45 responses to “How to Top cannabis plant's (Topping)”

  1. Fuck I missed 🕵🏼‍♂️Lol some stoner bastrad missed and found it out worked so he named it fuck i missed Fming.Well yes I have an intrest in genetics.I need some top shelf fire that does well in any weather Midwest weather usa.

  2. Hey so my plant is pretty small but the top buds are pretty big and purple, but the bottom half is really green and skinnier then the top. And I feel that its also growing super slow. So i was wondering whats happening and how can i make the plant grow taller. Please help

  3. Ok guys. First time growing. Got a single plant that's 4 ft tall. Have done nothing to it but natural sun, water, and fertilizer. Any suggestions or ideas on what I need/could do from here. I pretty much know nothing about the plant.

  4. Really debating if I should top my plants or not, I think I’m going to try with one. Have 4 plants, 3 crown royale, 1 white widow growing outside here in sw Ontario. 7 gallon pots, been in soil since April 23rd, currently about 7” tall with 4-6 sets of leaves so far

  5. i accidently cut the whole thing off my plant 🙁 …. is that horrible will it die? i got excited and didnt finish the whole video i just saw the first cut then tried myself. help please or advice?

  6. Thank you this was very helpful I am an old hippie. Been growing for 40 plus years and while growing my deceased husband used to take care of most of all preparations so this was very helpful for me thank you so much New York you are all in my prayers for this time in need. And you saved me from having to call my oldest son that b** has me out and says I don't know what I'm doing I will keep you posted.

  7. What if plants are real small and start going to flower, should they be topped to veg? I have an increasing not decreasing light source and repotted for plenty of room. Great channel thanx dude

  8. What's the result of fimming? Same as topping just less stressful? And should I even bother topping my plant if I'm growing outdoors? Thanks.

  9. Hey, hoping to get some advice please! Im planting my seeds late due to Covid-19, shipping and all that…probably in less than a week ill be planting, was wondering if topping or fMG would slow or speed up the process of growth. I pretty much dont want my plant to go through to October. P.s i live in OntarioCanada weather gets very cold in Oct

  10. So great,the first vid I could find that actually explains that some strains don’t do well with topping and when ur plant is old enough to have it done simple and easy to understand thank you!

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