37 responses to “Hemp oil cures cancer – Testimony from Croatia”

  1. My mother Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from Rick Simpson, cannabis oil is great medication. To hell with the government and their insane policy, we have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don’t need to spend so much money on chemo anymore , radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work hemp oil also cure diabetes . Where to purchase, contact Rick at: simpsoncannabisoil6@gmail.com or call him on

  2. Our Cannabis Oil is Pure and potent.Never watered down or diluted,just 100% pure cannabis oil extracted from top quality marijuana grown by us and other professional cultivators in California,laboratory tested,then offered for sale here.Our cannabis oil is packaged in 1 gram and 3.5 gram disposable syringes for easy dispensing.If you aren't sure how to get the cannabis oil out of the syringe,For orders and more information,Kindly contact us on our
    Message on Face book: Rick simpson
    Email: Ricksimpsonoil02@gmail.com View Link https://www.facebook.com/Rick-simpson-cannabis-oil-cure-cancer-and-COPD-240851182977660/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

  3. A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My sister's husband was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in
    March 2015. The doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had
    spread to his lymph nodes. We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain. Ed hated the morphine which
    made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on
    ourselves.We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain. The cancer had blocked his bile duct, after that we choose a
    Naturopath doctor and have not had conventional treatments. one day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer
    and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the email 🙁 ricksimpsoncannabisoil4@gmail.com) to get the cannabis oil, i was given instructional guide on how to use it. After taking a gram
    of oil per day. Within a couple of weeks his pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of
    life. We never saw an ocologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. His tumor marker went from over
    6000 to normal and he is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks. As i am
    writing this post, my husband is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer was cured permanently. For
    immediate assistance on every medical issue you and your family may be experiencing, contact Dr Rick via email: (ricksimpsoncannabisoil4@gmail.com) for more information and the delivery process.

  4. Cannabinoid-rich hemp oil is so good for so many different diseases because it heals and restores the mechanism in our bodies which is responsible for keeping us in balance and health. This is the endocannabinoid system, which has been so taxed and stressed by our modern lifestyle, and the pollutants that permeate the eco-sphere, that it needs supplementation and support. The cannabinoids in cannabis do that. So, it is actually our own bodies that heal us, and cannabis directly supports that process.

  5. Cancer has no life in a high oxygen environment. Understanding the correlation between oxygen and our mitochondria is the secret to good health and stopping aging. Utube Theta Brainwaves to Nirvana.

  6. LJUDI, EDUCIRAJTE SE! …već je bila jedna epizoda Provjereno di su se pojavili prevaranti koji su pod ulje od konoplje ljudima prodavali vazelin mješan sa svinjskom mašću. Ovo nije ulje već točnije radi se o smoli koja se dobiva otapanjem cvijetova marihuane u organskom otapalu, zatim kuhanju te smjese dok otapalo ne ispari, zatim se sve procijedi i dobije se ova smolasta masa. Ulje konoplje koje se može kupiti u raznim trgovinama zdrave hrane nije isto što i ovo! Ulje konoplje se dobiva hladnim prešanjem sjemenki industrijske konoplje koja ne sadrži ni približnu količinu THC-a kao što ju sadrži ova vrsta konoplje koja se inače smatra opijatom.

  7. my wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little she could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but my brother in law came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from rick Simpson foundation which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good hemp oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. if you happen to be in need of this hemp oil you can contact the foundation who supplied my brother in law with this email: ricksimpsonhempfoundation@gmail.com

  8. My name is Mrs.Alice Miller from Canada,I never believe My husband will see 2014 It is with pleasure that i thank Rick Simpson for saving my dying husband with his hemp oil.
    We already lost hope for a better life when the report came that my husband cannot go for more Chemo anymore. But after so many research online, I gained a lot about the hemp oil that i bought from the Rick Simpson whose contact I got online on reading a testimony about his past works and glory, The medication was delivered to me within 24 hours by the UPS delivery service after procurement. My husband has completed his treatment, unquenchable joy to all as my husband is cured of his stage 4 lungs cancer within 90 days of treatment. Thanks to all, today i acknowledge the greatness of hemp oil and to those that wish to purchase the medication contact Rick Simpson at: cancermedicationtreatment@live.com for help.
    hemp Oil is the a medication for cancerous disease.

