How To Make Marijuana Milk (Cannabis Infused Cream): Cannabasics #40

This is a simple method of making weed milk that you can put in your coffee or tea, add to your morning cereal or use to make any number of cannabis infused …

45 responses to “How To Make Marijuana Milk (Cannabis Infused Cream): Cannabasics #40”

  1. U dont have to use flower just use leafs …i told u will be stronger as hell…i now what i talking abouth be verycarefull how much u drink then i think 0,5 dcl is more then nouff….i did one time 4 dcl dont do it is not good experience i was so dame hoght for 2 days…wach out

  2. Man if i went on a holiday and i could do this, i straight up would do it for science

    The curiosity would be to much, like the first man to think about what walking in space would feel like

  3. If you are used to the feeling of eating fire crackers made with 0.3 g of flour and peanut butter should You use the 0.3 g instead for this recipe and get roughly the same effect As the fire crackers?

  4. This is my new favorite way of consuming. I make a cup of tea in the morning and put it in a thermos. I just take a sip or two every hour or so and stay nice and medicated all day. It’s easy to over do it so going slow and moderating is the name of the game for a great feeling all day and for a nice nights sleep too.

  5. What if you don’t use a double boiler? Just boil the milk right in the pot? Do you only a double boil because it keeps the bud from burning on the pan or something?

  6. if i follow every single step and do it exactly as you do, will it work then? Because i have tried so many methods of how to make edibles but it didn‘t work one single time. Really disapointing.

  7. Don't squeeze that's where you get all the green point and plant color idk the exact word for it but don't do it that's where you get very planty tasting edibles is cuz you squeeze it out

  8. Use ur vapourized weed, I use a coffee plung pot. Then make hot chocolate drinks,, tea and coffee, 2 dessert spoons is plenty for Friday night, add 2and a half mugs of milk to it and let it set, then plung and pour🤓✋💜💜💜

  9. I love cannamilk! Versatile and soothing. I make mine with 1/2gal. of almond milk (or regular) and 7gms. of cannabis. Enjoy in tea, coffee or whatever. Happy medicating!

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