How to make Rick Simpson oil (RSO) Safely at home

Make Rick Simpson oil RSO safely at home. 2 ounces of Weed 3 Bottles of 99% Isopropyl And NEVER HEAT NEAR A OPEN FLAME !! I’m a first time tryer to …

39 responses to “How to make Rick Simpson oil (RSO) Safely at home”

    Once youve completed the process of your making rso, soak bowls, utensils etc in water, leave over night, in the morning you will notice all the
    “residue” has turned a milky white color. Use a clean utensil to scrape up all the residue, place this on wax paper and let dry over night in a cool, dry spot. This is ready to go (maybe a little lighter in color)
    but still just as potent and your bowls and utensils are much easier to clean!

  2. Cooking oil right now. Used Mason jar instead of bowl to agitate the plant material. Strainer then metal coffee filter then paper filtering. Using a mini electric pan at way less temp. Lol you're simmering?

  3. Hi been doing this for 30 years and I learned from hippie in Trail BC. You must use freezing cold iso from freezer, this is so It doesn't suck chlorophyll out cause black green oil .instead of honey almost clear .hope this helps

  4. I started use this i didnt make buy at the dispensary and yes it is very good helps with a lot of things it did me a lot of Justice but overdoing it with anything has issues so start out little little until you find out what your limit would be I'm at my limit just a little button on the top of my finger but it helps me so much through the day and I take one at night because I used to wake up 20 times a night

  5. I use ever clear or rubbing alcohol to clean my jars. I'll put in some thing and poke holes in it and let it evaporate. I'll use that on my papers. Let it dry to make sure all alcohol to evaporate. I use everclear to make mine. Cuz of covid I'm lucky to find 91% rubbing alcohol. I can always get ever clear. I'll have to check Amazon.

  6. You will get a lot of different ideas on the best ways to do this. I've been making oil for 6 years and this is what I've learned.

    If you use a crockpot, put your oil in a separate glass container. I use Ball spice Mason jars. It comes with a flip up shaker top and is only 2" tall by 3" diameter. This makes for easy access to your medicine. Make sure its glass and heat tolerant. Then use more of a double boiler system. Put your tincture directly into your glass Mason spice jar to burn off. Put water into the bottom of the crockpot. Careful not to add water higher than the top of the glass jar.. if water spills into your tincture, it won't hurt anything. This keeps the tincture off of the direct heat and the water helps cook times. Generally, I don't use isopropyl alcohol. I use Everclear grain alcohol unless I'm in a pinch. Both solvents work just fine, however I find that isopropyl alcohol leaves a taste in my medicine and is poisonous if injested. Everclear won't kill you if there is any remaining in your oil. That being said, there is a significant price difference between the 2 solvents. If you use the spice jars and any solvent remains in the oil, just flip open the top and allow it to evaporate into the air. Coffee warmers also work great. There is a danger to getting impatient in cooking down the oil on the stove, that is that if your temperature is too high you will destroy the beneficial chemical compounds and weaken the potency of your expensive and time consuming medicine. By cooking your oil in the jar you will store your medicine in, you eliminate cleanup not to mention waste.

    Bonus secret … to cleanup easily just fill your jar to the brim with Everclear. Allow to sit for a few minutes and use a toothpick to dissolve the oil. You can now cook that oil down and maybe get a few extra doses of medicine. Or, not cook it and add it to a cocktail for an interesting buzzzzzz. Second option … cannabis oil breaks down in oils. I prefer organic coconut oil. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and rub the sides of your jar with a toothpick. The oil will turn green and glass come clean, and yes get you high, but it also cleans the tacky mess. I wouldn't want to attempt cleaning a pan or rice cooker and the waste of good medicine would be insane.

    Last tip … Cannabis contains THC and CBD in the whole plant. I've even heard the roots contain significant amounts of CBD,although I haven't experimented with roots. I have experimented with leaves, stems and stalks, and yes even the leaves from a male plant. All got me high, so they all contain some THC. If you grow your own medicine don't be snobbish to adding these to your tincture.

  7. Salt the IPA to get a purer product and look for lab-quality IPA online, evaporation times would reduce dramatically without the additional water and other reactants in the solvent, also do you just want the THC-a, CBD-a then? No decarboxylation? for a fuller spectrum isolate you could decarb half the product, and even overheat some of the THC to create CBN for a larger range of cannabinoids.

    I notice you overheated the product, so you will have lots of CBN, nvm, it is always best to heat at the boiling point and take your time with IPA and extracts, hope you learned this for future reference.

  8. Omg Rick simpsons oil is like a magical oil if you want to know more try it yourself it's like if someone tells you The felling of smoking you can't never know if you have never smoked I got mine from a pharmacist online you can contact him by text or whatsapp ☎️
    +1(567) 233-1109

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