  9. Lijećnicima nije u interesu da ozdravite već da vam prodaju lijekove.,normalno da će (strućno)poricati takvo što i iziskivati od institucija zabrane..jer koja im je zarada ako se sami možete izlijećiti?ne mogu patentirati biljku.,pa morate kupit njihovo.Političari ogromne novce ubiru od oporezivanja zdravstvenog sektora i farmacije..Ne postoji jedan sektor koji nije isprepleten korupcijom..bježite iz te pohlepne,mafijaške sprčije van..ne samo u slućaju da trebate legalan pristup lijeku,već je demagogija (zamalo diktatura)prisutna po svim pitanjima a ovo je jedan od indikatora prakse opstruiranja u svrhu profitiranja na modelu(koji je njihov lijek besplatan?na koji su se odrekli poreza?koliko bi legalan kanabis izbacio lijekova iz svakodnevnog opticaja?(moja mater radi u domu umirovljenika.,evo ja vam velim tonu) Nedavno su stali osporavati i temeljna ljudska prava..ne može pravo na zdravstvenu skrb postati obaveza..na koji to naćin necijepljeni ugrožavaju cijepljene??nema vam šta biti nejasno.To su elitističke životinje.

  10. Suprug mi je preminuo od karcinoma gusterace, u dva navrata smo nabavili ulje ovdje iz Hr ali na zalost bili smo prevareni i kupili smo nesto sto nije bilo ulje. Imala sam prilike upoznati Ricka Simpsona i doci do njegovoga ulja, na zalost prekasno ali bar je smrt bila dostojanstvena. Imam hvalevrijedne informacije o ulju koje bih rado i podijelila!

  11. Testimony about how devastating radiation and chemotherapy are ( MY OWN TESTIMONY ) :

    My mother had a melanoma (skin cancer). She was diagnosed around september if i remember correctly.  My mother was very sociable person and had really tons of friends and people who loved her.  I practice water polo and in the same building where I practice (where is pool) there is also a night bar. That night bar was owned by my mother's best friend so she went out there a lot. They had huge group of friends who were hanging out there all the time. 

    2 months of being sick have not changed her, at all (her chemos havent started yet). She had energy, power, she was dancing, singing etc… Every weekend in that bar with her friends. One friday we went out (a day before first chemo) she sang, danced etc etc everything was good. Next day we went to the hospital on the first chemo, she came back home and was so tired that she could barely speak. I had to give her water and she ate a small meal. After that she spent days sleeping, most of the time watching tv from bed while I helped her eat, and drink water. 

    I knew something wasnt right. It was just too strange for a person to lose all her energy and strength just like that.  Since then I started doing researches and personally, I would never ever go to chemo or radiation. Also, I would never encourage anyone to take it. I would encourage them to try "old" national cures aka plants. Many different people told that they felt better from oils, plants, vitamin b17, graviola etc etc.. 

    Anyway, 5 months after her first chemo my mother passed away. 
    Dont trust doctors about chemotherapy. It is not solution to the problem, it is accelerant. Chemotherapy is just further poisoning of your body.

    Now, I am studying to become a doctor, cause I want to help people. Not lie them, but really cure them.

    P.S. This happened 6 years ago in Zagreb, Croatia. My mom passed away on 3rd of April 2008. Just a week before her 41st birthday (10th of April).  I will never forget her words – " Trust me son, I will fight as best as I can to celebrate my birthday cancer free. I want to live for you. "  I was 15 years old then.


  12. Ne od lista nego od cvijeta Kanabisa, ovo ulje kaj se nalazi na policama po dućanima to nije to ulje i nema taj udio THC-a koji je potreban za ubijanju stanica raka ! Ne kupujte to ulje !!!    …Radije ga sami napravite

  13. covik moj svako dobro ti zelin i slazen se da sve sta daju je samo jos dodatni otrov,priroda nan je dala lijek za sve samo toga jos neki nisu svjesni i neznamo sta sve postoji…jebo rak i sve ostalo zivia ti meni jos 105 pa opet

  14. It's a well known fact that pharmacies have for years tried to create a synthetic equivalent to hemp oil so they can patent it and sell it for millions of dollars! Who do you think is behind the laws against hemp being legal? Luckily for us nature can't be easily cloned.. 🙂 

  15. Over a thousand people have viewed this video in one day, it says a lot about how important is the issue we are dealing with.
    Thanks everybody for sharing, just keep going!

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