House Votes to Legalize Marijuana!

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31 responses to “House Votes to Legalize Marijuana!”

  1. It happened in Canada, and honestly the day it happend nothing was crazy. There were huge line ups though at the government dispensary we had though in the downtown area.

  2. Love your honesty!! If this passes Senate, I'll be shocked!! Thought it would have been legalized in 1980's. If Mitch gets it to the floor, he must be at the threshold of investing in it!!!! LOL, seriously. I live in KY and Mitch doesn't do ANYYHING that doesn't benefit himself or Chow Chow!! We're one of the poorest states, but what has he done for us??? Like Trump says "I love the uneducated" so does Mitch and his cronies!! This is why KY is so poor…because he lies and the u educated buy it and he wins!! So sad these people keep shooting themselves in the foot!! Repugs cater to the ignorance of these people!!

  3. Man, it’s scary because even though weed is legal in many states, is it illegal federally and the SCOTUS could strike down every state law for not enforcing the law.

  4. Legalizing pot is not good until they have a safe product like alcohol. Impurities can be dangerous. Today's pot crop are a lot stronger than Vietnam.
    I don't want to be on the road or in surgery with that person having used it. Pot stays in your body a lot longer than alcohol and it accumulates in the fat cells so the effects longer to be safe from its effects. I worked in pot bio medical research (and am a Progressive) after Vietnam. NY State funded research grants on alcohol and drug interactions. Pot research has been done in the past already.

    It is bad since the above has not been accomplished to make it safer. You should be demanding that. You (2/3rds of Americans) aren't knowledgeable about pot biochemistry.

    The laws of punishment for pot I have to admit are way out of line. The money from pot is wanted by Republicans. They like filling private prisons for profit and keeping minorities from Democratic voting power.

  5. How is weed legal in some states but not decriminalized country-wide? In Canada decriminalization happened at least 15 years ago and country wide legalization in 2019.

  6. Pain mgmt for a botched back surgery since 2011 and I have become dependent upon oxycodone and morphine… I've plateaued and those DRUGS don't even help anymore yet if I don't go to pain mgmt I lose disability. If I fail a drug test for weed, I never get to go back to pain mgmt. NC is so far behind. Even my Dr recognizes it but his hands are tied. Weed is not a drug that gives you withdrawals and is much healthier. If alcohol is legal then wtf is wrong with legalizing marijuana?!

  7. If the Senate passes this bill in February Biden will sign it regardless, and even if the senate is not majority Democrat by then the margin is close enough to persuade some republicans and independents on the floor to likely squeak it through. It is easy to forget that there are republicans in the senate who represent states that have legal marijuana already.

    The odds are favorable for this to pass if we will pressure these senators only a little.

  8. Unless Ossef and Warnock win, NOTHING will move forward for at least 2 yrs…. Surely the last 10 years of gridlock should teach you a lesson!? Legalized Canadian weed has helped keep me from losing my shit, through the calamities that have been 2020.

  9. For the past 4 years things have gone from bad to worst so now everybody want to get high! 😆😆🤣🤣🤣. Dump has f’d up worldwide making everyone drug-heads 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Dump pretending, AND lying, about a deathly virus that has killed in the thousands has driven EVERYBODY to wanting to get high just to cope with it all!!! 🤣🤣🤣

  10. How will this bill effect those on Probation that violated that probation with a 'dirty urin'e and went to jail for it. This is ongoing with not just adults but juveniles who are struggling in school and the School to Prison Pipeline puts them on probation for missing to many school days. They are put on probation, then as many juveniles are want to do, they get stupid, try a little pot and BAM! They piss dirty, they are arrested and put into Juvenile Jail. And it all started with missing one too many days of school, maybe due to bullying, Learning difficulties, problems at home, etc. Will this bill wipe out Marijuana Probation Violations for Adults as well as Juveniles? Well Provided the Turtle does not block yet another bill. WV passed Legal Medical Marijuana 3 years ago, they passed a whole plant amendment just recently. We still have NO prescribing doctors, NO dispenseries, NO growers, No access to medical marijuana. Joe Manchin plans to vote AGAinst this bill in the senate.

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