healthy or student who needs focus more, being healthy and with natural ways, is the greatest way to make your self happy and successful, their goal is making money right after u hit the first smoke u become a subscribe and weed customer forever and you will lose lots of things. be smart and be healthy in a natural way you should increase your body 5 happiness hormone in the name of 1-Dopamine 2- Serotonin 3-Oxytocin 4- Estrogen 5- Progesterone, if you want to increase these hormones google it also Dr. Sara Gottfried, said in her book BRAIN BODY DIET: walking and exercising, meditation, eating healthy vegetarian food is the main fact to heal your self, for your health sake stop smoking.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am currently researching CBD for the same reasons. I am going to test it out before purchasing a sizeable quantity, but once again thank you for sharing. I know it's hard to talk about.

  8. warning!! CBD is also dangerous. I know someone who tried it. He try only one drop of CBD oil and he Experiencing severe mental deterioration. His condition was very bad after using CBD oil. Pepole must ask a Psychiatrist if it ok for them to try CBD oil. It can be very bad for the pepole that already have mental problems. I also heard that pepole can enter to psychosis. And CBD oil can deteriorate there situation in 10 years and also to make mental problems to come up. Be carefull!!!

  9. Your video caught my interest. I am someone who is very familiar with anxiety and the depression that is associated. I have been seeking a natural solution for a long time. I have tried one or two different cbd products before but never committed to them. I think I'll try this one that you talk about in the video and stay focused on it.

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