How Marijuana Affects The Developing Teenage Brain

Marijuana use is on the rise with cannabis becoming legal and more widely accessible in more places. It’s also losing a lot of the stigma that has been attached …

6 responses to “How Marijuana Affects The Developing Teenage Brain”

  1. Gotta love how people give you thumbs down without even commenting/criticising you. As someone who was addicted to cannabis for about three years, I can guarantee you that cannabis affects your hippocampus negatively IN EXCESS. Yes, cannabis may have a positive in small doses. Hormetic stressor. But not in the way most people use it.

    People just love seeing videos claiming "cannabis is good for you and makes you high!"

  2. Nice, and I like the shave! There was a little lag between audio and visual, not sure if that's just my shitty wifi (lol). I'm a bit confused by the mention of schizophrenia though, it also affects memory?

  3. 1) Correlation does not imply causation, so drawing any conclusions from these low-quality association studies is very unwise.
    2) IQ is pseudoscientific because we cannot quantify, much less agree on a definition of, intelligence.
    3) Molecular biology suggests that an anti-inflammatory non-toxic compound like THC, especially in low doses, is neuroprotective rather than neurotoxic. The neurogenic theory of major depressive disorder would suggest that cannabinoids are beneficial to youths with brain pathologies, resulting in a strong association with causation in the opposite direction.

  4. Can you please make a video about synthetic cannabinoids. A girl at a pub I used to go to tried some synthetic cannabinoids and had a bad reaction to it. Took some time before she was feeling well.

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