Grow Marijuana: Harvest Sativa Cannabis Today! 3

Harvest marijuana today! Jorge uses garden pruners to cut individual marijuana branches. First he cuts the horizontal trellis holding up his medical marijuana plants. He uses pruners to harvest…

31 responses to “Grow Marijuana: Harvest Sativa Cannabis Today! 3”

  1. Jorge need to bundle it on 20-25 inch branches. It's so much less work at once. We just make bundles of one pound approximately. Then when we need more we just open a bundle and trim. We tried everyway and that's our favorite. *We've also like to cook with ours*

  2. Hand trim is the way to go… something about being with the plant throughout the whole process. If you ever need a hand don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks for the continuing dedication. It is truly appreciated.

  3. Jorge.. Can you please make a video about breeding regular/feminized plants? If you haven't already. I'm interested in learning how to use my two last feminized seeds to making more feminized seeds.

  4. Mr cervantes. Se que tienes trabajos en castellano como la gran biblia de la marihuana. Pero deberias de hacer mas trabajos en castellano. Que los que tenemos buen clima para el cultivo somos españoles y latinos

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