How To Trim Cannabis Plants During Harvest

Read Description!* Today we learn to Trim & Manicure your weed on Lex’s World! This trimming is what you gotta do before you begin the drying and curing processes. This is more of a fun…

27 responses to “How To Trim Cannabis Plants During Harvest”

  1. will also consider co-investors wishing to join Crowdgrow participants. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the medicinal Cannabis industry with small capital and low risk. has operations in the kingdom of Lesotho. with international off-take buyers. Get returns in excess of 25% whilst contributing to education and upliftment of the people in the kingdom of Lesotho.
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  2. Thank you for this video it was very helpful I am getting ready to harvest within the next few days 👍🏽 I jus wanted to know after this process will I then wash them?

  3. is anyone still around? was wondering what differences there will be in final product if the little leaves arent trimmed at all. its my first grow, just a couple plants. i dont plan that i will be using them to make hash, so is it worth it to remlve them? do they have lower thc content than the actual buds?

  4. I dry it out by hanging the whole plant upside down and cut the buds off when there dry enough to cure.I leave all the bud leaf on to make it last nice and fresh and not crumbly six months later. Also I'm lazy. I don't have a clue how many ozy's I get. As long as I have enough to get me through. I hate buying the shit of dealers that keep you at there house for ages just to weigh a quarter . They always fuck me around so it's so gratifying that I don't depend on losers anymore.

  5. Hey not trying to be a dick but it's a question? How can everyone grow plants with chemicals or so called organic minerals food. Okay so its grown its whole life in this chemical induced world n then you can flush the what out? Because it has been growing its whole life in store bought chemicals. The roots absorb the chemicals n then use these chemicals to create foliage n buds. So I'm saying there is no way in science or common sense knowledge that you can flush a chemical out of a plant once the roots absorb the compounds. So if some one can show me how that this can happen I'll gladly change my mind. It's just my opinion n like I said not trying to be a dick just some one change my mind lol. But love the channel

  6. Cool accent . This is the First video I'm watching from your channel Lex. Have you considered taking a look at the kushman chiropractic ?? Check out those videos. We call it lollipopping

  7. hi my name is william an i am a first time grower and i am starting my first grow outdoors in pots with drip system with a 32 gal container to hold the water in. when will i know when my girl going into flower if you are outside.

  8. Sub and I’ll sub back anyone ! Question has anyone tried the air injection soil grow ? Basically soaked soil with bubbles or air says 50 percent faster and no bud rot but I’ve seen nothing on it

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