How to make Rick Simpson's Cancer Curing Hemp(Cannabis) Oil

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43 responses to “How to make Rick Simpson's Cancer Curing Hemp(Cannabis) Oil”

  1. Paste V.S Oil  Producing Cannabis Paste instead of Cannabis oil is 1667% more efficient to make. When you make the "Paste" you get 32 months of supply from a pound of cannabis or 32 jars. But when making the RSO oil you only get 3 months supply or 2 oz of oil. There is NO reason to concentrate the medicine when our bodies can absorb the paste just the same.
    When you concentrate cannabis to create an oil you throw the left over plant matter in the trash.
    RSO is also flammable and dangerous to make.

    Note: Making the paste, one can use many methods such as controlled temperatures and using Coconut,Olive Oil or Vegetable Glycerin. So my question to you is who in the world would ever make Cannabis oil? Maybe someone who wants to waste 1667% of their cannabis? Florida cannabis law added the word Paste before oil as other states are to follow.

  2. Research suggests that the cannabinoid CBD(Cannabidiol) in cannabis is the true medicinal ingredient. CBD has shown to have better anti-cancer properties and a wider range of medical aplications than THC. So if you're looking for cannabis oil to treat a condition, I would suggest looking for a strain that was grown with a high CBD count. I would assume it's cheaper too because most people are looking for strains high in THC, for the "high".

  3. How and Where to buy Rick Simpson Oil for sale (Cannabis Oil) Cancer Cure. I am from South Africa and I help patients who cannot produce their own oil to obtain it for their medical conditions. If you are interested in getting the oil to treat a serious cancer or diseases, send me an email.:

  4. Hello everyone,
    High Quality cancer hemp oil on Sale at negotiable prices
    Cancer hemp oil on sale at excellent rate
    Medicinal value
    Contact: +447924590270
    Delivery as Per Customer Requirements.

  5. Hello everyone, not long ago I came across this cancer curing idea. My mother suffers from colon cancer and we are looking for other alternative curing methods. But we live in Eastern Europe, where this is forbidden and no way we can get that big amount of canabbis at once. Guys, do you know whether we can expect any positive effect if just smoking?

  6. Naptha is NOT napthalene. Naptha is a general term for low boiling point straight chain hydrocarbons like pentane, hexane, septane, etc. These are quite volatile (meaning they flash off quickly) so removing them in the way Rick mentions is perfectly acceptable and is a complete process.

    Napthalene is a completely different chemical. It's 2 benzene rings fused together and is a solid at room temperature. Plus it's a "possible carcinogen."

    This chemist gives a big thumbs up to Rick's process!

  7. I don't understand some of you people. If your not happy with "the shitty Iso oil" then change it to something you are happy with, there's no need to have the attitude that you have. Just reading the comments from some of you; many of you are so negative and ungrateful for this man's own recipe and since you all seem to know so much about it why did you look up how to make it in the first place????

  8. Honestly, people are really interested in facts on this matter….and not people who have nothing better to do than dream up scenarios. Go and light your alcoholic jar bomb and stop boring us with your stupid questions, really????

  9. You don't buy leaves, you buy the heads and you will find the sellers on most city streets in any city around the world aged between 12 and 72 years of age, male and female 🙂
    No – Seriously…..

  10. "Cannabis Alchemy" was by D. Gold. Adam Gottlieb did ,"The Art of Cooking with Cannabis. Getting both books! Great point thou. I think this is an easier process as most people are not chemists. lol, people should use everclear grain alcohol in my opinion.

  11. @mesonotes naphtalene? no! U need naphta! naphta is zippolighter fluid… but it's not 100% pure. Runa test evaporate a smal quantity. if nothing is left over, that's good… isopropyl alcohol is good too. Toluene is good too. those solvent are dangerous and must be handled with extreme care…

  12. It's a good thing that Cannabis is illegal, because if it was legal and someone was selling or offering it claiming that it cured cancer, well, the FDA would have to call Cannibas a "drug!"

  13. @likeOMGitsUNLTD Thanks for the heads-up on vegetable oil processing. I'm real glad I choose 'cold press, first press' olive oil every time… much more expensive but worth every drop I see : )

  14. @likeOMGitsUNLTD I don't think it's that difficult for people to rationalise that herbicides and pesticides always remain in our food if it's sprayed on the plant while it's growing ?? It's the same reasoning. ie: apply a petrochem product (such as urea OR SOLVENT !! ) to a plant that will be ingested = increased risk of cancer-forming cells appearing in the body. It's not really that difficult to figure out, right?

  15. @likeOMGitsUNLTD Hey there. I read an article in NZ Soil and Health magazine from the early 90's. This info has been out there for ages. A current Google search brought up this article: kitchen Quote: "Propyl alcohol is an antiseptic ingredient in many if not most cosmetic products: … that all cancer patients have residuals of these contaminants in their livers…" I'm sure you'll find heaps more info. on this yourself. Is it really worth the risk ???

  16. I have also seen a video of this oil applied to skin cancer. Gone in 6-8 weeks. Trust me Big Pharma and their doctors do not want you to know this. Every time a doctor says "cancer" they make lots of money!

  17. @likeOMGitsUNLTD Thanks 🙂 what about just chewing the leaves, would that give you the same effect only you cannot get this in uk as it is iillegal so getting that amount to make the oil would be very difficult and could posibly get you innto alot of trouble and put in prison if caught with that amount but you can always pick up an ounce or 2 from a dealer somewhere. I have not got cancer myselff but know 3 people who are battling it 🙁

  18. Wow thank you for taking the time to upload this helpful information, ignorant people trust the government and pharma companies with their health and look where it gets them. Hemp is a wonderful plant that has been used for thousands of years for all sorts of uses including healing and then suddenly 60 years ago it becomes illegal…it's not hard to connect the dots. Lots of trolling here tells me the information must be good….. Peace always.

  19. you suck!!!!! you are misleading sick people ,who the hell are you to do something like that. i hope you use so much off it that you dont know how to use your computer anymore

  20. @BronTune Use a natural intestinal parasite remedy such as Cloves, Wormwood, Cayenne pepper oil and Green Walnut Hull for 6-12 months and change to a living foods diet. Various of these 'cancers' will not be able to exist in this environment. Give your liver a break. Do not let shampoos and conditioners run down your back during rinsing in the shower, and DON'T have them floating in your hot bath water. The skin on your body is a sponge and sucks everything in ~ including Propyl in your shampoo.

  21. @BronTune Propyl attacks the liver which in turn leads to liver dysfunction. The liver cleans the blood from many things including micro-organisms such as parasite eggs. When parasite eggs are left unchecked in the bloodstream, they attach to various nice warm tissue and body organs where they hatch as worms and have more babies in the location. These 'cysts' of parasite eggs often are the basis of what we call cancer !!

  22. Oh dear ~ any chemical with the prefixes or suffixes "-propyl-" IS CANCER FORMING !!! Check out your shampoo bottles, facial products, 'cleansers' of any sort… Yes, it is a solvent. Please have some clues… "solvent" = what 'glue-sniffers' use = what gets you high = brain damage and obviously as stated, IS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE !!! Avoid -propyl- EVERTHING !!! Just use hemp, not petroleum products. People have been talking about Ever Clear. This sounds like a much better option.

  23. this is unsafe i had a explosion in the 70's…collect the fumes like they do in a still why use poison to make it use everclear,this oil can be used in cooking if butter is added,the is a low grade rip off from the book cannabis alchemy by adam gotlieb

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