How Much PAR Do Cannabis Plants Need? – Understanding PPFD & PAR

Today I go over PPFD and PAR value so that you indoor Cannabis growers can read those LED grow light charts more easily. I’ll explain how much PPFD you …

24 responses to “How Much PAR Do Cannabis Plants Need? – Understanding PPFD & PAR”

  1. thanks for watching everybody! I published this on YT just cause it's such an important episode. See all the content you've missed the last few weeks on my Off-YT platforms! Linked to in the video description!

  2. Spent the whole day trying to get in touch with viparspectra because the discounts they're offering at Amazon don't go through at checkout aren't working no customer support tried three different times to get in touch with them none worked can't find telephone number for corporate what are they hiding what happens if I really need them what are they hiding why don't they talk to the customers I don't get it.

  3. I'm pretty sure the University of Mississippi was the onnnnnnnnly place that actually was allowed to do the research for a very long time (at least for the government).

  4. Going above 800 Par is foolish unless running high CO2 around 1200 to 1600 ppm in available CO2. To boost that even further grow in hydro as well. Insane yields and potency!

  5. I think University of Mississippi is the one of the very few places the government lets them study cannabis, I think it has or had a lot to do with a certain professor, I can't remember his name, this info would be easy to find

  6. Hey I have the sf4000 in a 5×5 I have it at 100% at about two feet I can’t figure out if this is good or should I raise the light . The plants are one month old about a foot tall and bushy as hell . I have topped it and everything I just don’t know . I have a lux meter

  7. Ere lex, watched both your excellent videos on light, which do you think is better to use as a measure of good growing Lux or Ppf? Grand advice mate and like your style first indoor grow so still working things out, you been a wealth of quality info moosh, cheers

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