How To Connect with Marijuana in a Healthy Way ✧

Is weed dangerous? Does weed cause cancer? There are many health benefits to this plant medicine. She has a feminine healing spirit that allows for much …

48 responses to “How To Connect with Marijuana in a Healthy Way ✧”

  1. I'm trying to think of a way to set a healthy intention I didn't have my medical marijuana license I recently moved to Tucson Arizona for the reason that I like to have the medical marijuana that I get from other people that have it is like to relax into stretch and do yoga and to think and I usually only have it once a year as a meditation or even not even once a year but since I moved to Arizona have had the chance to really connect with marijuana in a healthy way there are certain strains that are better for post-traumatic stress or depression and anxiety which I'm challenged with and I'd like to continue to use this plant to heal and a healthy way there are times when I feel the negativity intensified being an empath I feel there's like thoughts that start coming in when I'm trying to meditate so it's difficult so I microdose and when I'm with friends it feels like a better better time I wake up the next morning not feeling bad or groggy it just you know it's amazing how it picks you up and then drops you off like a spaceship it's amazing I'm so glad for this video because a lot of people were disappointed and angry when they saw that I was smoking the plant and I feel quite opposite that it's an amazing way to connect creatively and spiritually

  2. I don’t know if I agree with you about the smoking of marijuana because any smoke is going to cause by products that will lead to lung cancer. tobacco is also a plant. I believe smoking through a pipe would be healthier because it does filter out some by products. It will agitate my throat and lungs when I do smoke it. I’m just trying to come up with a way to get it inside my body without having to smoke it. I have made canna butter which I like a lot.

  3. this is such a great video! i've been struggling lately with my relationship with weed recently because i am starting to reconnect with the plant after a long break and being quite dependent on it, and i don't want to become dependent again. i think the stigma of weed also gets in my head, with the fear of becoming lazy, un-productive, etc. you nicely summed up how sometimes it IS important to take a step back, and connect to the divine feminine. thanks again for the great video, subscribed!

  4. Thank you for this video Kathleen! extremely helpful.

    I have noticed my relationship with marijuana start to change recently, especially with how i used to be dependent on it for my happiness. I would sometimes think that marijuana was limiting me (because of my own struggles with addiction) but i realized that it was more so I was just letting my subconscious take control after smoking. i love how you explain that weed really is just a magnifier and lets you accept what feelings are true to you at that moment. I've slowly started setting intentions before i smoke and the results have been life changing. Perspective/ individual mindset is probably one of the most important things in life in general. where you place you attention is where you place your energy. anyway enough of my rambling. thanks again. sending love and good vibes your way.

    ps. your eyes are lovely. so captivating.

  5. I love CBD only products.
    Takes away pain and helps relieve stress.
    But for some reason I can't do THC because it always makes me anxious, paranoid, wired and very negative.
    Thanks for the informative video.

  6. Specifically taking a drug like cannabis because you have anxiety is terrible advice. You should instead deal with your problems. Maybe your job sucks or your relationship sucks. Take positive action to deal with it, quit the crappy job and give the finger to the boss. Dump the loser you are living with and move on. Taking a drug may dull you to the pain but it won't make the changes that perhaps you need to do to eliminate the problems. My advice is use your head and learn meditation,, a much better way to look inside. Use cannabis recreationally for fun but do not depend on it, or any drug, to solve your problems.

    The rest of the stuff she says here is BS, completely unscientific. Feminine yin energy, genital energy, plant telling her things and cannabis reducing cancer is all crazy. Of course she admits she does Reiki, which is total nonsense, so that explains it. Currently there is no peer reviewed science to back up most of what is being said here. Beware internet gurus.

  7. kathleen now that i´ve set an intention that i wanted healing from bad energy, it´s showing me enlightenment like when i tried magic mushrooms.
    it showed me how much im holding to my ego and it helped me to let go. i want to live my life awake, and with practice of meditation and let go of my ego in the moment i can stay awake. thank you for the beautiful message.

  8. this really helped me. i´ve had bad toughts about it because i started consuming daily and i always judged myself and the weed, i stopped consuming for a time and yesterday when i smoked again i had very bad thoughts before consuming and that´s what i was feeling intensely while high, but i also got to experience so much amazing things where i understood that it has enormous power to expand conciousness. now i will try it again because after this video i just got more confidence that my intention is important. thank you for bringing up more clearness in my mind.

  9. For about 4 weeks now, I have been smoking and it opens my mind for such deeper understanding. It’s been literally mind blowing! I smoked weed in high school and loved it but it didn’t do this for me then, it was just fun. I’ve been on a spiritual journey for about 9 months and in a constant search for knowledge and connection to my spirit. I’d never considered it from a conscious perspective but everything u describe proves to be true. Except this t8me around I didn’t set the intention for it to open my mind… just knew that is what I’m in need of. ……so awesome! Mother is beautiful! Blessings and light sistar!

  10. Wow this was amazing I stopped smoking but my spirit wanted me to start back for some Reason. Maybe there is something within me that needs healing. I actually tried some and I feel a bit and I felt blocked on my music that was another reason I did it to open another avenue mentally for my creativity. Thank you so much

  11. Hello Kathleen thank you for making many helpful videos and allowing people to understand the healing properties of plant medicines, as well as the benefits of natural therapies.

    I have a question regarding making intentions towards plant medicine – can we ask or make more than one intention per session, or can we make multiple? Also, how should we go about making an intention? Should we voice it out aloud or simply think about it in our heads? I was thinking whilst watching your video perhaps writing our intention(s) down on paper and read over it while smoking. How does this sound? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for all your videos 🙂

  12. youre so cute. if youre ever in indonesia let me know. im a digital nomad living here running an online business, athough marijuana is so hard to come by here. maybe you can bring some extract for me 😀

  13. Nicely said! I smoke habitually and can sometimes fall into thinking it's just killing my brain cells and making my anxiety worse. Shedding light on consciously setting your intentions before smoking will help a lot. Thank you

  14. i hope it gets legalized over here in the u.k soon, as well as myself it would benefit so many others particularly people i know. I've tried hemp based cbd but don't really find it helpful, It would be great to have more shamanic practitioners working alongside this kind of medicine.

  15. Couldn't have said it better, myself 🙂 I actually just sent this to all of my friends haha. I'm always telling them that weed makes you anxious because you don't know how to use it properly

  16. Greetings dear Kathleen! Thank you for sharing this radical information, I’m so grateful for your channel! If cannabis has a spirit and it’s own intelligence, does this mean that all medicinal plants have them too? If yes, do you know about the St. John’s Wort’s spirit? I have been taking it for depression for a year, but kind of seeing it more as a drug, not that I actually think it’s a drug, but it’s just the mindset, that I have when I take the pills, you know, definitely not connecting spiritually to the plant. Do you think I should? And if yes, how? I’m very new to connecting with plants, although vegan for many years ☺️

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