Great Spiritual Teacher Says Marijuana Will Leave Your Brain "Incapable"

Sadhguru, The great spiritual teacher explains that marijuana will deteriorate your brain over long term use. Sadhguru says weed will leave you incapable …

21 responses to “Great Spiritual Teacher Says Marijuana Will Leave Your Brain "Incapable"”

  1. For someone who claims to be so enlightened, he sure does have a linear path of thinking on this topic. According to his logic i should stop having a beer with my evening meal because of how alcoholics die of liver failure.

    Cannabis is believed to have came from India and all throughout history mystics and shamans in nearly every culture have been known to use Cannabis or a similar plant.

  2. I’m a daily user of marijuana for severe sensory overload due to a neurological imbalance that’s caused by a chronic illness. Without marijuana (or terrible pharmaceutical drugs with horrible consequences) my brain can’t tolerate sound, smell and sometimes movement. No phone. No TV. No reading. Just on my own locked away in silence for 13 months until the herb came into my life.

    Oh, and by the way – Regarding the ‘not feeling’ part, at the moment I am going through deep grieving for my grandparents who I’ve hardly cried over, until I met cannabis. I have also turned vegetarian. I put this down to my relationship with cannabis also.

    Everyone’s different guys. Thank you for YOUR opinion Mr. Sadhguru. Respect.

  3. Wym it makes you irritated of little things, i believe that this man is sayin what he thinks from his perspective and not facts yo he's talkin bout it like its on everyone that smokes yo you have your own version of yourself if you get irritated of things and that's them and not the whole world that smokes bud cuz I'm pretty sure that others might agree cuz idk where he's from but he hasn't encountered everyone in the U.S. that smokes bud and say exactly what he says, its a lil bit funny for me at the same time cuz he's talkin to audiences

  4. Yet he's a hindu and Hindus believe Shiva smokes weed all day and is known as the lord of bhang (cannabis). It's also consumed by his followers.and by Hindus on Shivrati, one of their holy days.

  5. These are your theories Only Sadhguru! of course, anything to excess is bad for becoming a mindful human being. when you're mindful you will know when you are overdoing something and if not it's a great learning experience.

  6. I agree with this video in so much as the fact that cannabis can wire the brain wrongly & cause long term mental Ill health. Especially if smoked from a young age when the brain is still developing!!!

  7. Thats unscientific and not true- Cannabis promotes health in the brain – it helps it repair and secures braincell and helps building new connections – but if you use it wrong perhaps you connect a bit off the road

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