How I use cannabis oil for my aggressive brain cancer CBD and RSO THC

In the UK press again this week and people ask what I use so here is a quick simple video explaining more, I’ll shortly be interviewing some cannabis experts for …

11 responses to “How I use cannabis oil for my aggressive brain cancer CBD and RSO THC”

  1. Bc of "world event/censorship/banning, etc" do you have your vids anywhere else, so that we can find you if Y.T. goes down? Are you on Bitchute or -Brighteon-, etc??

  2. You are obviously using alcohol as a solvent, instead use naphtha, the 70% thc that alcohol draws from the cannabis is in most cases ineffective. Mix your cannabis oil in equal parts with coconut oil by mixing the two together after melting and stirring. Then buy as many 3 to 5 mil. Syringes without needles as required and draw up 1 ml. In each syringe. Then when using oil outside of syringe, use anally angling down beyond the sphincter and Express the oil. Do that morning and night. In addition eat plenty of salads and fruit, keep away from dairy and sugar as best you can also processed foods. Also magnesium 1 tablet, lugols iodine 4 drops in glass of water twice daily, 1 selenium tablet, 3 x 3mg boron tablets, 1 vit. B complex, zinc, vitamin a 5000iu vitamin d 5000iu, tocotrienols 50mg. Take level teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda stirred into a glass of water first thing in the morning half hour before breakfast. This protocol is exactly what I used on a lady with terminal non small cell lung cancer five and a half years ago, she had an 8 cm. Tumor in one of her lungs, first scan at 13 days 20% reduction next scan at around 40 days 80% reduction next scan gone other than scar tissue, final scan all clear. The lady continued taking orally around half a rice grain of oil for 2 or 3 years afterwards, and I'm happy to tell you no reoccurrence. Naphtha draws 90 to 95% thc. In addition take a rice grain sized piece of oil orally at night while dosing anally. Finally be aware of disinformation agents and well meaning ignorant people.

  3. Clearly you have been stable for quite some time now and what you’re doing is working!
    I’m curious, what do you think when you see doctors and such denying that there are possible cures which aren’t being tried, that very well could work? Because I’ve heard many stories of people having their cancer going into remission after refusing conventional treatment(namely chemo and radiation). Sorry if this is inappropriate dialogue to start on your channel(please feel free to delete my comment if it crosses a line)… But if my comment isn’t overboard, does it make you roll your eyes or does it bother you?
    Also, happy to see you thriving and living!

  4. I have to ask again because I cant find it anymore and I know its in one of your videos. What do you take to flash the dead cancer cells out of your body?

  5. Best of luck..
    Glad you said it doesn't work for everyone.
    I tell people I come across to check into cannabis, but I dont like giving false hope.we dont know forsure how cannabis kills certain types of cancer.
    Chef b has a huge YouTube channel. Was very passionate about cannabis. Has many videos on cannabis.
    He found out he had cancer, was doing cbd,rso treatment alone,no chemotherapy.
    He end up passing away. Could be a few different reasons. Maybe his stage of cancer was to far gone.
    Your super young.
    So I do truly hope your treatment works for u.
    A lady in Australia took some pill with cannabis. She is doing well I believe..
    Keep us up to date on your situation if you dont mind..
    God bless

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