How does your body process medicine? – Céline Valéry

View full lesson: Have you ever wondered what happens to a painkiller, like ibuprofen, after you swallow it? Medicine…

22 responses to “How does your body process medicine? – Céline Valéry”

  1. If you feel pain, no need to take meds. Your body can easily numb that feeling. From tooth pain to headache, muscle or a growing hair…whatever.
    Just cut one of the fingers and all the pain will be gone. I'm 35yrs and still have 3 fingers to go.

  2. Has anyone got that feeling when they're stuck in the Ted Ed loop? LIke, it's so hard ignore a Ted Ed vid in your recommendations and when you click it and finish it, there's always another one waiting for you in the side column. I've already got 2 hours of watching Ted Ed alone… But anyways, thank you so much Ted Ed for answering so many of our biggest questions.

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