House Passes Bill to Legalize Marijuana, But Senate Vote Unlikely

The House voted Friday for the first time to legalize marijuana at the federal level, but the bill has little chance of being considered in the Republican-controlled …

25 responses to “House Passes Bill to Legalize Marijuana, But Senate Vote Unlikely”

  1. Cannabis should be legalized recreationally and be considered at least no different than alcohol ….Alcohol has only a sterilization quality for medical purposes but for a much longer time has been the "Elixir cure" for everything through the ages…even today…If your angry have a shot, if your frustrated take a shot, if your disgusted take a shot, if you want to relax take a shot, if your happy take a shot, if you want to celebrate take a shot, the cure all…But beware of the side effects of: Unwanted marriages, unwanted pregnancies, unwanted divorces, suicide, murder, manslaughter, assaults, rape, child abuse, etc…not to mention liver damage, alcohol poisoning, diabetes, etc…Cannabis is far less as dangerous (unless mixed with alcohol)…every car behind someone high, with a luggage rack is a cop…in so become cautious drivers…most people will stop smoking when they have had enough…Alcohol on the other hand…people will drink to death …

  2. Also it’s true about weed arrests are always racists especially in Texas small towns (schriener university. Kerville , Texas). I first have fought racism in highschool then in kerville, Texas and in San Antonio river walk ….iam still alive :B

  3. GENESIS 1 – God created the green herb called it Good. 🌿👍 Then man called God a liar & invented big pharma profitability. 💸Best of all it was FDA Approved. 🙃

  4. All u need is Drugs.💊 All u need is Drugs. All u need is Drugs, DRUGS. Drugs is all u need.🎶 -A message from the American Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Association💉 And remember "WE CARE$ for YOU"😉

  5. We're not going to stop smoking rather it's legal or not. We can legally drink alcohol which is way worse for your health than marijuana.

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