35 responses to “How and when to flush a cannabis plant? – Ask the Garden Sage”

  1. There is no scientific research to back this up quite the opposite just because you look like Sheldon doesn’t mean we are going to believe that everything say

  2. flushing cannabis plants is a bro-science myth. there is no evidence that 'flushing' your cannabis plants does anything to remove 'excess' nutrients from the buds or make your cannabis taste any better or whatever the 'benefits' of this is supposed to be.

    if you want to save some input costs, the last 2 weeks before you harvest, water with straight (fertilizer free) water, pH'ed to whatever you've been pHing to. that way, your plant uses up whatever nutes are left in your growing medium and might cannibalize a leaf or three for some extra nutes. if you don't really care about saving the cost of a few tablespoons of nutes, feeding your plant right up until harvest is totally fine and will do nothing to make your buds taste bad or be toxic or anything else. anyone claiming differently is misinformed (at best) or deliberately lying to you (at worst). oh, and if someone starts blabbing at you about white ash and black ash , feel free to roll your eyes at them and ignore whatever drivel is coming out of their mouth.

    whatever you do, do not run gallons and gallons of water through your growing medium in some insane attempt to eliminate all traces of nutrients from it. it's a waste of your time, money and water for no gain what-so-ever. you flush toilets, not cannabis plants.

    also, no one has ever been able to tell me how to 'flush' a cannabis plant that has been planted in the ground or why, for example, an apple farmer doesn't 'flush' their crop before it gets harvested.

    if your buds 'taste bad', then you did a poor job of drying and curing them, full stop. flushing is total bro-science.

  3. Sounds like pseudo science to me. Unless you're using PGRs I wouldn't flush. With normal nutrients, plants take up only what they need.. Why would you deprive your plants of nutes in the final weeks when the buds are still stacking?

  4. My friend, please please please invest in some decent sound equipment. It's so bad that You tube cannot create Closed Captions, which is what I need to understand you. Please consider it.

  5. Sheesh! I have a clone given to me in the spring. One plant in a pot. Looks good and healthy. Nice buds developing. No idea of the strain. Haven't smoked this stuff for more than 50 years. Now looking into flushing, harvesting, drying and curing. I don't even know that I'll like it, but what a pain in the ass it is to get basic information about what to do after I've grown it.

    Gotta say this information isn't at all helpful to me, but I do accept that it may be helpful to other viewers. Thanks for posting.

  6. Still it's doesn't say "how"
    How much water to flush with-
    How many times to flush during the flushing period – is it every day is it everyother day ? Is ti 20 times a day ?

  7. Just don't stress out your plants by over flushing them, especially working with bio organic mediums and fertilisers. It's the most important weeks of your plants … Just like he said.

  8. During the last watering of flushing before you harvest, is it possible to use a organic juice concentrate such as blueberry or strawberry diluted in the water on the last water? I heard of this back in like 99 from an old timer and have always wondered about it.

  9. do not forget you can save money by flushing as no nutrients is cheaper than nutrients also overfertilisation is bad for environment ,unused nutrients cause extra algai in rivers and oceans starving other life forms,

  10. Bro. Thank you. I know this an old post. I have watched about three of your videos and I think your content is some of the most informative as well as being wonderfully articulated. I'm a fan.

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