39 responses to “Healing Cancer with Cannabis: The Rick Simpson Story”


    My testimony, I am very grateful to Rick Simpson Oil. I was told His oil would change my mothers LIFE. She was diagnosed with Metastatic Brain Cancer two weeks ago. We Have been left with only the knowledge that she has 15 to 20 lesions and no more info from the doctor. Our lives have been upside down because not one doctor has explained anything to my mother or me as to what to expect if she is going to live or die….NOTHING…. My poor mother is about to loose her mind! She is scared half to death! All hope was lost until my friend introduced us to the Rick Simpson cannabis oil treatment. I immediately placed my order for the Rick Simpson oil which was delivered to my door step in 3 days. My mother used the RSO Treatment for 90 days. Now, my Mother is completely healed

    Email; phoenixtears.us@gmail.com

    to get your Rick Simpson oil.


  2. first heard about rick simpson and his cannabis oil when doing some research on cannabis medicines for grandmothers terminal cancer, but had no idea about his story and all that he went through fighting for the right to cure people – an inspiration beyond all measures, thanks to the documentary team for sharing his story and for his courage sharing his knowledge with us unreservedly, wish there were more heroes like him out there who were willing to risk it all for the sake of their fellow human beings well being– instead of them corrupt govt and pharma officials who try to suppress the truth about this plant and its potential as a medicine, it is sad that our society has gone backwards in terms of understanding the value of cannabis when it has been known for millenia, all because of the phony war on drugs, wherein cannabis has been demonized for the greed of corporate profits and govt coffers, we are having to de-stigmatize a couple of generations, when there was no stigma before ever, at the cost of the suffering deaths of many who could have benefited from this plants medicine that would be available for all to grow freely if only authorities hadnt created such absurd laws and restrictions on access to a gift of mother nature, there are several peoples with cancer who i know and wish i could share this knowledge with, but it is challenging given the illegality of it still where i am from, people think you are quack or a druggy, and are afraid of crossing the laws regulations themselves, sadly they dont realize how our ignorance towards the matter is perpetuating uncessary suffering or death aswell, intially was afraid to speak up on how cannabis oil could help out my grandmother, but with some help of family who encouraged me, friends whod used it before, and doctors who were open to it i did, although we were little too late-it was hard to get enough supply of quality bud, so to make its medicine, and some were still skeptical as to the effectiveness of the treatment and worried about associated high of thc so the doses were not strong enough, i realize i need to be bit bolder now, to grow it myself and share it with others so that next time around we will have it on hand, the research out there today is greater than ever before, yet we turn a blind eye towards cannabis ability to heal cure, as rick simpson says, is this not the real criminality we face, a revolution is coming and its coming fast, i pray its not sabotaged by greedy interest

  3. Rick Simpson, is a great man and good speaker on this Cannabis. He now should make this story into a good selling book that will make him millions of dollars. Cure On The Run by author Rick Simpson

  4. Hi Chrish, thank you for your informative video. There are many Indonesians need medical cannabis. Unfortunately it's a scheduled I drug in Indonesia. I need to share this video to my society in order to widen their views and fight the stigma. Could you please make the transcript enabled for community contribution so I can add Indonesian subtitle as I did on Weediquette: Marijuana Minors (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXKjRkkoIOU)?

  5. I pray the message of this video is heard loud and clear by the entire world. Then, people will demand health freedom. It is possible. Clearly, the world is run by criminal, evil psychopaths, but we have numbers to overcome this evil. We merely need to be on the same page. Much love.

  6. r i p larry bjornson the creator of the phoenixtears web site.. the 2nd phoenixtear and the rock that built the ground that phoenixtears stood on.. u are never mentioned.. the silent hero u are..r i p brother.. thank you

  7. What is the worst thing that can happen to a doctor?!? The worst thing for a doctor would be if all people were suddenly healthy!
    The pharmaceutical industry earns over $ 500 billion in chemotherapy (radioactive acid) in the year and rising (excluding pre-screening, purely for therapy only). And that is why hemp must not be legalized, and in addition there is the timber industry and the textile industry, which would have to expect losses through legalization. Everyone can plant cannabis on their own balcony to heal themselves. The cannabis plant can not be patented and therefore you can not earn big money with it.

  8. Does smoking cannabis cure it better because you need less weed to get the same affect hence saving money hence being able to get more high hence putting more thc into your system

  9. Hi! Why :"Hemp oil developer"? It's Cannabis oil as hemp is far to be potent enough!!! Do not confuse people! There is too many people who believe that hemp seed oil doing miracle same with CBD from industrial hemp not enough potent to cure cancer!!!
    We need heavy indica or indica dom hybrids to make a good RSO and it is better if it is made with as much different strain as you can!

  10. I have a doctor here in AU.He is great,Conner,very nice person,he cares and is open.I talked OIL with him,He said If you tell me
    you are using it,I am not sure that i is right for me to prescribe meds,Painkilliers>Panadiene forte.
    If he could,I think he would.He cant and wont,not because he doesnt agree.
    He wont because he is SHIT SCARED OF HIS MASTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The doctor in the next room is petrified of even giving pain killers,Conner is reasonable
    she is weak and fully brain washed.
    YOU can be sure both have friends who use it in many forms.
    That doesnt scare them and you can bet your boots they dont ring the cops
    or berate their friends about it.
    The difference is their friends wont ,LOSE THEM THEIR CAREERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. The corruption with our law makers and it goes all the way to the white house.They are all deep in bed with Big Pharma and if you dont know this you been living under a rock.Our leaders know now that we all know they are full of shit and we the people are not going to stand for the BS any more.Alot of heads will roll soon if they dont start listening to the people.Lets make cannabis legal now and let us grow or we will put our foot up their asses.

  12. I'm 69 yrs old and HAD a slew of ailments. Not anymore! Was lucky enough
    to find the best place in the world to buy CBD Oil because the
    quality is far superior to others and the price is so affordable! If the time comes that i am diagnosed with cancer, you can bet your a** I'll turn to medical marijuana before I let the VA doctors pump me full of their drugs. As for now, the CBD Oil is working GREAT for me as it has more overall healing properties than marijuana alone.
    I was so impressed with their opportunity that I posted my own video
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