How to drink THC/HERBS/WEED as tea instead of smoking it |BEST LIFE CONSULTATIONS

A friend asked me about ways to intake THC instead of rolling blunts. This video is just a share from my own experience combined with my knowledge & study of …

9 responses to “How to drink THC/HERBS/WEED as tea instead of smoking it |BEST LIFE CONSULTATIONS”

  1. Thank you so much. I was looking for someone to explain this to me. I’m 3 yrs new to smoking. I started after I had an aneurysm and it was the only thing that would help with the headaches. As I’m physically back to my CrossFit shape I’ve noticed my breath and stamina is not the same. I’m beginning to think it’s the smoky and your video pretty much cleared it up. Thank you 🙏🏾 discipline.

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