Is the Volume or Tone pot on your guitar scratchy or not working properly? This video will show you how to fix the problem. BONUS: Count how many times I say …


  1. My friend was fucking around with my knob 'cause it was almost falling off and he did some shit which coused my tone knob to not work at all
    I did as told in this video
    Now in process of waiting to dry
    If it fixes it u got a new sub

  2. You must be canadian, I have the same contact cleaner. .. i've cleaned the pot 3 or 4 times in the last few years now on my 1994 yamaha pacifica… do you think its time for a new pot, it needs it again…

  3. Thank you for the tip! My volume knob was only good at max, and if I barely touched it, it would cut the sound off. I didnt have that product you showed but i used a MAF sensor cleaner, which is for cars obviously but it worked excellent, it dries in seconds. Now my guitar works like new. Thank you!

  4. Tnanks for this tech info.Maybe I'll get up the nerve to try this on the tone knob of an inexpensive guitar I bought for a nephew.

  5. Noob question: The Electric Contact Cleaner mentioned in the video, How do you apply it to the pot? from the top side or from the control cavity?

    I recently purchased a 2000 Warwick Fortress One 4 string Passive/Passive bass guitar and the neck pot is really stiff to turn. I was thinking of using some Wd40 or some such product just to loosen it up. Good idea? Bad Idea?

  6. I bought a secondhand 2005 Telecaster with a non working tone knob
    as in, when i try to turn it, doesn't affect anything
    the volume pot is fine, basically just asking what to do about my problem

  7. Do fast volume swells break the pot? Installed a new CTS 500k and initially worked great but now sometimes doesnt have full output when turned to 10. I did fast swells a bunch of times though

  8. Hey can anybody help me out? My guitar volume knob doesn't clean up my sound at all. I know it's not the pot itself because I've replaced it several times. I seems like it might be that the guitar was wired up incorrectly or something like that. Help would be very appreciated.

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